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An Act for uniting several parishes, and building several parish-churches in more convenient places.
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Union of Kilkeevin, Baslick and Ballintober, in Elphin:
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the church at Castlereagh the parish church.
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WHEREAS the parish-church of Kilkeevin, situate in the town of Castlereagh, is convenient to the inhabitants of the parish of Kilkeevin, Baslick, and Ballintober in the diocess of Elphin, and the said parishes are fit to be united and made one parish: be it therefore enacted by the Queen’s most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the respective patrons, incumbents, and major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to unite the said parishes of Kilkeevin, Baslick, and Ballintober, and the parish-church now built at Castlereagh in the parish of Kilkeevin may be deemed the only parish-church of the united parishes; the said parishes so united to be called by the name of the parish of Kilkeevin; and the inhabitants of the said several parishes to be from time to time liable to and chargeable with the repairs of the said church at Castlereagh.
Union of Oran and Drumtemple in Elphin:
the church at Oran to be rebuilt.
II. And whereas the parishes of Oran and Drumtemple in the said diocess of Elphin are fit to be united, and that the antient church of Oran within the said parish of Oran, is conveniently situated for the parishioners of the said parishes to repair unto, were the same rebuilt: be it enabled by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the respective patrons, incumbents, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to order the church to be rebuilt at Oran in the said parish of Oran, and to unite the said parishes of Oran and Drumtemple; and the said parishes so united shall be called by the name of the parish of Oran; and the inhabitants of the said united parish shall from time to time be liable to and chargeable with building and keeping in repair the said church of Oran; which shall for ever be deemed and taken to be one parish to all intents and purposes whatsoever, any law or statute to the contrary in any wise not withstanding.
Union of Tullomagymagh, Ballynecarrig, Ballyrogne, and Kelly’s-town in Leighlin;
by name of Staplestown.
III. And whereas the several ancient parish-churches of Tullomagymagh, Ballynecarrig, Ballyrogne, and Kelly’s-town, in the diocess of Leighlin and county of Catherlogh, have been for many years past ruinous: and whereas of late years near the center of the said parishes, (viz.) at Staplestown in the said parish of Ballynecarrig, there hath been a decent church built at the charge of the several inhabitants of the said parishes: be it enaded by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the respective patrons, incumbent, and major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to unite the said parishes of Tullomagymagh, Ballynecarrigg, Ballycrogie, and Kellys-town in the diocess aforesaid; and that the said several parishes shall be and are hereby for ever united and made one, by the name of the parish of Staplestown, whereof the said new erected and consecrated church shall for ever be deemed and taken to be the parish-church of the said several united parishes: and such glebe or glebes, and lands, which now belong to such respective parishes, shall henceforward belong to the parish of Staplestown after the death, cession, or promotion of the present incumbent; saving and reserving to the dean and chapter, and prebendaries of the said diocess of Leighlin, and every of them, all their present rights, tyths, and interests in and to the said parishes of Tullomagymagh, and Ballynecarrnigg; as also the right, title, and interest of the reverend doctor Robert Elliot in and to the said parish of Kellys-town during his incumbency.
Parish church of Churchtown in Cloyne to be removed to more convenient place.
IV. And whereas there are several parish-churches in the diocess of Cloyne very inconveniently situated, some in remote parts of parishes and unions, and others very distant from the protestant inhabitants thereof: be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the parish-church of Church-town in the said diocess, and in the patronage of the honourable Sir John Percivall, baronet, be removed to a more convenient place by the consent of the said patron, the incumbent, and the bishop of the said diocess for the time being, and with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the major part of the inhabitants thereof.
Union of Ballyoughtra. Mogely and Cahirulton, in Cloyne, by name of Castlemarter,
and a new church built,
the ground by Henry Boyle.
V. And whereas the several parishes of Ballyoughtra, Mogely, and Cahirulton in the diocess of cloyne, have been held united by episcopal union for several years past, and are fit to be continued so united: be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, by and with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the patrons, incumbents, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to unite the said several parishes; and the said parishes so united shall be known and called by the name of the parish of Castlemarter, and that it may be lawful to and for the bishop and incumbent for the time being, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and of the major part of the inhabitants of the said several parishes, to build and erect a new church at Castlemarter within the said parish of Ballyoughtra, which shall be deemed and taken for the parish-church of the said united parishes, to be built and kept in repair at the expence of the inhabitants of the said several parishes: and that it shall and may be lawful to and for Henry Boyle, esquire, to give and convey a convenient piece of ground for the scite of the said church and church-yard, to be and remain thereunto forever; the statute concerning lands given in mortmain, or any other law or statute whatsoever, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Parishes of Inistar, Mathy, Garrycloyne, and Granagh, in Cloyne, for some time united, may be divided into 2 parishes, and another church built.
VI. And whereas the several parishes of Inistar, Mathy, Garrycloyne, and Granagh, in the diocess of Cloyne, have been for some time united, but are of too large extent, and the present church of Inistar at too great distance from many of the parishioners: and whereas the said several parishes are of sufficient value to maintain two incumbents: be it therefore enacted, That it may be lawful to and for the bishop for the time being, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the patrons, incumbents, and major part of the parishioners of the said several parishes, to divide the said several parishes into two distinct parishes, and to build and erect another church at the expence of the parishioners of the said respective parishes on some old foundation, or other place convenient within the said parishes; which said church shall be called by the name of the parish-church of Garrycloyne, and that the said church of Inistar, and the said church of Garrycloyne, so to be erected, shall after the death or removal of the present incumbent be deemed and taken to all intents and purposes whatsoever to be two distinct parish-churches, and to be kept in repair by the respective inhabitants of the said respective parishes according to the said division; and that the rights of the respective patrons shall hereby be revived and preserved, any law or statute to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
A new parish church to be built in more convenient place in Aghada in Cloyne,
VII. And whereas the parish-church of Aghada, within the said diocess of Cloyne, is conveniently situated for the inhabitants of the said parish, and the parishes thereunto united: be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess for the time being, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the patron, incumbent, and major part of the parishioners, to build and crect a new church in some more convenient place within the said union; which said church when built, and no other, shall be called the parish-church of Aghada, and from the time of its being so built, the same shall be and be deemed the only parish-church of the said parish of Aghada, and the inhabitants and parishioners of the said union obliged to repair the same as their said parish-church.
and in Kilwatermoy, in Waterford,
VIII. And whereas the parish-church of Kilwatermoy in the diocess of Waterford is inconveniently situated for the parishioners and inhabitants of the said parish: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess for the time being, with the approbation of the arch-bishop of the province, and the consent of the patron, incumbent, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parish, to build and crect a new church in some convenient place within the said parish, the proprietor of the soil where such church shall be built first conveying a sufficient quantity of ground for such church and church-yard to the use of the said parish; and that the new church so to be built shall be and be deemed the parish church of the said parish, to be built and kept in repair by the inhabitants and parishioners of the said parish.
and at Mogh in parish of Carrowgallen, in Kilmore.
IX. And whereas the parish-church of Carrowgallen in the diocess of Kilmore is in a ruinous condition, and inconveniently situated remote from the inhabitants of the said parish: and whereas the inhabitants of the said parish of Carrowgallen and the present incumbent, with the consent of the bishop, are desirous that a new church be built in a more convenient place within the said parish: be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the patron, incumbent, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parish of Carrowgallen, to erect and build a new church at Mogh, lying and being within the said parish, in the same place where an old church is now standing, commonly called the church of Mogh, and which is and hath been an ancient burial place, at the charges of the said parish of Carrowgallen; and that such new church when built shall be consecrated, and for ever deemed and reputed the only parish-church of Carrowgallen, to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
and in parish of Drumgagh, in Dromore,
X. And whereas the ancient parish-church of Drumgagh in the diocess of Dromore is very inconveniently situated in an out skirt of the said parish, very remote from the town of Rathfryland, where are the greatest number of the inhabitants of the said parish: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the rector and incumbent, and parishioners of the said parish for the time being, by and with the consent and approbation of the archbishop of the province, the bishop of the said diocess for the time being, and patron, to build a new church in such convenient place within the said parish, as they shall think fit; the land and ground for such new church and church-yard being first granted and conveyed by the proprietor or proprietors of the same to the use of the said parish; which said grant or conveyance the said proprietor or proprietors are hereby enabled to make, the statute of mortmain, or any other law or statute to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding; and the said church, when built and consecrated, for ever to be and remain the only parish-church of the said parish of Drumgagh, to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
and in parish of Shankill, in Dromore,
XI. And whereas the ancient parish-church of Shankill in the diocess of Dromore is very inconveniently situated, and not large enough for the inhabitants of the said parish: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the rector and incumbent of the said parish for the time being, by and with the consent and approbation of the archbishop of the province, the bishop of the said diocess of Dromore for the time being, and patron, by and with the consent of the major part of the inhabitants of the said parish, with the materials of the said ancient church, and such others as shall be further requisite, to build a new and larger church in such convenient place within the said parish, as they shall think fit; the land and ground for the new intended church and church-yard being first granted and conveyed by the proprietor or proprietors of the same to the church-wardens of the said parish for the time being, and to their successors for ever, for the use of the said parish; which said grant or conveyance the said proprietor or proprietors are hereby enabled to make, the statute of mortmain, or any other law or statute to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding; and the said church, when built and consecrated, shall for ever be and remain the only parish-church of the said parish of Shankill to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
and in the parish of Kilcomin, in Killalla.
XII. And whereas the walls of the ruined churches in the parishes of Kilmore and Kilcomin, in the diocess of Killala, are inconveniently situated, remote from the inhabitants of the said parish: and whereas the inhabitants of the said parishes of Kilmore and Kilcomin, and the present incumbent, with the consent of the right reverend father in God William, lord bishop of Killalla, are desirous that a new church be built in a more convenient place within the said parish; be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the inhabitants of the said parishes, by and with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and with the consent of the bishop of the diocess, to erect and build a new church on the lands of Drununclet and town of Broad-haven in the parish of Kilcomin; the proprietor of the said lands first conveying a sufficient quantity of ground for the said church and a church-yard, to the church-wardens of the said parish, and their successors, for the use of the said parish; which conveyance shall be effectual notwithstanding the statute of mortmain; and that such new church when built, together with the church-yard, shall be consecrated; and, when so consecrated, shall be deemed and reputed the parish-church of the parishes of Kilmore and Kilcomin to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
The church at Coote-hill to be the parish church of Drumgoone in Kilmore?
XIII. And whereas the parish-church of Drumgoone in the diocess of Kilmore has been of a long time ruinous and out of repair, and is also inconveniently situated, being remote from the inhabitants of the said parish, or some of them, have built a church or chappel at Coote-hill within the said parish, and inclosed a church-yard thereunto contiguous, by and with the consent of the bishop of the diocess: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said church or chappel, and church-yard, now erected at Cootehill, be from henceforward deemed and taken as the parish-church and church-yard of Drumgoone parish, and be as such repaired and repairable by the inhabitants of the said parish from time to time, in like manner as other parish-churches in this kingdom are repaired, and under the same regulation; and also it shall and may be lawful to and for the honourable Thomas Coote, esquire, second justice of her Majesty’s court of Queen’s-bench in Ireland, proprietor of the said land, whereon the said church or chappel, and church-yard as aforesaid, erected, by any instrument in writing under his hand and seal for that purpose duly to be perfected, to convey to the church-wardens of the said parish, and their successors for ever, the said church or chappel and church-yard; who are hereby enabled to take and receive such grant, to the use and behoof of the said church-wardens, and their successors, for the ends and purposes aforesaid, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain.
Union of Kiltullagh, Knockamagh, Becan, Aghamore, and Templetogher in Tuam, by name of Kiltullagh and a new church at Ballinlogh.
Lands conveyed by Jos: Mitchell,
saving to Queen and archbishop.
XIV. And whereas the parishes of Kiltullagh, Knocamagh, Becan, Aghamore, and Templetogher, in the diocess of Tuam, have been long held together by one incumbent, and are fit to be really united: and whereas all the churches in the said several parishes are ruinous and inconveniently situated: and whereas the incumbent of the said several parishes, together with the parishioners inhabiting therein, have by act of vestry represented and desired that a new church may be built in the market-town of Ballinlogh in the said parish of Kiltullagh, for the greater conveniency of the parishioners of the said several parishes, and his grace the lord archbishop of Tuam has approved thereof: and whereas Joseph Mitchell, esquire, has upon such request and approbation already provided materials towards the building of the said church, and has promised to endow the same with twenty acres near the same for a glebe, and one acre for a mansion-house to be built thereon for the incumbent and his successors, besides one other acre for the church-yard: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the archbishop of the said diocess, by and with the consent of the patron, incumbent, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parish, to unite the said parishes; and the said parishes so united to be and continue one parish, to be called and known by the name of the parish of Kiltullagh for ever; and such church when finished, endowed, and consecrated, shall be and be deemed the only parish-church of the said united parishes; and the said archbishop or his successors is hereby enabled to receive a conveyance for the use of the incumbent and his successors for ever from the said Joseph Mitchell of the said lands, notwithstanding any statute of mortmain; saving always to the Queen and the archbishop of Tuam such right as they had before the said union.
Union of Kilmichaloge, Killmechue, and Killkavan, in Ferns, by name of Newborough.
XV. And whereas the three parishes of Killmichaloge, Killmechue, and Killkavan in the diocess of Ferns, are part and parcel, of the corps of the deanry of Ferns, and do lie contiguous, and are fit to be perpetually united: and whereas all the old churches of the said parishes are utterly ruined and inconveniently situated for the inhabitants of the said parishes: and whereas the church in the town of Newborough in the said parish of Killmichaloge hath been lately rebuilt, and is in good repair, and conveniently situated for the inhabitants to resort unto, and lies nearest of any the aforesaid churches to the center of the aforesaid parishes: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the patron, dean and chapter of Ferns, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to unite the said parishes; and the said parishes so united shall be called by the name of the parish of Newborough, and be one parish to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
Church of Drumenagh to be the parish church of Ennis-mac-saint in Clogher.
XVI. And whereas the ancient parish-church of Ennis-mac-saint in the diocess of Clogher is ruinous, and situate in an island in Lough-Erin, and inaccessible for a great part of the year, and that with the consent of the bishop of the diocess, the patron, incumbent, and major part of the inhabitants of the said parish, a new church has been built at Drumenagh in the said parish in a more convenient place, and was consecrated, and the land whereon, the said church stands, with a church-yard and glebe, legally conveyed: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Church of Drumenagh shall be deemed, reputed, and taken to be the parish-church of the said parish of Ennis-mac-saint to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
New church to be built in parish of Slane, in Meath.
XVII. And whereas the parish-church of Slane, in the diocess of Meath is now altogether ruinous, situate upon a very steep hill, in a place inconvenient for the parishioners to resort unto, and that the parishioners with the consent of the bishop desire leave to build a new church in a place more convenient within the said parish: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the rector, vicar, or other incumbent of the said parish for the time being, and of the patron and major part of the inhabitants thereof, to build a new church in such other convenient place within the said parish, as they shall think fit; the land for the church and church-yard being first conveyed by the proprietor of such place to the rector, vicar, or incumbent of the said parish, his or their successors for ever, who are hereby enabled to take and receive a grant and conveyance to them; and their successors, in trust for and to the use of the said parish; and that such new church, when built and consecrated, be reputed and remain the only parish-church of the said parish for ever.
Union of Caine and Killtome, in Elphin,
the church to be built at Miltonpass:
Land conveyed by Luke Dillon, and Edmond and John Kelly,
XVIII. And whereas the parishes of Caine and Killtome, both in the county of Roscommon and diocess of Elphin, lie very near and contiguous, and are fit to be united into one parish: and whereas there is no church built in either of the said parishes: and whereas Luke Dillon of Clonbrock, esquire, and Edmond Kelly of Skrigg, esquire, and John Kelly his son and heir apparent, are willing to convey such a proportion of land in the lands of Miltonpass within the said parish of Caine, as shall be sufficient for building the said church upon, and for making a curch-yard thereto: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said two parishes of Caine and Killtome shall for ever hereafter be united and esteemed one parish to all intents, purposes, and constructions, to be called the parish of Caine; and that the church, so to be built on some convenient place in the said town or lands of Miltonpass, be reputed and taken to be the parish-church of the said united parishes; the said Luke Dillon, Edmond Kelly, and John Kelly, or their heirs, first conveying a sufficient quantity of ground for the said church and church-yard, for the use of the said parish, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain.
Union of Kilbegnet, Ballynekill, Kilcroan, and Donamon, in Elphin, or &c. by name of Donamon.
XIX. And whereas the parish of Donamon in the county of Galway and diocess of Elphin, being too small, and fit to be united to other parishes; be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the diocess of Elphin for the time being, by and with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and with the consent and agreement of the patrons, incumbent, and major part of the parishioners, to unite the parishes of Kilbegnett, Ballynekill, Kilcroan, and Donamon, or so many of the said parishes as the said archbishop, bishop, or their successors, patrons, and incumbents for the time being, and the major part of the parishioners shall hereafter think convenient; and that the said parishes so united shall be called and known by the name of the parish of Donamon, and be one parish to all intents and purposes.
New church to be built on Cappavaroggy, in Elphin, by name of Castleblackney alias Killosolan,
conveyance by Robert Blackney.
XX. And whereas the ancient parish-church of Killosonan in the said diocess of Elphin and county of Galway is in a ruinous condition, and inconveniently situated, remote from the inhabitants of the said parish, and in a place almost environed with boggs, and the road to it unpassable: and whereas the inhabitants of the said parish of Killosonan, and the present incumbent, with the consent of the lord bishop of Elphin, are desirous that a new church be built on the lands of Cappavarangy, near the town of Castleblackney, within the said parish: and whereas Robert Blackney, esquire, proprietor of the said lands, hath consented to set out two acres of land, in some convenient place on the said lands, for building the said church and church-yard, and a house for the incumbent, and to convey the same to the rector, vicar, or incumbent of the said parish, his or their successors for ever, for the use of the said parish: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the inhabitants of the said parish of Killosolan, or the major part of them, by and with the consent of the archbishop of the province, and of the bishop, patron, and incumbent, to build a new church and church-yard on some convenient place within the said parish on the lands of Cappavaroggy near the said town of Castleblackney; the said Robert Blackney, who is hereby impowered to grant the same, first conveying the said two acres of land for the said church and church-yard, and ministers house, to the rector, vicar, or incumbent of the said parish, and their successors for ever, who are hereby enabled to take and receive a grant of the same to them and their successors, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain, or any settlement made by the said Robert Blackney or his ancestors thereof, in trust for and to the use of the said parish; and that such new church, when built and consecrated, be reputed and remain the parish-church of the said parish for ever, and that it be called the parish-church of Castleblackney alias Killosolan, and deemed as such to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
Union of Ballymackward and Clonkeen, in Clonfert, by name of Ballymackward.
XXI. And whereas the parishes of Ballymackward and Clonkeen, in the diocess of Clonfert and county of Galway, fit to be united, and it is fit that a church be rebuilt on the lands of Ballymackward, where the old church stands, for the conveniency of the inhabitants of the parishes: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the archbishop of the province, and bishop of the said diocess, by and with the consent of the patrons, incumbent, and the inhabitants and major part of them, from and immediately after the avoidance of the said churches, or either of them, by the death, cession, or promotion of either of the incumbents, of either of the said parishes of Ballymackward and Clonkeen, to unite the said parishes; and that the said parishes so united shall be one parish for ever, by the name of the parish or union of Ballymackward, and the surviving incumbent of the said united parish shall be the incumbent of both the said united parishes.
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XXII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the parishioners of the said united parishes hereafter from time to time to proceed by act of vestry, or otherwise, for rebuilding of the said church and repairing the same, and to do all other things, as any other parish or union can do or could do.
Church of Killpatrick to be the parish church of the union of Drakestown, Killpatrick and Knough, in Meath.
XXIII. And whereas the parish church of the parishes of Drakes-town, Killpatrick, and Knough, in the diocess and county of Meath, formerly united and made one intire parish by the name of the parish or rectory of Drakes-town, is inconveniently situated for the inhabitants of the said united parishes to resort unto for divine service, and in a ruinous condition, and scarce accessable for a considerable part of the year: and whereas the church of Killpatrick is more convenient and in very good repair, and near the center of the said united parishes: be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the arch-bishop of the province, and with the consent of the patrons, incumbent, and major part of the parishioners, to constitute the said church of Killpatrick to be for ever hereafter the parish-church of the said united parishes, or rectory of Drakes-Town, Killpatrick and Knough, to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
The church at Gernonstown alias Castlebellingham to be the parish church of Kilsaran, in Armagh.
XXIV. And whereas the old church of the parish of Kilsaran, in the county of Lowth and diocess of Armagh, is ruinous, and has been so of a long time: and whereas a new church was built near forty years ago at Gernons-town, alias Castlebellingham in the said parish, within a quarter of a mile of the said old parish church, and a church-yard has been set out thereto, and the same has been consecrated and been made use of ever since, and still is made use of for performing divine service and other offices therein, according to the uses and ceremonies of the church of Ireland as by law established: and whereas the same hath been repaired and beautified from time to time, as occasion required, by order in the vestries held in the said church at Gernons-town, ever since the said church has been built there, and the said church-yard set out: to prevent therefore all doubts and disputes which may hereafter arise concerning the removal of the said church, be it enacted, That the said church at Gernons-town, alias Castlebellingham, be for ever hereafter taken and deemed to be the parish church of Kilsaran to all intents and purposes whatsoever, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and the old church-yard and place, where the said old church stands, be at the charge of the parishioners of the said parish fenced in, and preserved from prophane or common usage.
All the antient church yards to be kept fenced at charge of the parishes.
XXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the ancient scites of all the parish churches and church-yards in this act mentioned be kept inclosed, and apart from prophane uses, from time to time by stone walls or other sufficient fences for that purpose, to be built and made about the said church-yards at the charge and expence of the parishioners of each respective parish.
Materials of the old churches may be used for the new.
XXVI. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That where any new church is by virtue of this act to be built in any parish or union of parishes, there is or are one or more ancient church or churches that in such case it may be lawful to and for the parishioners and inhabitants of such parish, or union of parishes, to remove and make use of the materials of all such ancient church or churches for and towards the building such new intended church, and for no other use whatsoever.
This a publick act.
XXVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That this act shall be taken and esteemed a publick and general act by all judges in all courts in this kingdom.
Patrons at time of the union may agree as to right of presentation.
Said agreement to be inrolled in Cancery, and conclusive.
Saving to the Queen.
XXVIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That where two or more parishes shall be united according to the intent and directions of this act, and where the right of presentation to the said parishes is now or at the time of such union may belong to several patrons respectively, who have or may have right to present to the same, as the churches in the said respective parishes may become void, it shall and may be lawful to and for such patrons, at the time when they shall consent to the uniting of the parishes as aforesaid, to agree in whom, and in which of them, the said patrons, the right of presentation to such parishes so united shall be and continue after such union is made and settled; and how often, and what turn, each patron shall present to the said united parishes; and such agreement, so to be made between all the said patrons under their and every of their hands and seals, shall be inrolled in her Majesty’s high court of Chancery, and shall by virtue of this act bind and conclude all the said patrons parties to the said agreement, their heirs and assigns, and successors, respectively for ever; saving to the Queen’s most excellent Majesty, her heirs and successors, all such right, title, interest, and property, which they have or may claim in any parishes, to be united in pursuance of this act, as fully and amply as if this present act had not been made.