Public Assistance Act, 1939

Protection of the religious creed of children.

51.—(1) A public assistance authority shall not—

(a) place a child out at nurse or board a child out with a person who does not profess the creed of the religious denomination to which such child belongs, or

(b) place a child in an institution which is conducted on the principles of a religious denomination which is not the denomination to which such child belongs, or

(c) where the parental rights and duties in respect of a child are vested in such authority, educate such child or allow such child to be educated in a religious creed which is not the religious creed in which such child would have been educated if such parental rights had not become vested in such authority.

(2) A child maintained by a public assistance authority shall not be instructed in any religious creed—

(a) in the case of a legitimate child one at least of whose parents is living and has not deserted it, to which its parents or its surviving parent object or objects, or

(b) in the case of an illegitimate child whose mother is living and has not deserted it, to which its mother objects, or

(c) in the case of a legitimate child having no living parent or deserted by both or the survivor of its parents or in the case of an illegitimate child of which the mother is dead or which has been deserted by its mother, to which the guardian or the next-of-kin of such child objects.