The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Charter and Letters Patent Amendment) Act, 1979


Number 1 (Private) of 1979





Amendment of lines 60 to 61 of the Original Charter (disciplinary procedures).


Amendment of lines 131 to 132 and line 136 of the Original Charter (manner in which Fellows are elected).


Amendment of lines 207 to 208 of the Original Charter (duties and powers of the President, Vice-president and Fellows).


Amendment of lines 210 to 215 of the Original Charter (duties and powers of the President, Vice-president and Fellows).


Amendment of line 216 of the Original Charter (duties and powers of the President, Vice-president and Fellows).


Amendment of lines 218 to 409 of the Original Charter (disciplinary powers of the President, Vice-president and Censors).


Amendment of lines 415 to 433 of the Original Charter (Visitors' powers).


Amendment of lines 433 to 479 of the Original Charter (disciplinary procedures).


Amendment of lines 494 to 528 of the Original Charter (disciplinary powers including committal and the power to take six bodies annually for dissection).


Amendment of lines 532 to 533 of the Original Charter (purchase of land).


Amendment of lines 543 to 551 of the Original Charter (power to examine Apothecaries' Apprentices).


Amendment of lines 62 to 64 of the Letters Patent of 1905 (those eligible to become Members of the College).


Amendment of lines 72 to 73 of the Letters Patent of 1905 (qualifications for election as Fellow of the College).


Confirmation of Charters and Letters Patent described in the Preamble.




Short Title.


Number 1 (Private) of 1979




WHEREAS by a Charter or Letters Patent dated the 15th day of December 1692 (hereinafter called “the Original Charter”) granted by their late Britannic Majesties King William III and Queen Mary certain persons therein named and such other persons as should from time to time be elected in the manner therein directed were consituted a body corporate to be called and known as the President and ffellows of the King and Queens Colledge of Physicians in Ireland and to have perpetual succession:

AND WHEREAS by the Original Charter it was among other things provided that the said body corporate should have certain powers, functions, jurisdictions, duties and obligations relating to the prevention of frauds and deceits and to the investigation and punishment of abuses, evils and mischiefs then connected with the practice of physic and with apothecaries and druggists:

AND WHEREAS divers Statutes have from time to time affected the said body corporate and the Original Charter:

AND WHEREAS by a Charter or Letters Patent dated the 12th day of December 1878 provisions were made relating to Members and Licentiates of the said body corporate:

AND WHEREAS by a Charter or Letters Patent dated the 5th day of August 1890 it was declared that the said body corporate shouldthenceforth be called and known by the name of The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (hereinafter referred to as “the College”):

AND WHEREAS by a Charter or Letters Patent dated the 27th day of June 1905 (hereinafter referred to as “the Letters Patent of 1905”) certain further provisions were made concerning Membership and Fellowship of the College:

AND WHEREAS many of the said powers, functions, jurisdictions, duties, obligations and provisions have long since fallen into disuse or been superseded:

AND WHEREAS it is expedient in order to ensure that the College is established for charitable purposes only and in order to promote the advantage and good government thereof that certain of the said powers, functions, jurisdictions, duties, obligations and provisions should be repealed and that divers other amendments should be made as hereinafter provided:

AND WHEREAS the said amendments cannot be effected without the authority of the Oireachtas:


Amendment of lines 60 to 61 of the Original Charter (disciplinary procedures).

1.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 60 to 61 thereof, that is to say, the words “& the due & Orderly correcting & punishing of all Offences & Offenders”.

Amendment of lines 131 to 132 and line 136 of the Original Charter (manner in which Fellows are elected).

2.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 131 to 132 and in line 136 thereof respectively, that is to say, the words “Examined &”.

Amendment of lines 207 to 208 of the Original Charter (duties and powers of the President, Vice-president and Fellows).

3.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 207 to 208 thereof, that is to say, the words “And the Reformaton & Redresse of the abuses mischeiffs & Enormityes herein mentoned & hereby intended to be pvided against & Suppressed in the tyme to come,”.

Amendment of lines 210 to 215 of the Original Charter (duties and powers of the President, Vice-president and Fellows).

4.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 210 to 215 thereof, that is to say, the words “And alsoe of all other practizers of physick & other the psons aforenamed for the Reformaton & Redresse of the abuses deceipts misdemeanors & Enormityes & other the pmisses herein mentoned or expressed, And alsoe for Inflicting upon all & every delinquent Offender & Offenders against all or any such lawes Acts Ordinances Orders decrees Articles & Constitutons soe to be made as aforesd or any of them such reasonable paines penaltyes & punishmts: by Imprisonmt: of the Body or by ffynes or amerciamts: any or all of them as to the sd Psident & ffellows & their Successors or to the Vicepsident & ffellows in the absence of the Psident or the major pte of them as aforesd shall seeme reasonable & fitting”.

Amendment of line 216 of the Original Charter (duties and powers of the President, Vice-president and Fellows).

5.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in line 216 thereof, that is to say, the words “under the paines & penaltyes therein contained”.

Amendment of lines 218 to 409 of the Original Charter (disciplinary powers of the President, Vice-president and Censors).

6.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if all words from and including the words “AND WEE will & by these psents for us our heires & Successors” in line 218 thereof to and including the words “& by these psents are hereafter nominated Constituted & impowered in that behalfe” in lines 408 and 409 thereof were deleted.

Amendment of lines 415 to 433 of the Original Charter (Visitors' powers).

7.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if all words from and including the words “AND WEE doe by these psents for us our heires & Successors” in line 415 thereof to and including the words “according to the tenor true Intent & meaning of these psents” in lines 432 and 433 thereof were deleted and in their place the following words were inserted, that is to say, the words “and the said Visitors, or any two of them, shall have full power and authority to receive and entertain, hear, examine, and finally determine any matter or cause relating to the internal conduct, management, regulation and due government of the said College or Corporation, or to the exercise of the powers and authorities vested in the President, Vice-president, Censors and Fellows by these presents or by any Act of the Oireachtas amending these presents; and all disputes and differences which may arise between the Members or the Fellows or between the Members and Fellows of the said College or between the said College and the professors nominated by the said College, or between the said professors themselves, relative to the concerns of the said College or the duties of their said professorships, which may be brought by way of appeal before any two or more of them, and to appoint certain days, times and places for the hearing and adjudging thereof, and to summon, hear, and examine upon oath, or otherwise, all and every the President, Vice-president, Censors and Fellows and other members of the said College, and the said professors, touching the matter of the said appeal, to the end that a just and clear judgment and determination may be had therein”.

Amendment of lines 433 to 479 of the Original Charter (disciplinary procedures).

8.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if all words from and including the words “AND we will & by these psents for us our heires & Successors” in line 433 thereof to and including the words “these psents contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding” in line 479 thereof were deleted.

Amendment of lines 494 to 528 of the Original Charter (disciplinary powers including committal and the power to take six bodies annually for dissection).

9.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if all words from and including the words “AND FURTHER wee doe for us our heires & Successors” in lines 494 and 495 thereof to and including the words “the said Psident and ffellowes & their Successors” in lines 527 and 528 thereof were deleted.

Amendment of lines 532 to 533 of the Original Charter (purchase of land).

10.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 532 to 533 thereof, that is to say, the words “soe as the same doe not exceed in the whole the cleare yearly vallue of two hundred pounds ster p Ann above all charges & reprizes”.

Amendment of lines 543 to 551 of the Original Charter (power to examine Apothecaries' Apprentices).

11.—The Original Charter shall be read and construed as if all words from and including the words “AND we doe further for us our heires & Successors” in lines 543 and 544 thereof to and including the words “to be levyed recovered & applyed respectively” in line 551 thereof were deleted.

Amendment of lines 62 to 64 of the Letters Patent of 1905 (those eligible to become Members of the College).

12.—The Letters Patent of 1905 shall be read and construed as if the following words where the same appear in lines 62 to 64 thereof, that is to say, the words “(1) Any Doctor or Bachelor of Medicine of any University of the United Kingdom, or India, or any British Colony or Dependency. (2) Any Licentiate of any College of Physicians in the United Kingdom,” were deleted and in their place the following words were inserted, that is to say, the words “(1) Any Doctor or Bachelor of Medicine of any University in the State. (2) Any Doctor or Bachelor of Medicine of any University of the United Kingdom or any Licentiate of any College of Physicians in the United Kingdom.”

Amendment of lines 72 to 73 of the Letters Patent of 1905 (qualifications for election as Fellow of the College).

13.—The Letters Patent of 1905 shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 72 and 73 thereof, that is to say, the words “person shall henceforth be elected a Fellow of the College unless he shall have been previously admitted as a Member of the College; and no”.

Confirmation of Charters and Letters Patent described in the Preamble.

14.—Save as amended by this Act, the Charters and Letters Patent described in the Preamble to this Act shall be and remain in full force and effect.


15.—The costs, charges and expenses preliminary to and of and incidential to the preparing, obtaining and passing of this Act shall be paid by the College out of its funds.

Short Title.

16.—This Act may be cited as The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Charter and Letters Patent Amendment) Act, 1979.