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Number 25 of 2010
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Preliminary and General
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1. Short title, commencement, collective citation and construction.
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2. Definitions.
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Intoxicated Driving Offences
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Chapter 1
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3. Interpretation — Part 2.
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Chapter 2
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Intoxicated driving offences
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4. Prohibition on driving mechanically propelled vehicle while under influence of intoxicant or if exceeding alcohol limits.
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5. Prohibition on being in charge of mechanically propelled vehicle while under influence of intoxicant or if exceeding alcohol limits.
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6. Prohibition on driving animal-drawn vehicle or pedal cycle while under influence of intoxicant.
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7. Power of entry.
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Chapter 3
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Roadside breath and impairment testing
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8. Procedure in relation to person required to undergo breath test who cannot produce his or her driving licence.
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9. Obligation to provide preliminary breath specimen.
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10. Mandatory alcohol testing.
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11. Preliminary impairment testing.
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Chapter 4
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Procedure in relation to providing specimen at Garda Síochána station, etc.
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12. Obligation to provide breath, blood or urine specimens following arrest under Part 2.
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13. Procedure following provision of breath specimen under section 12.
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14. Obligation to provide blood or urine specimen while in hospital.
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15. Procedure regarding taking of specimens of blood and provisions of specimens of urine.
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16. Detention of intoxicated drivers where a danger to selves or others.
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17. Procedure at Bureau regarding specimens.
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Chapter 5
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Evidential matters, etc.
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18. Provisions regarding certain evidence in prosecutions under section 4 or 5.
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19. Written statement by member of Garda Síochána in respect of requirement under section 12(1).
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20. Provisions regarding certain evidence in proceedings under Part 2.
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21. Costs of prosecutions under Part 2.
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22. Defence to refusal to permit taking of specimen of blood or to provide 2 specimens of breath.
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23. Bar to certain defence to charges under section 4(1), 5(1) or 6(1).
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Chapter 6
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Medical examination at Garda Síochána station or hospital
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24. Medical examination at Garda Síochána station or hospital.
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25. Evidential matters.
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Chapter 7
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Functions of Bureau
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26. Functions of Bureau.
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27. Protection of Director, etc., against legal proceedings.
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28. Functions of Director.
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Chapter 8
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Fixed penalty notice — drink driving
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29. Fixed penalty notice — drink driving.
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Chapter 9
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Transitional measures
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30. Written statement by member of Garda Síochána in respect of requirement under section 13(1) of Act of 1994.
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31. Amendment of section 39(2) of Act of 1994 — power of entry.
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32. Amendment of section 5 of Act of 2006 — fixed disqualification notice.
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Chapter 10
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Repeals (Part 2)
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33. Repeals — Part 2.
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Fixed Charge Offences and Notice
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34. Fixed charge offences.
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35. Fixed charge notice — service.
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36. Fixed charge notice — form.
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37. Payment of fixed charge.
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38. Presumptions.
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39. Regulations — information regarding drivers of mechanically propelled vehicles.
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40. Offences in relation to fixed charge notices.
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41. Regulations — fixed charge amounts.
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42. Traffic wardens.
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43. Outsourcing.
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44. Payment of fixed charge on service of summons.
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45. Offence by body corporate.
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46. Fixed charge notice — traffic wardens.
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47. Interpretation.
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48. Transitional measure — onus of proof in respect of named driver and discharge duties of registered owner — section 103(4) of Principal Act.
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49. Repeals — Part 3.
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Payment Deposit
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50. Payment deposit from non-resident drivers in respect of certain alleged offences.
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51. Prosecution in absentia.
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52. Regulations (Part 4).
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Penalty Points
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53. Penalty points — endorsement of points.
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54. Amendment of First Schedule to Act of 2002 — penalty points.
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55. Probation of Offenders Act 1907 not to apply to penalty point offences.
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Driving Licence
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56. Definitions — driving licence.
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57. Matters relating to issue of Irish driving licences and learner permits.
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58. Prohibition on applying for Irish driving licence or learner permit where disqualified.
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59. Production of driving licence on demand of member of Garda Síochána.
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60. Member of Garda Síochána may seize licence in certain circumstances.
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61. Production of driving licence to member of Garda Síochána subsequent to commission of road traffic offence.
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62. Obligation to give current address to member of Garda Síochána.
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63. Production of driving licence to court.
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64. Disqualification for holding driving licence.
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65. Consequential disqualification orders.
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66. Transitional provision — consequential disqualification orders.
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67. Amendment of section 29 of Principal Act — removal of disqualification and repeal.
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68. Amendment of section 9 of Act of 2002 — disqualification under European Convention on driving disqualifications.
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Certain Driving Offences
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69. Inconsiderate, careless and dangerous driving, etc.
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70. Repeals — Part 8.
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71. Definitions — Principal Act.
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72. Driving or being in charge of a substantially disabled mechanically propelled vehicle.
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73. Production of certificate of insurance or guarantee.
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74. Signature of applicant — driving licence, etc.
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75. Production of test certificate when licensing mechanically propelled vehicle under section 1 of the Finance (Excise Duties) (Vehicles) Act 1952.
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76. Amendment of section 47 of Principal Act — offence of exceeding speed limit.
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77. Vehicle insurers to provide details of motor insurance policies.
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78. Regulatory signs.
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79. Duty to give information on demand by member of Garda Síochána.
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80. Right to demand name and address, etc., of pedal cyclist.
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81. Evidence in relation to speeding and certain other offences.
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82. Cost of prosecutions — road traffic offences.
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83. Functions of Commissioner of Garda Síochána.
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84. Amendment of section 15 of Act of 1968 — increase in certain penalties.
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85. Regulations — control of driving instructors.
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86. Special speed limits.
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87. Exemptions for emergency vehicles.
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88. Penalty — supply of mechanically propelled vehicle to minor.
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89. Display of local authority permits.
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90. Detention of vehicles.
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91. Repeal.
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92. Certificates of competency — display of tax disc and test certificate.
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Acts Referred to
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Civil Service Commissioners Act 1956
1956, No. 45
Civil Service Regulation Act 1956
1956, No. 46
Company Law Enforcement Act 2001
2001, No. 28
Courts (No. 3) Act 1986
1986, No. 33
Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) Act 2008
2008, No. 7
Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008
2008, No. 15
European Communities Act 1972
1972, No. 27
Finance Act 1976
1976, No. 16
Finance Act 1992
1992, No. 9
Finance Act 1993
1993, No. 13
Finance Act 1994
1994, No. 13
Finance (Excise Duties) (Vehicles) Act 1952
1952, No. 24
Fire Services Act 1981
1981, No. 30
Freedom of Information Act 1997
1997, No. 13
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act 2003
2003, No. 9
Garda Síochána Act 2005
2005, No. 20
Licensing Act 1872
1872, c. 94
Local Authorities (Traffic Wardens) Act 1975
1975, No. 14
Local Government Act 2001
2001, No. 37
Medical Practitioners Act 2007
2007, No. 25
Nurses Act 1985
1985, No. 18
Offences against the Person Act 1861
1861, c. 100
Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act 1851
1851, c. 93
Probation of Offenders Act 1907
1907, c. 17
Railway Safety Act 2005
2005, No. 31
Road Traffic Act 1961
1961, No. 24
Road Traffic Act 1968
1968, No. 25
Road Traffic Act 1994
1994, No. 7
Road Traffic Act 1995
1995, No. 7
Road Traffic Act 2002
2002, No. 12
Road Traffic Act 2003
2003, No. 37
Road Traffic Act 2004
2004, No. 44
Road Traffic Act 2006
2006, No. 23
Road Traffic and Transport Act 2006
2006, No. 28
Road Transport Act 1933
1933, No. 8
Road Transport Act 1986
1986, No. 16
Roads Act 1920
1920, c. 72
Roads Act 2007
2007, No. 34
Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005
2005, No. 26
Taxi Regulation Act 2003
2003, No. 25
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Number 25 of 2010
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[20th July, 2010]
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