Registrars to make out an account of number of marriages four times yearly.
21. Every registrar shall make out an account four times in each year, on such days and for such periods as shall from time to time be appointed by the Registrar General, of the number of marriages which he shall have registered in pursuance of the provisions of this Act; and the superintendent registrar shall verify and sign the same. The guardians of the union in which he shall be registrar, on production of the said account so verified and signed, shall pay to the said registrar, out of the monies in their hands or power as such guardians, at the rate of sixpence for every entry of marriage included in such account, and the same shall be charged to the union at large; and such guardians shall be and they are hereby empowered to levy off the union at large such sums so paid by them; and such sums shall be included in the rates which such guardians are by law empowered to levy and raise.