Reference No.
Description of reserved function
Provision under which reserved function is conferred
Extending the period of permitted absence from attendance at local authority meetings.
Section 18.
Adopting a proposal for the alteration of the number of members of certain local authorities.
Section 22.
Adopting or reverting to the title “Cathaoirleach” and “Leas-Chathaoirleach” and giving to the office of Cathaoirleach or Leas-Chathaoirleach alternative titles.
Section 32 and Schedule 8.
Removal from office of the Cathaoirleach or Leas-Chathaoirleach or the chairperson of any strategic policy committee.
Section 34 (as amended by
section 38
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Deciding to fix the day or days for the first meetings of the municipal district members for each of the municipal districts within the functional area of the local authority.
Paragraph 4 Schedule 10 (as amended by
section 57
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Deciding to hold special meetings; appointing days and times of meetings; appointing a regular schedule for the holding of ordinary meetings; appointing different days, times and places for different meetings; appointing the day for holding the annual meeting other than in a year in which a local election is held; making additional arrangements for the giving of public notice of meetings; resolving that a member leave a meeting; making, amending or revoking standing orders; and making rules for the purpose of ensuring that appointments to bodies are made fairly and equitably.
Section 44 and paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 8, 13, 16 and 19 of Schedule 10.
Deciding to meet in committee for whole or part of a meeting where the authority considers that such action is not contrary to the overall public interest.
Section 45.
Establishing a committee to consider matters connected with the functions of the local authority and to assist and advise the authority on those matters or to perform functions of the authority; appointing the members of a committee; and dissolving a committee.
Section 51.
Establishing a joint committee of 2 or more local authorities to consider and advise on specified matters, or to perform functions delegated to it, delegating reserved functions to a joint committee and dissolving such a committee.
Section 52.
Making the integrated local economic and community plan.
Section 66C(4) (inserted by
section 44
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Preparing, reviewing and updating the implementation strategy for the economic elements of the local economic and community plan.
Section 66E (inserted by
section 44
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Entering into an agreement with another local or public authority for the performance by one of the authorities concerned of any function of the other.
Section 85.
Adopting the draft local authority budget.
Section 103 (substituted by
section 58
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Determining the annual rate on valuation to be levied.
Section 103 (substituted by
section 58
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Specifying a local electoral area or local electoral areas within the administrative area of the local authority where owners of vacant premises shall be entitled to claim and receive a refund of differing proportion of such rate to that that would otherwise apply to the rest of the administrative area and deciding what proportion of refund shall apply in respect of each of those specified electoral districts.
Section 14 (as amended by
section 31
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014) of the
Local Government Act 1946
, section 20 (as so amended) of the Cork City Management Act 1941 and section 71 (as so amended) of the
Local Government (Dublin) Act 1930
Adoption of a schedule of proposed works of maintenance and repair to be carried out in a municipal district, if the schedule is not adopted by the municipal district members.
Subsection (4) of section 103A (inserted by
section 58
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Authorising the incurring of additional expenditure and adopting and amending a scheme authorising the chief executive to incur additional expenditure without prior approval of the elected council.
Section 104.
Requiring the preparation and submission to the local authority members of financial statements.
Section 105.
A decision to borrow money or to lend money to another local authority.
Section 106.
Delegation of additional functions to municipal district members or revocation of such delegation.
Section 131A (inserted by
section 21
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Performing, in accordance with regulations, a specified function in place of municipal district members in a particular case or occasion.
Section 131A (inserted by
section 21
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Extending a direction by the Cathaoirleach of a county council, a city council or a city and county council requiring the chief executive to refrain from doing a particular act, matter or thing.
Section 133.
Approving the corporate plan with or without amendment.
Section 134.
Adopting the draft local authority service delivery plan.
Section 134A
(inserted by
section 50
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Directing that certain works shall not proceed.
Section 139.
Requiring a particular act, matter or thing to be done or effected in the performance of executive functions of the local authority, other than certain prescribed matters.
Section 140.
Authorisation by an elected council of one or more of its members to avail of training or attend training events.
Subsection (5A) (inserted by
section 53
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014) of section 141.
Authorising representation of the authority by councillors at a conference, seminar or other meeting or event, or to avail of training or attend training events.
Section 142.
A decision to pay an allowance for reasonable expenses of Cathaoirleach and Leas-Chathaoirleach and the determination of the amount of the allowance.
Section 143.
The appointment, suspension or removal of a chief executive by a county council, a city council, or city and county council.
Sections 145 and 146.
Resolving that disposal of land which is held by a local authority shall be carried out in accordance with terms specified in the resolution, or that it shall not be carried out.
Section 183.
Making an order to declare an area to be an area of special amenity.
Section 202 of the Act of 2000.
Making, or refusing to make, or revocation or amendment of, an order designating any area or place as a landscape conservation area.
Section 204 of the Act of 2000.
The adoption of an annual report under section 221.
Section 221.
Deciding to hold or to cease to hold membership of an association of local authorities.
Section 225.
Declaring that another local authority shall be the successor of a specified joint burial board or cemetery joint committee which is to be dissolved.
Section 230.
Deciding that a named member leave a meeting of a local authority.
Paragraph 13 of Schedule 10 (as amended by
section 57
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Deciding that a named member was the cause of a meeting being adjourned, with a consequential reduction in remuneration and expenses.
Paragraph 13 of Schedule 10 (as amended by
section 57
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Deciding that a named member was the cause of a meeting being adjourned and should be suspended from attendance at meetings, with a consequential cessation of payment of remuneration and expenses for the suspension period imposed, and the early lifting of the suspension.
Paragraph 13 of Schedule 10 (as amended by
section 57
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Deciding to pay certain expenses to non-members of a local authority for attendance at committees or joint committees.
Article 9 of the Local Government (Expenses of Local Authority Members) Regulations 1993 (
S.I. No. 391 of 1993
Applying to the Minister to make an order under subsection (8) of
section 29
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 that the adjustment period, referred to in that section and applicable to a specified area within the administrative area of the local authority, may be extended by a period not greater than 10 years and stating the length of extension being sought.
Section 29
(8) of the Local Government Reform Act 2014.
Making or amendment of a scheme for the waiver of rates and determination of classes of property in respect of which rates may be paid by instalments.
Sections 2 and 4 of the
Local Government (Rates) Act 1970
Proposing that the boundary of a county, a city, or a city and county be altered, making a statement of response to such proposal, amending the proposal and deciding to make an application to the Minister for the making of an order altering the boundary.
Section 29
of the
Local Government Act 1991
Nominating a person to be a candidate at a presidential election.
Section 16
of the
Presidential Elections Act 1993
Adopting a purchase scheme applying to the sale of dwellings.
Section 90 (inserted by
section 26
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992
) of the
Housing Act 1966
, as amended by section 183.
The making of an agreement between authorities to enable a housing authority to perform any of its housing functions outside its functional area.
Section 109
of the
Housing Act 1966
The determination of the terms and conditions under which assistance is provided to another housing authority or an approved body.
Section 6
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992
Adoption of a policy for the effective performance of functions under section 58(1) of the
Housing Act 1966
or an amendment to such a policy.
Section 9
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992
The transfer, sale or assignment of mortgages, unless it is the subject of a direction by the Minister.
Section 14
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992
The adoption of a traveller accommodation programme or an amendment to, or replacement of, the programme.
Section 7
of the
Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998
The making of an appointment to a local traveller accommodation consultative committee.
Section 22
of the
Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998
The making and amending of a scheme which determines the order of priority for allocation of affordable houses provided under Part V of the
Planning and Development Act 2000
Section 98 of the Act of 2000.
Making and amending a scheme that determines the order of priorities for allocation of affordable houses made available for sale under Part 2 of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2002
Section 8
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2002
The making or amendment of an allocation scheme determining the order of priority to be accorded in the allocation of dwellings.
Section 22
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
The making and revocation of a rent scheme providing for the manner in which rents and other charges in respect of dwellings shall be determined.
Section 31
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
The drawing up and adoption of, and the amendment of, an anti-social behaviour strategy.
Section 35
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
The adoption or amendment of a Homelessness Action Plan.
Section 40
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
The adoption of a proposal to designate an apartment complex for the purpose of making the apartments available for sale to the tenants.
Section 53
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
The designation of an apartment complex in accordance with a section 53 proposal.
Section 55
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
The extension of the initial selling period for apartments in a designated apartment complex.
Section 56
of the
Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009
Functions of a road authority in relation to abandonment of a railway line.
Section 21
of the
Transport Act 1950
The making of representations by a road authority to the National Roads Authority and to the Minister for Transport regarding a proposed national road alignment.
Section 22
of the
Roads Act 1993
The making of a scheme for the establishment of a system of tolls in relation to a regional road or a local road, the making of representations to the National Roads Authority in relation to a toll scheme in relation to a national road and the making of an order revoking a toll scheme in relation to a regional road or a local road.
Sections 57 and 60 (as amended by sections 271 and 273 of the Act of 2000) of the
Roads Act 1993
The making of toll bye-laws in relation to a regional road or a local road.
Section 61 (as amended by section 274 of the Act of 2000) of the
Roads Act 1993
Entering into an agreement for financing, maintenance, construction and operation of toll roads in relation to a regional road or a local road.
Section 63 (as amended by section 275 of the Act of 2000) of the
Roads Act 1993
The making of special speed limit bye-laws.
Section 9
of the
Road Traffic Act 2004
The making of bye-laws to regulate and control skips on public roads and the consideration of objections or representations in relation to the draft bye-laws.
Section 72
of the
Roads Act 1993
Entering into an agreement with the Commissioners for Public Works in Ireland for the transfer of a bridge over a canal.
Section 16
of the
Canals Act 1986
The making of a development plan and making or refusing to make a variation of a development plan which for the time being is in force.
Sections 9, 12 and 13 of the Act of 2000.
The revocation or modification of a permission to develop land if the development to which the permission relates no longer conforms with the provisions of the development plan.
Section 44 of the Act of 2000.
Making a development contribution scheme.
Section 48 of the Act of 2000.
Making or amending a supplementary development contribution scheme.
Section 49 of the Act of 2000.
Deciding to make, subject to variations and modifications, or deciding not to make a draft planning scheme for strategic development zones.
Section 169 (as amended by
section 51
of the
Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010
) of the Act of 2000.
Amending or revoking a planning scheme for strategic development zones.
Section 171 of the Act of 2000.
Adoption by a planning authority of a code of conduct for dealing with conflicts of interest and promoting public confidence in the integrity of the conduct of its business.
Section 150 of the Act of 2000.
Making or terminating of an agreement by two or more planning authorities for sharing the cost of performing functions under the
Planning and Development Act 2000
Section 244 of the Act of 2000.
Directing the manner in which a list of the planning applications received shall be made available to the members of a planning authority.
Article 27 (inserted by the Planning and Development Regulations 2006 (
S.I. No. 685 of 2006
)) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (
S.I. No. 600 of 2001
Directing the manner in which a list of planning applications in respect of which decisions were given shall be made available to the members of a planning authority.
Article 32 (inserted by the Planning and Development Regulations 2006) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001.
Examining and considering a drainage scheme sent to a county council by the Commissioners of Public Works and providing observations to the Commissioners in regard to such scheme.
Section 5
of the
Arterial Drainage Act 1945
section 5
of the
Arterial Drainage (Amendment) Act 1995
The consideration of a report on proposed coast protection works and the making of a declaration for the promotion of a coast protection scheme, the consideration of a report by the Commissioners of Public Works and the making of a declaration on the preparation and execution of a coast protection scheme, the making of a declaration that a coast protection scheme is or is not to be proceeded with and the making of an objection to the issue of a certificate of completion.
Sections 2, 5, 8, 10 and 18 of the
Coast Protection Act 1963
The making of an agreement by a fire authority to provide services for, or avail of the services of, any body or person other than a fire authority and the making of an agreement between fire authorities for the purpose of any of their functions.
Section 10 of the
Fire Services Act 1981
The making and revision by a fire authority of a plan for fire and emergency operations.
Section 26
of the
Fire Services Act 1981
The making of a financial contribution by a local authority to support or assist any person, or body of persons, engaged, or proposing to engage, in any research, survey or investigation into the nature and extent, the cause and effect, and the prevention or limitation, of air pollution or in any educational programme relating to such matters.
Section 18
of the
Air Pollution Act 1987
The making, revoking or amending by a local authority of a special control area order to prevent or limit air pollution and the giving of consent to the making of such an order by any other local authority.
Section 39
of the
Air Pollution Act 1987
Entry into an agreement with the Environmental Protection Agency to exercise or perform any function or service on behalf of the Agency.
Section 45
of the
Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992
The making, review, variation or replacement by a local authority of an air quality management plan.
Section 46
of the
Air Pollution Act 1987
The making, revision or replacement by a local authority of a water quality management plan.
Section 15
of the
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977
The making by a local authority of a contribution to the funds of a person engaged in or proposing to engage in research, surveys or investigations in relation to water pollution.
Section 29
of the
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977
The making by a local authority of bye-laws in relation to a harbour under its control or management, including bye-laws with respect to the use of, and the safety of navigation within, a harbour and generally with respect to the regulation of a harbour, and for the purpose of enabling it to impose charges.
Section 89
of the
Harbours Act 1996
and section 199.
The making by a local authority of bye-laws declaring all or any part of its functional area to be a control area where it is satisfied that horses in that area should be licensed.
Sections 13
of the
Control of Horses Act 1996
The making of bye-laws providing certain exemptions in relation to a horse licence.
Sections 13
of the
Control of Horses Act 1996
The entering by a local authority into arrangements with another local authority, or any termination thereof, in relation to the application for and the granting of horse licences on its behalf.
Sections 13
of the
Control of Horses Act 1996
The making, replacement or revision of a water services strategic plan, an application to the Minister for an extension of not more than 3 months after the latest date for the making of a water services strategic plan, and approving a joint plan, by a water services authority.
Section 36
of the
Water Services Act 2007
The making of bye-laws, for the purpose of preventing or eliminating the entry of polluting matter to waters, prohibiting the carrying on of a specified activity.
Section 21
of the
Local Government (Water Pollution) (Amendment) Act 1990
The establishment of environmental objectives and the establishment of a programme of measures in order to achieve those objectives in relation to each river basin district.
Article 12 of the European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (
S.I. No. 722 of 2003
The making and updating of a river basin management plan.
Article 13 of the European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003.
The making of bye-laws in relation to presentation of waste for collection.
Section 35
of the
Waste Management Act 1996
The adoption of a library development programme.
Section 78.
Entry by a local authority into an agreement for the Health Service Executive to perform a function on the authority’s behalf.
Section 8
of the
Health Act 2004
The making or revoking of a determination for the provision of meals for children attending a national school situated outside the authority’s functional area.
Section 274
of the
Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1981
The making by a city council of a scheme in relation to the provision of meals (other than meals in national schools).
Section 279
of the
Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1981
The making of a decision to provide a public abattoir.
Section 19
of the
Abattoirs Act 1988
The making of a scheme dividing a county or city into polling districts and appointing a polling place for each polling district and an appointment of an alternative polling place for a polling district in a scheme for the time being in force.
Section 28 (as amended by
section 2
of the
Electoral (Amendment) Act 1996
) of the
Electoral Act 1992
Entry into arrangements under
section 15
(2) or 15(3) of the
Control of Dogs Act 1986
and the granting of assistance (other than the provision of services of staff) under section 15(4) of that Act.
Section 15 (as amended by
section 6
of the
Control of Dogs (Amendment) Act 1992
) of the
Control of Dogs Act 1986
The making of bye-laws relating to control of dogs.
Section 17 (inserted by section 211) of the
Control of Dogs Act 1986
Where regulations provide for the issue of polling information cards by a local authority, a decision to issue them.
Section 27.
The passing by a local authority of a resolution that the basic rate of local property tax should stand varied (either upwards or downwards) by a specified percentage in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s functional area.
Section 20
of the
Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012
Establishing, dissolving or replacing a local community development committee.
Section 49A (inserted by
section 36
(1) of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Appointment of members of a local community development committee.
Section 128D (inserted by
section 36
(2) of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Approving a local and community development programme.
Section 128B (inserted by
section 36
(2) of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Adoption of an implementation plan setting out the steps to be taken in respect of a report of the National Oversight and Audit Commission.
Section 126D (inserted by
section 61
(1) of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
Adoption of a statement indicating the actions already taken or planned to be taken by the chief executive to carry out the directions of the council in relation to the exercise and performance of the reserved functions are not sufficient, stating the reasons for such opinion.
Section 132 (inserted by
section 47
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).
The adoption of a Framework for Public Participation in Local Government.
Section 127 (inserted by
section 46
of the Local Government Reform Act 2014).