Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014


Number 33 of 2014




Preliminary and General


1. Short title and commencement

2. Repeal of Opticians Act 1956

3. Expenses


Amendment of Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005

4. Definition of “Principal Act”

5. Amendment of section 3 of Principal Act

6. Amendment of section 4 of Principal Act

7. Amendment of section 9 of Principal Act

8. Amendment of section 11 of Principal Act

9. Amendment of section 18 of Principal Act

10. Amendment of section 23 of Principal Act

11. Amendment of section 24 of Principal Act

12. Amendment of section 26 of Principal Act

13. Amendment of section 27 of Principal Act

14. Amendment of section 27A of Principal Act

15. Amendment of section 28 of Principal Act

16. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 28A (membership of registration boards of 2 or more designated professions)

17. Amendment of section 31 of Principal Act

18. Amendment of section 34 of Principal Act

19. Amendment of section 36 of Principal Act

20.Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 36A (transitional provisions applicable to registers of members of designated professions of optometrist and dispensing optician)

21. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 36B (transitional provisions applicable to register of radiographers)

22. Amendment of section 38 of Principal Act

23. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 40A (conditions attached to registration)

24. Amendment of section 48 of Principal Act

25. Amendment of section 51 of Principal Act

26. Amendment of section 52 of Principal Act

27. Amendment of section 53 of Principal Act

28. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 53A (persons to assist preliminary proceedings committee)

29. Amendment of section 60 of Principal Act

30. Amendment of section 66 of Principal Act

31. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 78A (information Council may publish in public interest)

32. Amendment of section 79 of Principal Act

33. Amendment of section 80 of Principal Act

34. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of Part 7A (prescription and sale of spectacles)

35. Amendment of section 91 of Principal Act

36. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of Part 9A (dissolution of Opticians Board)

37. Amendment of section 95 of Principal Act

38. Amendment of Principal Act - insertion of section 97 (investigations)

39. Amendment of Schedule 1 to Principal Act

40. Amendment of Schedule 2 to Principal Act


Amendment of Health Act 1970

41. Definitions

42. Interpretation - sections 67A to 67D of Principal Act

43. Amendment of section 67C of Principal Act

44. Amendment of section 67D of Principal Act

Acts Referred to

Adoptive Leave Acts 1995 and 2005

Carer’s Leave Act 2001 (No. 19)

Freedom of Information Act 1997 (No. 13)

Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003

Health (Amendment) Act 2013 (No. 31)

Health Act 1970 (No. 1)

Health Act 2004 (No. 42)

Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 (No. 27)

Maternity Protection Acts 1994 and 2004

Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts 1973 to 2001

Opticians Act 1956 (No. 17)

Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 (No. 20)

Parental Leave Acts 1998 and 2006

Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 (No. 29)

Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001 (No. 45)

Redundancy Payments Acts 1967 to 2007

Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 (No. 26)

Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 and 2001

Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2001


Number 33 of 2014


An Act to amend the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 to provide for the application of that Act to the health or social care professions of optometrist and dispensing optician, to divide the health or social care profession of radiographer into the two health or social care professions of radiographer and radiation therapist, to permit a registration board to be the registration board of two or more designated professions, to introduce uniformity between that Act and certain provisions of other Acts which regulate health or social care professions that are not regulated by that Act, to repeal the Opticians Act 1956, to amend sections 67A, 67C and 67D of the Health Act 1970 as amended by section 19 of the Health (Amendment) Act 2013 , and to provide for related matters. [19 th November, 2014]

Be it enacted by the Oireachtas as follows: