Statute Law Revision Act, 1861


C A P. CI.

An Act for promoting the Revision of the Statute Law by repealing divers Acts and Parts of Acts which have ceased to be in force. [6th August 1861.]

‘WHEREAS with a view to the Revision of the Statute Law, and particularly to the Preparation of an Edition of the Statutes comprising only Enactments which are in force, it is expedient that divers Acts and Parts of Acts which have ceased to be in force otherwise than by express and specific Repeal should be expressly and specifically repealed:

‘And whereas the Acts mentioned in the Schedule to this Act have so ceased to be in force to the Extent specified in the Third Column of the said Schedule:’

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

Acts or Parts of Acts specified in Third Column of Schedule repealed.

1. The Acts mentioned in the Schedule to this Act shall be repealed to the Extent specified in the Third Column of the said Schedule, except as to any Operation already effected by, or Act done under, any Enactment herein comprised, or as to any Right, Title, Obligation, or Liability already acquired or accrued under any such Enactment.

Short Title.

2. This Act may be cited as The Statute Law Revision Act, 1861.




Extent of Repeal.

11 Geo. 3.

c. 32. -

Militia Pay - - - - -

The whole.

c. 38. -

Greenland and Whale Fishery- -

The whole.

c. 55. -

Borough of New Shoreham Parliamentary Elections.

So much of Sect. 5. as relates to the Time for the proper Officer proceeding to Election.

12 Geo. 3.

c. 29. -

Spurn Point Lighthouses -

The whole.

c. 30. -

Salaries of Justices of Chester and Great Sessions in Wales.

The whole.

c. 46. -

Prevention of Frauds in Excise Revenue, Tea, Soap, Low Wines and Spirits.

So much as relates to the Manufacture of Low Wines and Spirits, and to Treble Costs.

c. 54. -

Oak Timber for Navy, Restraint on East India Company.

The whole.

c. 55. -

Trade between Great Britain and Ireland -

The whole.

c. 58. -

Encouragement of Herring Fishery, Isle of Man.

The whole.

c. 60. -

Drawback on Tea exported, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 67. -

Incorporation of the Marine Society

So much as relates to Stamp Duty, to Limitation of Actions for anything done in pursuance of the Act, to pleading of General Issue, and to Double Costs.

13 Geo. 3.

c. 23. -

Militia Pay - - - -

The whole.

c. 33. -

Preservation of Timber Trees - -

The whole.

c. 44. -

Drawback of Customs Duty on Exportation of Tea to America, &c.

The whole.

c. 51. -

Discouragement of frivolous and vexatious Suits in the Courts at Westminster for Cause of Action arising in Wales.

The whole.

c. 56. -

Retailing of Spirits, and Duties on Printed Calicoes, &c.

Sect. 5.

c. 58. -

Providing of Clergymen for Gaols - -

The whole.

c. 62. -

Regulation of the Assize and making of Bread

The whole.

c. 67. -

Importation of printed or painted paper

The whole.

c. 72. -

Free Importation of Cod, &c. caught in the Gulf of St. Lawrence or on the Coast of Labrador.

The whole.

c. 73. -

Importation and Exportation, Dominica and Jamaica.

The whole.

c. 74. -

Tonnage of Vessels and Customs Duties -

The whole.

c. 80. -

Preservation of Game - - -

The whole.

c. 81. -

Improvement of Commons - - -

So much as relates to Double Costs

c. 82. -

Regulation of Lying-in Hospitals, and Settlement of Bastard Children born in them.

So much as relates to Treble Costs.

14 Geo. 3.

c. 10. -

Exportation of Gum Senega - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

Ascertaining of the Prices of Corn - -

The whole.

c. 65. -

Forfeited Estates (Scotland) Management -

The whole.

c. 70. -

Gold Recoinage - - - -

The whole, except s. 7.

c. 72. -

Duty on printed, &c. Stuffs manufactured in Great Britain.

The whole, except c. 2.

c. 73. -

Distillation of Spirits, and Allowance to certain Manufacturers of the Duties on Soap.

The whole.

14 Geo, 3.

c. 74. -

Reduction of Duties upon Importation of Great Raisins.

The whole.

c. 78. -

Metropolitan Buildings Regulation, and Prevention of Mischiefs by Fire.

So much as relates to Time for Notice of Actions for anything done in pursuance of the Act, and to Treble Costs.

c. 79. -

Removal of Doubts concerning the Validity of Mortgages, &c. executed in Great Britain of Land, &c. in Ireland and the Colonies.

The whole.

c. 81. -

Election of Members of Parliament (Scotland).

The whole.

c. 92. -

Regulation of Weights used in weighing Gold and Silver Coin,

So much as relates to Salary of Officer to be paid by Warden of Mint.

15 Geo. 3,

c. 1. -

Importation of Indian Corn and Maize -

The whole.

c. 10. -

Restraint of Commerce of Provinces of Massachuset's Bay, &c., and Colonies of Connecticut, &c.

The whole.

c. 18. -

Restraint of Commerce of Colonies of New Jersey, &c.

The whole.

c. 27. -

Admeasurement of Waggons, &c. used for loading Coals on board Ships.

So much as relates to Treble Costs.

c. 34. -

Encouragement of Manufacture of Rape Oil

The whole.

c. 36. -

Issue of Speaker's Warrants for Writs for Election of Members in the Place of Members dying or becoming Peers during the Recess.

The whole.

c. 37. -

Importation of painted Earthenware -

The whole.

c. 53. -

Copyright in Books given to the Universities, &c.

Sect. 6. and so much as relates to Plea of General Issue.

16 Geo. 3.

c. 5. -

Prohibition of Trade and Intercourse with Colonies of New Hampshire, &c.

The whole.

c. 8. -

Importation of salted Beef, &c. from Ireland

The whole.

c. 37. -

Exportation of Wheat, &c. to certain Colonies in America, &c.

The whole.

c. 42. -

Landing of Corn, &c. imported into Port of Preston.

The whole.

17 Geo. 3.

c. 7. -

Granting of Commissions to Privateers to make Prize of Ships, &c.

The whole.

c. 8. -

East India Company, Election of Directors -

The whole.

c. 11. -

Prevention of Frauds and Abuses by Wool Combers, &c. in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Cheshire.

Sects. 17, 18, 19. and so much as relates to Limitation of Actions for anything done in pursuance of the Act, as to pleading of General Issue, and as to Treble Costs.

c. 26. -

Registering of Grants of Life Annuities -

The whole.

c. 27. -

Allowance of Drawback of Duties of Customs on Exportation of Tea to Ireland.

The whole.

c. 33. -

Power to Master Dyers in Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, and Kent to employ Journeymen who have not served Apprenticeships.

The whole.

c. 39. -

Duties on Servants and on Glass, and on Persons having certain Quantities of Silver Plate.

The whole.Duty on Sugar imported

c. 40. -

Carrying of certain Captures into His Majesty's Dominions in North America.

The whole.

c. 50. -

Duties on Auctioneers Licences, Sales by Auction, and Instruments.

The whole, except s. 24.

17 Geo. 3.

c. 56. -

Prevention of Frauds by Persons employed in the Manufacture of Hats, &c.

Sect. 18. and so much as relates to Treble Costs.

c. 57. -

Copyright of Engravings - - -

So much as relates to Double Costs.

18 Geo. 3.

c. 14. -

Militia Pay and Supply of Vacancies in Militia.

The whole.

c. 16. -

Exportation of Wheat Flour, &c. to Newfoundland, &c.

The whole.

c. 18. -

Forgery of Acceptances of Bills, &c. with Intent to defraud Corporations.

The whole.

c. 24. -

Importation of Tobacco - - -

The whole.

c. 25. -

Importation of Corn into certain Ports

The whole.

c. 40. -

Customs - - - - -

The whole.

c. 55. -

Exportation from Ireland to America, and Encouragement of the Fisheries, &c. of Ireland.

The whole.

c. 56. -

Importation of Cotton Yarn the Manufacture of Ireland Duty-free.

The whole.

c. 59. -

Militia and Fencibles - - -

The whole.

19 Geo. 3.

c. 21. -

Licensing and regulating of Lottery Office Keepers.

The whole.

c. 25. -

Additional Duties upon the Produce of Customs and Excise Duties.

The whole.

c. 29. -

Landing of Corn, &c. in the Isle of Wight without Payment of Duties.

The whole.

c. 40. -

Duties on Starch - - - -

The whole.

c. 41. -

Drawback of Wine Duties on Exportation to certain Parts.

The whole.

c. 48. -

Encouragement of Shipping and Navigation.

The whole.

c. 50. -

Prevention of Frauds by private Distillers -

The whole.

c. 51. -

Duties on Horses. &c.- - - -

The whole.

c. 52. -

Duty on Pilchards - - - -

The whole.

c. 53. -

Duties on Exportation of certain Cotton Wool, Discontinuance.

The whole.

c. 56. -

Duties on Auctioneers Licences and on Sales by Auction.

The whole.

c. 65. -

Augmentation of the Salaries of the Puisne Justices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, and Barons of the Exchequer at Westminster.

The whole.

c. 66. -

Stamp Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 69. -

Prevention of Smuggling, &c.- -

The whole.

c. 72. -

Militia and Fencibles - - -

The whole.

c. 76. -

Augmentation of the Militia - -

The whole.

20 Geo. 3.

c. 8. -

Militia—Delivery of Certificates of Qualification to Clerks of the Peace.

The whole.

c. 30. -

Additional Duties upon Wines and Vinegar imported.

The whole.

c. 34. -

Additional Duties on Salt - - -

The whole.

c. 35. -

Additional Duties on Malt and upon Spirits, &c.

The whole.

e. 44. -

Militia - - - - -

The whole.

c. 51. -

Duties on Licences to let Horses for Hire -

The whole.

c. 52. -

Additional Duties on Starch and Hair Powder imported, and on Starch and Sweets made in Great Britain.

The whole.

c. 60. -

Fisheries in the Greenland Seas and Davis's Straits.

The whole.

21 Geo. 3.

c. 7. -

Augmentation of the Militia

The whole.

21 Geo. 3.

c. 17. -

Additional Duty on the Produce of the Excise Duties.

The whole.

c. 32. -

Encouragement of the Manufacture of Verdigris.

The whole.

c. 34. -

Admeasurement of Coals, Westminster, &c.

The whole.

c. 51. -

Registration by Papists of their Names and Real Estates.

The whole.

c. 56. -

Duty on Almanacks - - -

The whole.

c. 60. -

Agreement with Bank of England for advancing Two Millions.

The whole.

c. 68. -

Punishment of Stealers of Copper, Brass, &c. fixed to Houses.

The whole.

c. 69. -

Punishment of Receivers of stolen Pewter -

The whole.

22 Geo. 3.

c. 21. -

Customs Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 28. -

Additional Duty upon Tobacco and Snuff, and Duties upon Importation of Brandy and Arrack.

The whole.

c. 31. -

Borough of Cricklade, Parliamentary Elections.

So much of s. 5. as relates to the Time for the proper Officer proceeding to Election.

c. 33. -

Stamp Duty upon Bills and Notes - -

The whole.

c. 39. -

Duties on Salt - - - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Rectifying of a Mistake in an Act of this Session.

The whole.

c. 58. -

Discovery and Punishment of Buyers and Receivers of stolen Goods.

The whole.

c. 61. -

Duty upon Bees Wax imported - -

The whole.

c. 62. -

Militia - - - - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

Houses of Correction - - -

The whole.

c. 66. -

Additional Duties of Customs and Excise -

The whole.

c. 68. -

Duties on Beer and Coaches, &c. - -

The whole.

23 Geo. 3.

c. 11. -

Customs, &c. Regulations - - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Duties on Bills of Exchange, &c.- -

The whole.

c. 56. -

Allowance of Drawback of Customs on Exportation of Rice.

The whole.

c. 58. -

Stamp Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 62. -

Stamp Duty on Licences for vending Medicines, &c.

The whole.

c. 63. -

Duty on Stage Coaches, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 65. -

African Company - - - -

The whole.

c. 75. -

Duties on Smalts and Tobacco - -

The whole.

c. 76. -

Prevention of Frauds in Landing of Wines, &c.

The whole.

c. 77. -

Encouragement of Manufacture of Flax and Cotton.

The whole.

c. 79. -

Encouragement of Growth of Coffee and Cocoa Nuts.

The whole.

c. 82. -

Regulation of the Receipt of the Exchequer

The whole.

c. 83. -

East India Company—Allowance of further Time for Payment of their Debt to the Pubilc.

The whole.

c. 88. -

Rogues and Vagabonds - - -

The whole.

24 Geo. 3. Sess. 1.

c. 7.

Duties on Bills of Exchange, &c.- -

The whole.

c. 12.

Removal of Prisoners and Transportation -

The whole.

c. 13.

Militia Pay, &c. - - - -

The whole.

24 Geo. 3. Sess. 2.

c. 3.

Prevention of Frauds and Abuses by Persons employed in Woolcombing, &c, Suffolk.

Sects. 19, 20, 21, and so much as relates to Limitation of Actions for anything done in pursuance of the Act, as to pleading of General Issue, and as to Treble Costs.

21 Geo. 3. Sess. 2.

c. 11.

Additional Duties upon Candles- -

The whole.

c. 16.

Customs, &c. Duties - - -

The whole, except so much as relates to the Duties payable to the Corporation of London.

c. 30.

Additional Duty upon Licences for retailing Beer, &c.

The whole.

c. 34.

East India Company - - -

The whole.

c. 36.

Duties on Wax Candles- -

The whole.

c. 38.

Duties on Tea, Inhabited Houses, and Cocoa Nuts and Coffee.

The whole.

c. 40.

Duties on Linens, printed, painted, stained, or dyed in Great Britain, &c.

The whole.

c. 41.

Duties on Licences to be taken out by the Makers of and Dealers in certain Exciseable Commodities.

The whole.

c. 43.

Duties on Certificates for killing Game

The whole.

c. 46.

Duties on Spirits - - - -

The whole.

c. 48.

Duties on Starch and Soap - - -

The whole.

c. 49.

Duties upon Silk imported, and Drawbacks upon Exportation of Silk Manufactures.

The whole.

c. 51.

Duty on Licences for vending Hats, &c. -

The whole.

c. 53.

Duties on Gold and Silver Plate imported, and on Gold and Silver wrought Plate made in Great Britain.

Customs Duties and Stamp Duties granted by.

c. 54.

Gaols - - - - -

The whole.

c. 55.

Houses of Correction - - -

The whole.

25 Geo. 3..

c. 22. -

Distillation of Spirits in small Stills in certain Counties in the Highlands.

Duty granted by.

c. 40. -

Prevention of Frauds by Woolcombers, &c. in certain Counties.

Sects. 21, 22, 23, and so much as relates to Limitation of Actions for anything done in pursuance of the Act, as to pleading of General Issue, and as to Treble Costs.

c. 46. -

Transportation, &c. - - - -

The whole.

c. 48. -

Duties on Pawnbrokers Licences - -

Duties granted by.

c. 49. -

Duties on Coachmakers Licences, and on Carriages built for Sale.

The whole.

c. 50. -

Duties on Certificates for killing Game

The whole.

c. 58. -

Encouragement of the Pilchard Fishery

The whole.

c. 63. -

Salt Duties - - - - -

The whole.

c. 65. -

Encouragement of the Fisheries- -

The whole.

c. 69.

Duties upon Oil Flasks, &c.

The whole.

c. 72. -

Duties on Linens printed, &c. in Great Britain, &c.

The whole.

c. 73. -

Allowance to Brewers for Waste -

The whole.

c. 74. -

Duties on Tea,—Exportation of Exciseable Commodities, &c.

Duties granted by, and Sects. 16–21. and 25–31.

c. 80. -

Duties on Attorneys Certificates, &c. -

Duties granted by.

26 Geo. 3.

c. 25. -

Appointment of Governor General and Council of Fort William in Bengal.

The whole.

c. 36. -

Salt Duties—Importation and Exportation, Isle of Man.

The whole.

c. 38. -

Imprisonment under Process of Small Debts Courts, &c.

The whole, except Sects. 7 and 8.

c. 40. -

Production of Manifests, &c.

The whole, except ss. 18. and 19.

c. 41. -

Fisheries in the Greenland Seas and Davis's Straits.

The whole.

c. 42. -

Additional Duty upon Battens and Deals imported.

The whole.

26 Geo. 3.

c. 46. -

Salaries of Judges (Scotland)- -

The whole.

c. 48. -

Stamp Duties (Scotland) - - -

Duties granted by.

c. 49. -

Stamp Duties on Perfumery- -

The whole.

c. 51. -

Duties on Starch - - - -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Duties on Wine - - - -

Duties granted by.

c. 64. -

Duties on Spirits (Scotland) - -

Duties granted by.

c. 73. -

Duties on Spirits - - - -

Duties granted by.

c. 74. -

Additional Duties on Sweets, &c. - -

Excise Duty granted by.

c. 77. -

Excise Duties - - - -

Sects. 5, 6, 7, 9.

c. 82. -

Stamp Duties, and Duties on Policies of Fire for Insurance as to Property abroad.

Sect. 7.

c. 90. -

Salt Duties; making of Mineral Alkali or Flux for Glass.

The whole.

c. 91. -

Regulation of Madhouses - - -

The whole.

c. 99. -

Ascertaining of Fees to be taken by Officers of the Exchequer.

The whole.

27 Geo. 3.

c. 19. -

Shipping and Navigation - - -

The whole.

c. 27. -

Importation and Exportation, West Indies -

The whole.

c. 29. -

Objections to Competency of Witnesses

The whole.

c. 30. -

Additional Duties on Licences for the retailing of Spirituous Liquors.

The whole.

c. 31. -

Allowances to Dealers in Foreign Wines for certain Wines in Stock—Amendment of Excise Laws.

The whole, except Sect. 25.

c. 43. -

County Palatine of Chester—Swearing of Affidavits, &c.

The whole.

23 Geo. 3.

c. 27. -

Reduction of Duties on Importation of Goods from the United Provinces.

The whole.

c. 28. -

Exemption of Stipendiary Curates Licences from Stamp Duties.

The whole.

c. 33. -

Alteration of Duties and Drawbacks on certain Wine, &c.

The whole.

c. 34. -

Quarantine and Customs - - -

The whole.

c. 37. -

Certain Duties of Excise and Customs -

The whole, except Sect. 15.

c. 38. -

Exportation of Sheep, &c. - - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Power for Justices to act out of the Counties in which they are.

The whole.

c. 53. -

Indemnifying Persons against certain Penalties incurred in the Coal Trade, and preventing Combinations in the Coal Trade.

The whole.

29 Geo, 3.

c. 26. -

Duty on Hawkers, &c. - - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Duties on Horses and Carriages- -

The whole.

c. 50. -

Additional Duties on Newspapers, Advertisements, Cards, and Dice.

The whole.

c. 51. -

Additional Stamp Duties on Probate of Wills, &c.

Duties granted by.

c. 53. -

Encouragement of the Newfoundland, Greenland, and Southern Whale Fisheries.

The whole.

c. 59. -

Drawback on Exportation of Teas to Guernsey &c.

The whole.

c. 63. -

Exemption of Piece Goods woven in this Kingdom from Auction Duty. Licences for selling Spirituous Liquors, &c.

Sects. 1, 2, 3, 4.

c. 67. -

Regulation of Gaols - - -

The whole.

30 Geo. 3.

c. 4. -

Exemption of unwrought Tin, exported to certain Parts, from Customs Duty.

The whole.

c. 26. -

Exemption of Goods imported from Yucatan from Auction Duty, &c.

The whole.

c. 27. -

Encouragement of new Settlers in the Colonies of America.

The whole.

30 Geo. 3.

c. 28. -

Duty on Cashew Gum imported from the West Indies.

The whole.

c. 37. -

Duties on Spirits (Scotland) - -

Duty granted by.

c. 38. -

Duties on Licences for retailing Wine, &c. -

Duty granted by.

c. 41. -

Importations from North America of Rape Seed, &c.

The whole.

31 Geo. 3.

c. 1. -

Duties on Worts and Spirits, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 5. -

Additional Duties on Amount of Assessed Taxes.

The whole.

c. 15. -

Duty on Sugar imported - - -

The whole.

c. 21. -

Duty on Certificates for killing Hares -

The whole.

c. 25. -

Duties on Bills of Exchange, &c. - -

Duties granted by.

c. 26. -

Importation of Seal Skins - - -

The whole.

c. 27. -

Duties on Tanned Goat Skins, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 37. -

Importation of Silk Crapes, &c. of the Manufacture of Italy,

The whole.

c. 42. -

Indemnity in respect of a certain Order in Council. Duties on Importation of Salt Petre.

The whole.

c. 43. -

Continuance of several Laws, &c.- -

The whole.

c. 46. -

Regulation of Gaols - - -

The whole.

c. 47. -

Importation and Exportation of Tobacco and Snuff.

The whole.

c. 51. -

Protection of the Oyster Fisheries - -

The whole.

c. 55. -

Establishment of the Sierra Leone Company

The whole.

c. 56. -

Prevention of Frauds and Abuses by Wool Combers, &c. in Norfolk.

Sects. 22, 23, 24, and so much as relates to Limitation of Actions for anything done in pursuance of the Act, as to pleading of General Issue, and as to Treble Costs.

32 Geo. 3.

c. 9. -

Exportation of Tea to Ireland or America -

The whole.

c. 10. -

Execution of Warrants for Apprehension of Persons convicted of Offences against Excise Laws.

c. 11. -

Sales by Auction - - - -

The whole.

c. 12. -

Grant towards Reduction of National Debt -

The whole.

c. 22. -

Encouragement of Fisheries in Greenland Seas and Davis's Straits.

The whole.

c. 37. -

Importation and Exportation at certain Ports

The whole.

c. 41. -

Auction Duty - - - -

The whole.

c. 45. -

Rogues and Vagabonds - - -

The whole.

c. 48. -

Sessions of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer for Middlesex.

The whole.

c. 49. -

Importation of Quercitron, &c.- -

The whole.

c. 51. -

Exemption of Letters between Merchants from Stamp Duty.

The whole.

c. 54. -

Duties on Foreign printed, &c, Papers -

The whole.

c. 55. -

Reduction of National Debt - -

The whole.

c. 65. -

Trade into Levant Seas - - -

The whole.

33 Geo. 3.

c. 5. -

Relief of Debtors from Imprisonment -

The whole.

c. 22. -

Grant towards Reduction of National Debt -

The whole.

c. 23. -

Quality of Table Beer - - - -

The whole.

c. 28. -

Loan on Annuities, Excise Duties, &c. -

So much as relates to Excise Duties, Assessed Taxes, Consolidated Fund, and Treble Costs.

c. 29. -

Exchequer Bills for Loans - - -

The whole.

c. 30. -

Prevention of Forgeries and Frauds in Transfer of Funds transferable at the Bank of England.

The whole.

33 Geo. 3.

c. 33. -

Making of Salt - - - -

The whole.

c. 57. -

Regulation of warehoused Tobacco - -

The whole.

c. 58. -

Premiums to Ships carrying on Southern Whale Fishery.

The whole.

c. 61. -

Distilleries (Scotland) - - -

Duties granted by.

c. 63. -

Importation into Great Britain of certain Goods imported into Ireland.

The whole.

c. 68. -

Judgments of Courts of Great Sessions, &c. of Wales, Cheshire, Lancaster, and Durham, and County Courts in Wales.

So much as relates to Court of Great Sessions in Wales.

c. 69. -

Duties on Coal, Licences for Sale of Spirits, &c. (Scotland).

Duties granted by.

34 Geo. 3.

c. 2. -

Additional Duties upon Worts, Wash, &c. in England, and upon Spirits in Scotland.

The whole.

c. 3. -

Additional Duties on Spirits imported -

The whole.

c. 4. -

Duties on Spirits and Sugar imported -

The whole.

c. 14. -

Stamp Duties on Indentures of Clerkship to Solicitors and Attornies.

Duties granted by.

c. 21. -

Annuities and Payment of Navy and Victualling Bills.

Sect. 18.

c. 33. -

Duties of Excise - - - -

The whole.

c. 42. -

Grant to Foreign Ships put under His Majesty's Protection of the Privileges of Prize Ships. &c.

The whole.

c. 45. -

Establishment of a Court of Criminal Jurisdiction in Norfolk Island.

The whole.

c. 48. -

Grant towards Reduction of National Debt -

The whole.

c. 63. -

Allowing of the Exercise of an Invention of a new Method of tanning Hides and Skins.

The whole.

c. 75. -

Management of Land Revenues of Crown -

The whole.

35 Geo. 3.

c. 10. -

Additional Duties of Excise on Foreign Wine and Sweets.

The whole.

c. 11. -

Additional Duties of Excise on Worts, Wash, &c. for Spirits, and Use of Wheat in making Wash.

The whole.

c. 12. -

Additional Duties of Excise on Foreign Spirits.

The whole.

c. 13. -

Additional Duties of Excise on Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Nuts.

The whole.

c. 20. -

Duties of Customs - - - -

The whole.

c. 23. -

Grant towards the Reduction of the National Debt.

The whole.

c. 30. -

Stamp Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 31. -

Prevention of Smuggling - - -

The whole.

c. 38. -

Continuance of various Laws - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Duty on Hair Powder Certificates - -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Duties on Scotch Distilleries, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 89. -

Duties on Spirits - - - -

The whole.

c. 91. -

Regulation of Hawkers and Pedlars

The whole.

c. 93. -

Guarantee of Dividends on Loan to Emperor of Germany.

The whole.

c. 96. -

Relief of Persons detained in Gaol for Want of Bail in certain Cases relating to the Revenue.

The whole.

c. 97. -

Duties of Excise on tanned Hides and Skins

The whole.

c. 109. -

Carriage Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 110. -

Drawback on Exportation of Sugar

The whole.

c. 117. -

Importation of Rape and other Seeds

The whole.

c. 118. -

Warehousing of Wines, &c. - - -

The whole.

36 Geo. 3.

c. 13.

Additional Excise Duties on Tobacco and Snuff.

The whole.

c. 14. -

Additional Duties on Amount of Duties under Commissioners of Taxes.

The whole.

c. 18. -

Drawbacks and Bounties on Exportation of Sugar.

The whole.

c. 19. -

Duties on Salt - - - -

The whole.

c. 22. -

Making of Bread - - -

The whole.

c. 53. -

Exportation of Rock Salt - - -

The whole.

c. 55. -

Making of Port of Scarborough (Island of Tobago) a free Port.

The whole.

c. 78. -

Duty on Mahogany imported - -

The whole.

c. 79. -

Duty on Black Lead imported - -

The whole.

c. 105. -

Grant towards Reduction of the National Debt.

The whole.

c. 113. -

Importation of Arrowroot, &c.- -

The whole.

c. 123. -

Additional Duties on Foreign Wines and British Sweets.

The whole.

c. 125. -

Duty on Hats - - - -

The whole.

37 Geo. 3.

c. 14. -

Excise Duties on various Matters -

The whole.

c. 15. -

Duties of Customs - - - -

The whole.

c. 16. -

Additional Stage Coach Duties - -

The whole.

c. 17. -

Additional Duties on Distilleries (.Scotland), &c.

The whole.

c. 18. -

Postage -

The whole.

c. 26. -

More speedy Payment of Navy, Victualling, and Transport Bills,

The whole.

c. 28. -

Issue of Bank of England Notes under 5l. -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Loan to the Emperor of Germany - -

The whole.

c. 63. -

Grant to Foreign Ships put under His Majesty's Protection of the Privileges of Prize Ships, &c.

The whole.

c. 69. -

Additional Duties on Amount of certain Duties under the Management of Commissioners of Taxes.

The whole.

c. 77. -

Making of Port of San Josef in Trinidad a free Port.

The whole.

c. 102. -

Scotch Distilleries - - - -

The whole.

c. 105. -

Additional Duties on Inhabited Houses

The whole.

c. 108. -

Duties on Clocks and Watches

The whole.

c. 110. -

Customs Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 111. -

Additional Stamp Duty on Deeds - -

The whole.

c. 115. -

Grant towards Reduction of National Debt -

The whole.

c. 118. -

Height between Decks of Vessels carrying Slaves.

The whole.

c. 121. -

Encouragement of the Southern Whale Fisheries.

The whole.

c. 124. -

Frauds by Bankrupts Prevention

The whole.

c. 141. -

Sending and receiving of Letters free of Postage by Deputy Clerk of House of Commons.

The whole.

38 Geo. 3.

c. 13. -

Augmentation of 60th Regiment by Enlistment of Foreigners, &a

The whole.

c. 16. -

Grant of an Aid and Contribution for the Prosecution of the War.

The whole.

c. 39. -

Importation and Exportation, West Indies -

The whole.

c. 42. -

Excise Duty on Tea, &c. - - -

The whole.

c. 43. -

Additional Duties on Salt - - -

The whole.

c. 45. -

Purchase of Debts due to the Governments of Switzerland, &c.

The whole.

38 Geo, 3.

c. 47. -

Grant for Reduction of National Debt

The whole.

c. 50. -

Aliens - - - - -

The whole.

c. 53. -

Duties on Certificates issued with respect to Armorial Bearings or Ensigns.

The whole.

c. 54. -

Laws of Excise Amendment - -

The whole.

c. 62. -

Assize of Bread - - - -

The whole.

c. 71. -

Copyright of Models, &c. - - -

The whole.

c. 81. -

Aid and Contribution for Prosecution of the War.

The whole.

c. 85. -

Stamp Duties - - - -

The whole, except Section - 4 and 5.

c. 89. -

Salt Duties - - - - -

The whole.

c. 92. -

Scotch Distilleries - - - -

The whole.

39 Geo. 3.

c. 13. -

Duties on Income - - - -

The whole.

c. 22. -

Duties on Income - - - -

The whole.

c. 38. -

Continuance of various Acts relating to Importation, &c.

The whole.

c. 42. -

Duties on Income - - - -

The whole.

c. 45. -

Making perpetual of Enactment altering Punishment of Burning in the Hand.

The whole.

c. 63. -

Duties on Sugar and Coffee - - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

Grant for Reduction of National Debt -

The whole.

c. 65. -

Bounty on Pilchards exported and Salt Duties

The whole.

c. 72. -

Duties on Income - - - -

The whole.

c. 75. -

Prohibition of Exportation of Light Silver Coin of the Realm, &c.

The whole.

c. 77. -

Salt Duties - - - - -

The whole.

c. 78. -

Duties on Distilleries (Scotland)- -

The whole.

c. 80. -

Carrying of Slaves from Africa- -

The whole.

c. 83. -

Transfer to Commissioners for auditing Public Accounts of Duties of Auditors of Land Revenue.

The whole.

c. 85. -

Embezzlement- - - -

The whole.

c. 94. -

Salary of Master and Worker of the Mint -

The whole, except s. 5.

c. 99. -

Trade to the Levant Seas, and Reduction of certain Export Duty.

The whole.

c. 104. -

Augmentation of the 60th Regiment by Enlistment of Foreigners

The whole.

c. 107. -

Stamp Duties on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes.

Duties imposed, and s. 25.

39 & 40 Geo, 3.

c. 11. -

Appropriation of certain Duties - -

The whole.

c. 23. -

Duties of Excise on Spirits and Tea -

The whole.

c. 26. -

Grant towards Reduction of National Debt -

The whole.

c. 32. -

Exemptions from Duties on Hair Powder, and Horses of Officers in the Navy, and Persons in Volunteer Cavalry Corps.

The whole.

c. 44. -

Allowances to Adjutants, &c. of Militia (England).

The whole.

c. 45. -

Perpetuation of an Act relating to Duties on Glass, and Continuance of various Acts.

The whole.

c. 49. -

Duties on Income - - - -

The whole.

c. 55. -

Salaries of Scotch Judges - - -

The whole.

c. 60. -

Duties on Wine, &c, imported from the Cape of Good Hope.

The whole.

c. 72. -

Amendment of Law relating to Stamp Duties

Sects. 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, and 19.

c. 73. -

Duties on Distillation (Scotland) - -

The whole.

c. 74. -

Price and Assize of Bread - - -

The whole.

c. 95. -

Indemnity to Printers of public Documents against certain Penalties.

The whole.

c. 96. -

Duties on Income - - - -

The whole.

41 Geo.3. (G.B.).

c. 21.

Use of Salt, Duty free, in preserving Fish; Protection from Impressment; and Discontinuance of Bounty on White Herrings.

The whole.

c. 22.

Appointment of Commissioners for Examination of Accounts of Expenditure in the West Indies during present War.

The whole.

c. 23.

Making of the Port of Amsterdam, in the Island of Curacao, a Free Port.

The whole.

c. 25.

Importation of undressed Hemp from Countries within the Limits of the exclusive Trade of the East India Company, free of Duty.

The whole.

c. 30.

Amendment of Act for erecting a Lazaret at Chetney Hill, and reducing into One Act the Laws relating to Quarantine, &c.

The whole.

41 Geo. 3.(U.K.)

c. 10.

Additional Stamp Duties on Bills, &c. and Deeds.

The whole.

c. 28.

Certain Customs Duties- - - -

The whole.

c. 29.

Additional Duty on English Spirits imported into Scotland, &c.

The whole.

c. 33.

Duties on Tea, Sugar, and Coals (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 42.

Sale of Elephant Oil free of Auction Duty (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 48.

Licences for Sale of Wine, Ale, &c. (Ireland)

The whole.

c. 62.

Exemption of Irish Members of Parliament, &c. from Payment of certain Duties.

The whole.

c. 65.

Grant towards Redemption of National Debt.

The whole.

c. 68.

Duties and Drawbacks on Copper - -

The whole.

c. 74.

Drawbacks on Sugar, &c. (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 80.

Indemnity to Printers of Public Documents against certain Penalties,

The whole.

c. 86.

Additional Stamp Duties on Cards, Dice, Probates of Wills, Deeds, Ale Licences, &c, (Great Britain).

The whole, except Sect. 3.

c. 87.

Duties of Customs on Playing Cards (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 89.

Duty on Importation of Statues- -

The whole.

c. 91.

Regulation, &c. of certain Excise Duties -

The whole.

c. 98.

Militia Pay (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

42 Geo. 3.

c. 14. -

Manufacture of Starch from Potatoes, &c. -

The whole.

c. 20. -

Duties on Rum for Ships Stores; Exportation and Importation, &c.

The whole.

c. 24. -

Duties on Cinnamon, Cassia Lignea, &c. -

The whole.

c. 34. -

Additional Duties on Windows and on Inhabited House (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 37. -

Additional Duties on Servants, Carriages, Horses, Mules, and Dogs (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 38. -

Additional Duties on Beer, Ale, Malt, and Hops (Great Britain;; on Spirits (Ireland), &c.

The whole.

c. 43. -

Duties of Customs and Tonnage (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 47. -

Duties on Sugar and Coffee exported, &c. (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 56. -

Stamp Duties - - - -

Duties imposed.

c. 61. -

Encouragement of Irish Mariners, &c. -

The whole.

c. 66. -

Yeomanry and Volunteers - - -

The whole.

c. 70. -

Public Accounts - - - -

The whole.

c. 71. -

Reduction of the National Debt - -

The whole.

42 Geo. 3.

c. 77. -

Pacific Ocean Fisheries - - -

The whole.

c. 93. -

Duties of Excise on Wines, Home made Spirits, &c.

The whole.

c. 103. -

Repeal, &c. of certain Duties (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 112. -

Grant towards the Redemption of National Debt.

The whole.

c. 117. -

Additional Import and Export Duties (Ireland)

The whole.

43 Geo. 3.

c. 2. -

Enrolment of Militia (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 7. -

Payment of Navy, Victualling, and Transport Bills.

The whole.

c. 19. -

Militia, Extension of Period of Training and Exercise (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 33. -

Enrolment of Militia (Ireland) - -

The whole..

c. 48. -

East India Company Volunteer Corps -

The whole.

c. 69. -

Excise Duties (Great Britain) - -

The whole.

c. 90. -

Enlargement of the Limits of the Southern Whale Fishery.

The whole.

c. 92. -

Import and Export Duties, &c. (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 98. -

Collection of Revenue upon Malt; Regulation of Distilling Trade (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 113. -

Wilful casting away of Vessels, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 118. -

Discovery of Longitude at Sea, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 124. -

Additional Military Force, and Militia; Exemptions from (Scotland).

The whole.

c. 130. -

Duties on Auctioneers, &c. - - -

The whole.

c. 131. -

Additional Customs Duty on Lignum Quassia (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 152. -

Pilots of Dover, Deal, and Isle of Thanet -

The whole.

c. 158. -

Grant for building Glebe Houses (Ireland) -

The whole.

44 Geo. 3.

c. 18. -

Volunteers and Yeomanry (Great Britain) -

The whole.

c. 33. -

Augmentation of Militia (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 44. -

Newfoundland Trade, Exemption of Vessels from Passenger Act.

The whole.

c. 49. -

Additional Duties on Wine imported (Great Britain),

The whole.

c. 58. -

Laying of certain public Accounts before Parliament (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 71. -

Counterfeit Dollars and Tokens (England and Ireland).

The whole.

c. 102. -

Habeas Corpus ad Testificandum (England and Ireland).

Sect. 2.

45 Geo. 3.

c. 14. -

Additional Salt Duties (Great Britain)

The whole.

c. 29. -

Additional Customs Duties (Great Britain) -

The whole.

c. 30. -

Additional Duties of Excise (Great Britain)

The whole.

c. 42. -

Counterfeiting of Bank of Ireland Silver Tokens, &c.

The whole.

c. 44. -

Duty on Slates brought Coastwise within Great Britain.

The whole.

c. 45. -

Additional Duties on Wine imported, and Drawbacks to Naval Officers.

The whole.

c. 53. -

Collection of Malt Duties and Regulation of the Trade of Maltsters (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 67. -

Additional Duties on Spanish Red Wine (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 75. -

Appointments to certain Offices in the Court of Chancery made during Vacancy of the Office of Register, &c.

The whole.

c. 88. -

Duties on Cochineal Dust and Granilla -

The whole.

c. 91. -

Appointment of additional Commissioners for auditing Public Accounts.

The whole.

45 Geo. 3.

c. 93. -

Drawbacks and Bounties on Sugar exported from Great Britain,

The whole.

c. 98. -

Increase of Drawback on Linens exported from Great Britain to West Indies.

The whole.

c. 100. -

Distillation of Spirits in England for Exportation to Scotland, and vice versâ, &c.

The whole.

c. 103. -

Additional Duties on Importation of Straw Platting, Hats, and Bonnets.

The whole.

c. 123. -

Grant of Annuity to Duke of Atholl and Heirs general of Seventh Earl of Derby.

The whole.

46 Geo. 3.

c. 11. -

Exportation of Corn, &c. for the Use of His Majesty's Forces and Garrisons.

The whole.

c. 35. -

Exemption from Stamp Duties of Notes, &c. of the Bank of Ireland.

The whole.

c. 38. -

Customs and Excise Duties upon Tea -

The whole.

c. 44. -

Certain Wine Duties carried to the Consolidated Fund.

The whole.

c. 45. -

Office of Treasurer of the Ordnance - -

The whole.

c. 52. -

Slave Trade - - - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

Stamp Duties (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 75. -

Office of Receiver General of Excise Duties (England).

The whole.

c. 78. -

Increase in Amount of Assessed Taxes (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 87. -

Consolidation and Amendment of Laws relating to Collection of Customs Duties, and Payment of Drawbacks (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 97. -

Free Interchange of Grain between Great Britain and Ireland.

The whole.

c. 102. -

Duties on Stills and Spirits, &c. (Scotland)

The whole.

c. 109. -

Bounty on Refined Sugar, &c. (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 110. -

Additional Bounty on Silk Manufactures (Great Britain),

The whole.

c. 114. -

Drawback on Linens exported to the West Indies.

The whole.

c. 115. -

Exportation of Raisins, Currants, and Figs from Great Britain, Duty free.

The whole.

c. 124. -

Volunteers from Irish Militia- -

The whole.

c. 128. -

Salaries and retiring Allowances to Masters in Chancery.

The whole.

c. 138. -

Excise; Countervailing Duty on Hops, Window Glass, &c. (Ireland). Exemption of Draining Tiles.

Duties and Drawbacks on Glass.

c. 142. -

Office of Surveyor-General of Woods and Forests.

The whole.

c. 151. -

Crown Lands; New Leases on former Rents for Charitable Institutions, &c.

The whole.

47 Geo- 3. Sess. 1.

c. 7.

Interchange of Grain between Great Britain and Ireland.

The whole.

c. 12.

Abolition and Regulation of Offices in the Customs (Ireland.)

The whole.

c. 18.

Excise Duties and Taxes (Ireland) - -

Duties on Sweets and Made Wines.

c. 19.

Drawbacks on Sugar, &c. (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 35.

Duties on Excise Licences (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 36.

Abolition of the Slave Trade- -

The whole.

c. 36.

Paper Duties (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 40.

Duties, &c. on Malt and Spirits (Ireland) -

The whole.

47 Geo.3. Sess.1.

c. 47.

Prize Money on Captures by Foreign, in conjunction with British, Ships.

The whole.

c. 50.

Stamp Duties (Ireland). - - -

The whole.

c. 55.

Charge of Loan upon War Duties of Customs, &c.

The whole.

47 Geo. 3. Sess. 2.

c. 10.

Export of Salted Beef and Pork (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 11.

Assessed Taxes, Excise Duties, &c. Recovery of Penalties (Ireland)

The whole.

c. 14.

Excise and Stamp Duties (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 16.

Duties, &c. on Importation and Exportation

The whole.

c. 19.

Trade of rectifying Spirits (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 20.

Power to appoint the Chancellor of the Exchequer of Ireland one of the Commissioners of the Treasury in England.

The whole.

c. 23.

Grant for Glebe Houses (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 30.

Excise Duties, &c. (Great Britain) - -

The whole.

c. 34.

Importation and Exportation, Port of Amsterdam, Curaçoa.

The whole.

c. 44.

Sierra Leone Company - - -

Section 4.

c. 53.

Power for Postmaster-General to open and return Letters directed to Places abroad, but not delivered.

The whole.

c. 56.

Increase of Militia (Ireland)

The whole.

c. 63.

Excise Duties and Drawback on Silks

The whole.

c. 65.

Exemption from Auction Duty of certain Sales by West India Dock Company.

The whole.

48 Geo. 3.

c. 2. -

Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco, and Snuff in Great Britain, and on Pensions and Offices in England.

The whole.

c. 9. -

Abolition of the Office of Surveyor of Subsidies and Petty Customs in the Port of London.

The whole.

c. 30. -

Trade between Ireland and the East Indies -

The whole.

c. 31. -

Counterfeiting of Bank of Ireland Silver Tokens, and Circulation of same.

The whole.

c. 41. -

Repeal of certain Excise Duties, and Grant of Stamp Duties in lieu thereof, &c. (Ireland.)

The whole.

c. 55. -

Assessed Taxes and Stamp Duties on Game Certificates.

So much of Section 7. as enacts that “every Receiver General shall have an Allowance of Three Halfpence in the Pound on all Monies by him received and paid into the Receipt of Exchequer, or duly accounted for according to the Course of His Majesty's Exchequer.”

c. 56. -

Abolition of Fees received by Customs Officers in Irish Ports, and Hours of Attendance and Holidays of said Officers and Officers of Excise.

The whole.

c. 57. -

Duties of Customs on ready-made Corks

The whole.

c. 62. -

Collection of Revenues of Customs and Excise (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 64. -

Militia Enlistment into the Army (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 68. -

Extension of Bounty on Pilchards exported

The whole.

c. 74. -

Collection of Malt Duties (Great Britain) -

The whole.

c. 78.

Malt and Spirit Duties (Ireland) - -

The whole.

48 Geo. 3.

c. 91. -

Examination of Accounts of Public Expenditure in West Indies.

The whole.

c. 99. -

Warehousing of Prize Goods liable to Duty, and Reduction of Strength of Spirits condemned as Prizes.

The whole.

c. 107. -

Returns of Fines, &c., under Acts relating to the Defence of the Realm.

The whole.

c. 117. -

Duties upon painted or stained Silks -

The whole.

c. 119. -

Regulation of Duties on Spirits imported into Great Britain according to the Strength.

The whole.

c. 120. -

Duties on Coffee, and warehousing the same, and Cocoa.

The whole.

c. 121. -

Duties on Coffee taken out of Warehouses for Home Consumption.

The whole.

c. 122. -

Vesting in the Commissioners for the Affairs of Barracks, of all Property occupied for the Barrack Service, &c.

The whole.

c. 129. -

Larceny from the Person - - -

The whole.

c. 143. -

Stamp Duties on Licences for selling Exciseable Liquors by retail.

Duties granted by.

c. 145. -

Annuities to the Judges of the Courts of Session, &c, on Resignation (Scotland).

As to Annuities to the Barons of the Exchequer.

49 Geo. 3.

c. 4. -

Militia (Great Britain) Enlistment into the Army.

The whole.

c. 5. -

Militia (Ireland) Enlistment into the Army -

The whole.

c. 9. -

Importation of Flax Seed into Ireland -

The whole.

c. 24. -

Excise Duty on Spent Wash redistilled (Great Britain).

So far as relates to England.

c. 33. -

Excise Duty on Spirits made from Sugar (Ireland), &c.

The whole.

c. 34. -

Registry at Malta of Ships taken as Prize -

The whole.

c. 44. -

Exemption from Home Consumption Duties of Goods brought in as Prize or seized as Droits, and restored by Court of Admiralty.

The whole.

c. 56. -

Completing the Militia (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 66. -

Holidays, &c. in Offices of Excise - -

The whole.

c. 68. -

Law of Bastardy (England) - -

The whole, except s. 3., so far as it relates to a Mother of a Bastard.

c. 69. -

Indemnity to Persons having printed Books, &c. without full Description of Printer's Place of Abode.

The whole.

c. 71. -

Loan on Annuities - - - -

Section 16.

c. 76. -

Exportation of Gunpowder, Arms, &c. (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 81. -

Laws of Excise relating to Paper, Silks, Salt, &c. (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 95. -

Constitution of Board of Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts.

The whole.

c. 96. -

Superannuation Allowance to Officers of Excise.

The whole.

c. 106. -

Warehoused Goods - - - -

The whole.

c. 109. -

Woollen Manufacture - - -

Sect. 5. in part, namely, from “nor shall any such Persons” to “Parish or Place.”

c. 112. -

Purchase of Lands for Defence of the Realm.

The whole.

c. 116. -

Management of Customs and Excise (Ireland).

The whole.

49 Geo. 3.

c. 117. -

Excise Duty on Coffee, Growth of British Dominions in Africa (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 121. -

Bankrupts (England and Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 127. -

Salaries of Chief Baron and other Judges, Chief Justice of Chester, &c.

The whole.

50 Geo, 3.

c. 10. -

Clandestine running of Uncustomed Goods, &c.

The whole.

c. 26. -

Duty on Exportation of Foreign plain Linen taken out of Warehouse.

The whole.

c. 34. -

Exportation of British and Irish made Malt from one Part of the Kingdom to the other.

The whole.

c. 38. -

Bonded Warehouses (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 44. -

Excise Officers, Superannuation Allowance (Scotland).

The whole.

c. 47. -

Relief and Maintenance of Insolvent Debtors (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 51. -

Punishment of Women delivered of Bastards.

The whole.

c. 58. -

Redemption and Sale of Land Tax - -

Section 4.

c. 60. -

Exportation from Bristol to Newfoundland of Foreign Salt, Duty free. Shipping Salt in certain Cases to North America.

The whole.

c. 71. -

Provision for Charges of the Loan, &c. of the present Session.

The whole.

c. 73. -

Regulation of Baking Trade beyond London, &c.

The whole.

c. 75. -

Additional Window Duty (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 76. -

Stamp Duties (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 77. -

Additional Customs Duties on certain Kinds of Wood.

The whole.

51 Geo. 3.

c. 20. -

Enlistment of a Proportion of the Militia into the Regular Forces.

The whole.

c. 23. -

Abolition of Slave Trade - - -

The whole.

c. 30. -

Militia Enlistment into the Army (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 32.

Security of Exciseable Goods on board Vessels in the Port of Bristol.

The whole.

c. 34.

Premiums to Ships employed in Southern Whale Fishery.

The whole, except Section 6.

c. 47.

Treaty of Commerce with Portugal -

The whole, except Section 9.

c. 55.

Abolition of Superannuation Fund in the Customs Department.

The whole.

c. 56.

Additional Duties on Tobacco manufactured in Ireland.

The whole.

c. 57.

Exportation of salted Beef and Pork from Ireland.

The whole.

c. 59.

Additional Duties on Wash or other Liquors used in the Distillation of Spirits and on Foreign Spirits.

The whole.

c. 61.

Provision for defraying increased Charge occasioned by Loan.

The whole.

c. 67.

Duties on Hides in the Hair

The whole.

c. 68.

Additional Duty on Verdigris

The whole.

c. 72.

Exemption from Duties of Assessed Taxes on Servants, Horses, Carriages, and Dogs kept in Great Britain and Ireland.

The whole.

c. 74.

Sale of warehoused Prize Goods

The whole.

c. 82.

Regulation respecting Rock Salt delivered to Refineries, &c.

The whole.

51 Geo. 3.

c. 89. -

Increase of Salary of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

The whole.

c. 93. -

Duties on Norway Fir Timber - -

The whole.

c. 95. -

Auction Duty; Roasting Coffee; Watermark on Paper intended for Exportation.

Section 1.

c. 110. -

Counterfeiting of Silver Tokens issued by the Bank of England.

The whole.

52 Geo. 3.

c. 30. -

Warehousing of Spirits distilled from Corn (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 34. -

Relief of Debtors - - -

The whole.

c. 36. -

Duties on Mahogany, &c - - -

The whole.

c. 46. -

Duties upon Spirits, &c. (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 48. -

Duties on Spirits distilled from Corn in Stills of and under 100 Gallons Content (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 53. -

Auction Duty on Sale of Colonial Coffee -

The whole.

c. 60. -

Payment of Superannuation Allowances in Customs Department (Scotland).

The whole.

c. 64. -

Obtaining Bonds and other Securities under false Pretences.

The whole.

c. 81. -

Superannuation Allowance of Officers of Excise.

The whole.

c. 82. -

Transfer to Consolidated Fund of Scotch Excise Charity and Superannuation Funds, &c.

The whole.

c. 87. -

Stamp Duties; Duties on Cards and Dice (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 94. -

Excise Duties on Glass, Hides, Tobacco and Snuff (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 96. -

Application of Amount of Bounties on Linen, &c., towards defraying Charge of any Loan made in the present Session.

The whole.

c. 107. -

Allowance of Duty on Salt used for making Acid for Bleaching.

The whole.

c. 117. -

Customs Duties on certain Woods, and on Pot and Pearl Ashes.

The whole.

c. 118. -

Amendment of Act respecting Prohibition of Distillation of Spirits from Corn, &c.

The whole.

c. 119. -

Importation from Turkey, &c., in Foreign Ships.

The whole.

c. 128. -

Regulations for securing Excise Duties on Malt (Great Britain).

The whole.

c. 135. -

Advance to the East India Company for Discharge of Part of the Indian Debt.

The whole.

c. 139. -

Duties on Stone Bottles - - -

The whole.

c. 142. -

Removal of Goods from one bonding Warehouse to another.

The whole.

c. 153. -

British White Herring Fishery - -

The whole.

53 Geo. 3

c. 8. -

Duties and Drawbacks on Importation and Exportation of Spanish or Red Wine.

The whole.

c. 9. -

Duties on Malt - - - -

The whole.

c. 10. -

Additional Duty on Rice - - -

The whole.

c. 11. -

Additional Drawback on Chocolate - -

The whole.

c. 19. -

Prevention of Issue and Circulation of Gold or Silver Tokens, other than those of the Banks of England and Ireland.

The whole.

c. 20. -

Militia (Great Britain) Enlistment of a Proportion of the Corps of Miners of Cornwall and Devon into the Regular Forces.

The whole.

53 Geo. 3.

c. 21. -

Provision for poor Persons confined for Debt, &c., sued for by Order of Commissioners of Customs and Excise.

The whole.

c. 22. -

Sale of Salt seized, Duty free, and Reward to seizing Officer.

The whole.

c. 30. -

Bounty on Exportation of Manufactures of Waste Silk.

The whole.

c. 33. -

Additional Duties of Customs

The whole.

c. 34. -

Additional Excise Duties on Importation of Tobacco, Snuff, and French Wines, and Drawbacks.

The whole.

c. 38. -

Exportation of Corn and other Articles to Newfoundland, &c.

The whole.

c. 52. -

Distillation and warehousing of Spirits made from Sugar (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 56. -

Excise Duties on Malt (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 57. -

Excise Duties on Tobacco (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Duties on Carriages, Horses, Male Servants, and Windows (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 60. -

Collection of Duties on Hides dressed in Oil, Vellum, and Parchment (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 62. -

Duties on Sugar for Home Consumption from Martinique, &c.

The whole.

c. 84. -

Duties on Cape Wines - - -

The whole.

c. 86. -

Naval Compensations and Pensions - -

The whole.

c. 87. -

Frauds by Boatmen and others, and Adjustment of Salvage.

The whole.

c. 97. -

Sale by Glassmakers of Muriate of Potash for Manufacture of Alum, and Excise Duty thereon.

The whole.

c. 100. -

Audit of Accounts of Paymaster-General of the Forces, &c.

The whole.

c. 103. -

Transfer of Excise Licences to Executors, &c. of licensed Traders.

The whole.

c. 104. -

Entry into Ireland for Home Consumption of Sugar from Martinique, &c, at reduced Duty.

The whole.

c. 106. -

Counterfeiting of Tokens of the Bank of Ireland.

The whole.

c. 112. -

Prosecutions under Acts relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

The whole.

c. 114. -

Prevention of Issue and Circulation of Gold and Silver Tokens, except those of Banks of England and Ireland.

The whole.

c. 116. -

Price and Assize of Bread sold out of City of London, and beyond the Bills of Mortality, &c.

The whole.

c. 120. -

Reduction of the National Debt (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 124. -

Use of Salt, Duty free, for curing certain Fish.

The whole.

c. 128. -

Relief of Roman Catholics holding Civil or Military Offices in Ireland, from Penalties of Popish Recusancy in England, &c.

The whole.

c. 129. -

Sale of Offices of Six Clerks in Chancery (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 137. -

Licences for Sale of Spirituous Liquors, &c. (Ireland.)

The whole.

c. 140. -

Cinque Ports Pilots - - -

The whole.

c. 145. -

Distillation of Spirits (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 147. -

Excise Duties on Spirits (Great Britain) -

The whole.

53 Geo. 3.

c. 148. -

Illicit Distillation of Spirits (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 156. -

Provision for Payment of the Charge of certain Annuities.

The whole.

54 Geo. 3.

c. 1. -

British and Irish Militias, Service out of the United Kingdom.

The whole.

c. 11. -

Provision for Serjeants of Militia (Great Britain and Ireland).

The whole.

c. 12. -

Augmentation of 60th Regiment by Enlistment of Foreigners.

The whole.

c. 17. -

City of London Militia Service out of the United Kingdom.

The whole.

c. 20. -

Amendment of Act as to Service of the British and Irish Militias out of the United Kingdom.

The whole.

c. 21. -

Duty on Scotch Salt brought to England -

The whole.

c. 32. -

Illicit Distillation of Spirits (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 36. -

Customs Duties on Goods imported from East Indies into Great Britain, East India Company's Accounts, &c.

The whole.

c. 42. -

Punishment for the Destruction of Stocking or Lace Frames, &c.

The whole.

c. 50. -

Customs Duties on Salt - - -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Slave Trade Suppression, Registration of Condemned Ships - - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

War Duties of Customs Continuance -

The whole.

c. 65. -

Customs Duties on Importation of French Goods, &c.

The whole.

c. 66. -

Repeal of Customs Duties on Teak or other Wood for Ship-building, imported from East Indies.

The whole.

c. 69. -

Repeal of all Customs Duties, Bounties, and Restrictions on the Exportation of Corn from the United Kingdom.

The whole.

c. 77. -

Customs Regulations for securing Duties on Cape Wines.

The whole.

c. 88. -

Collection of Excise Duties on Spirits (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 97. -

Excise Duties on Glass (Great Britain) -

The whole.

c. 120. -

Management of Customs and Excise (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 121. -

Excise Duties on Foreign Wine, Spirits, and other Liquors.

The whole.

c. 124. -

Importation of Tobacco and Snuff into Plymouth.

The whole.

c. 127. -

Exportation from Scotland and Ireland of Linen Cloth without Stamps.

So far as relates to Scotland.

c. 142. -

Exportation of Tea to British America, &c., Duty free.

The whole.

c. 174. -

Farming of the Post Horse Duties, and Measurement of Roads (Great Britain).

The whole.

55 Geo. 3.

c. 14. -

Customs Duties on Wood (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 22. -

Customs Duties on Tobacco- -

The whole.

c. 23. -

Customs Duties on Citrat of Lime - -

The whole.

c. 29. -

Trade of Malta - - - -

The whole.

c. 35. -

Additional Excise Duty on Tobacco (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 36. -

Customs Duty on Tobacco (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 37. -

Exportation or Importation of Sugar, Coffee, &c. (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 55. -

Land Revenues of the Crown. - -

The whole.

55 Geo, 3.

c. 57. -

Repeal of South Sea Company's exclusive Privileges of Trade, and Indemnity to the Company for the Loss.

The whole.

c. 62. -

Excise Duties on Malt (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 66. -

Excise Duties on Salt, Drawback on Foreign Brimstone, &c.

The whole.

c. 95. -

Customs Duties on Vegetable Substances used in Tanning.

The whole.

c. 99. -

Excise Duties on Malt (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 105. -

Excise Duties on Hides and Skins tanned in Ireland.

The whole.

c. 110. -

Excise Duties on Sweets or made Wines (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 114. -

Salaries, &c., of Master of the Rolls; Offices of Six Clerks in Chancery (Ireland).

Sections 3, 4, 5, 6.

c. 129. -

Drawbacks and countervailing Duties on Tobacco; Exportation of Wine.

The whole.

c. 135. -

Customs Regulations as to Newfoundland Blubber and Train Oil.

The whole.

c. 141. -

Amendment of the Act for Repeal of South Sea Company's exclusive Privileges of Trade.

The whole.

c. 163. -

Customs Regulations; Licences to open Boats.

The whole.

c. 168. -

Amendment of Laws relating to Militias of Great Britain and Ireland.

So far as relates to the Militia of Scotland.

c. 169. -

Provision for Charge of Addition to Funded Debt.

The whole.

c. 172. -

Support of captured Slaves during the Period of Adjudication.

The whole.

c. 177. -

Prevention of Frauds in Manufacture of Sweets.

The whole.

c. 179. -

Use of Salt, Duty free, for curing Fish, &c.

The whole.

c. 181. -

Customs Duty on certain Seeds imported -

The whole.

56 Geo. 3.

c. 25. -

Duty on Importation of Butter - -

The whole.

c. 26. -

Duty on Importation of Cheese - -

The whole.

c. 29. -

Perpetuation of certain War Duties of Customs, &c.

The whole.

c. 34. -

Additional Duty on Corks - - -

The whole.

c. 44. -

Excise Duties, &c. on Soap - - -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Excise Duty on Malt (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

Amendment of Acts relating to the Militia of Great Britain.

So far as relates to the Militia of Scotland.

c. 70. -

Redemption of National Debt (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 73. -

Removal of Difficulties in Conviction of Offenders stealing Property from Mines.

The whole.

c. 75. -

Customs Duties on Rape Seed, &c. - -

The whole.

c. 77. -

Repeal of certain Duties granted by the Act for repealing the exclusive Privileges of the South Sea Company.

The whole.

c. 79. -

Customs Duties on Rape Seed Cakes, Bones, &c.

The whole.

c. 85. -

Management of Customs and Excise (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 86. -

Aliens - - - - -

The whole.

c. 94. -

Use of crushed Rock Salt, Duty free, in Manufacture of Muriatic Acid, &c.

The whole.

c. 113. -

Beer, &c. Licences (Great Britain) - -

The whole.

56 Geo. 3.

c. 118. -

Duty on Oil and Blubber from the North American Colonies.

The whole.

c. 119. -

Mutiny Act Amendment - - -

The whole.

c. 127. -

Duty on Exportation of small Coals from Great Britain.

The whole.

c. 133. -

Provision for the annual Charge of the Loans of this Session.

The whole.

c. 135. -

Crinan Canal (Scotland) - - -

The whole.

c. 137. -

Bankrupts - - - - -

The whole.

57 Geo. 3.

c. 18. -

Business of the Court of Exchequer (England) Equity Side.

The whole.

c. 30. -

Interest on and Periods of Payments of Navy, Victualling, and Transport Bills.

The whole.

c. 32.

Excise Duties on Stone Bottles- -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Laws of Excise respecting Salt and Rock Salt.

The whole.

c. 51. -

Celebration of Marriages, Newfoundland -

The whole.

c. 61. -

Abolition of Offices of Wardens, Chief Justices, and Justices in Eyre of the Royal Forests, &c. North and South of the Trent.

The whole.

c. 63. -

Regulation of Offices of Clerks of the Signet and Privy Seal.

The whole.

c. 76. -

Drawback on Paper allowed to the Universities in Scotland.

The whole.

c. 79. -

Transfer from Funds in Great Britain to Funds in Ireland.

The whole.

c. 86. -

Importation of Foreign Cambrics and Lawns into Ireland.

The whole.

c. 88. -

Fuller's Earth, &c. carried Coastwise -

The whole.

c. 96. -

Duties on Coal, &c. removed Coastwise (Wales).

The whole.

c. 119. -

Exemption of Stone Blacking Bottles from Duty.

The whole.

c. 123. -

Excise Duty on Spirits made from Corn in England, &c.

The whole.

c. 128. -

Window Duties (Scotland) - - -

The whole.

58 Geo. 3.

c. 8. -

Kilmainham Hospital, Suspension of Pensions for Misconduct.

The whole.

c. 13. -

Duties on Licences for retailing Aqua Vitæ in Scotland.

The whole.

c. 18. -

Customs Duties on Corks ready made imported into Ireland.

The whole.

c. 21. -

Excise Duties on Glass - - -

The whole.

c. 33. -

Allowance for broken Plate Glass, &c.

The whole.

c. 36. -

Execution of Treaty with Spain, for preventing Traffic in Slaves.

The whole.

c. 41. -

Collection of Duties on Paper (Ireland) and Drawback on Paper used at Press of Trinity College, Dublin.

The whole.

c. 49. -

Abolition of Slave Trade - - -

The whole.

c. 56. -

Bounty on Exportation of Silk Manufactures.

The whole.

c. 65. -

Excise Duties on Vinegar or Acetous Acid -

The whole.

c. 75. -

Preservation of Game - - -

The whole.

c. 77. -

Excise Duties on Rock Salt - -

The whole.

c. 79. -

Auction Duties (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 80. -

Transfer from Stocks in Great Britain to Stocks in Ireland.

The whole.

58 Geo. 3.

c. 85. -

Execution of Convention with Portugal, for preventing Traffic in Slaves.

The whole.

c. 89. -

Attendance of Magistrates on board outward bound Passenger Vessels.

The whole.

c. 93. -

Relief to bonâ fide Holders for Value of negotiable Securities without Notice of usurious Consideration.

The whole.

c. 94. -

Sea Fisheries (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 98. -

Abolition of the Slave Trade - -

The whole.

59 Geo. 3.

c. 17. -

Execution of Convention with Portugal for preventing Traffic in Slaves.

The whole.

c. 28. -

Division of Courts of Quarter Sessions -

The whole.

c. 29. -

Customs Duties on Mineral Alkali - -

The whole.

c. 36. -

Making and Sale of Bread out of City of London and beyond Bills of Mortality, &c.

The whole.

c. 57. -

Excise Duties, Salt (Great Britain) - -

The whole.

c. 64. -

Proceedings against Warden of the Fleet in Vacation.

The whole.

c. 71. -

Loan from Commissioners for Reduction of National Debt.

The whole.

c. 91. -

Applications to Courts of Equity regarding Charity Estates (England).

The whole.

c. 97. -

Trial of Offences committed in Africa against the Laws for Abolition of the Slave Trade.

The whole.

c. 103. -

Provisions respecting Accounts to be laid before Parliament.

The whole.

c. 105. -

Excise Duties on Spirits, certain Licences, Leather and Glass of Carriages, &c. (Great Britain and Ireland).

The whole.

c. 113. -

Premiums to Ships employed in Southern Whale Fishery.

The whole.

c. 120. -

Registry of Colonial Slaves in Great Britain, and Removal of Slaves from Colonies.

The whole.

c. 124. -

Passenger Vessels to Colonies, &c. - -

The whole.

1 Geo. 4.

c. 9. -

Grant of Privileges of British Ships to Vessels built at Malta, &c.

The whole.

c. 22. -

Loan from Commissioners for Reduction of National Debt.

The whole.

c. 26. -

Coasting Trade (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 35. -

Court of Exchequer (England) Suitors’ Money, Appointment of Accountant General, &c.

The whole.

c. 37. -

Appointment of Special Constables by Magistrates.

The whole.

c. 40. -

Compensation for Tithes withheld (Ireland)

The whole.

c. 72. -

Lotteries - - - - -

The whole.

c. 75. -

Excise Duty on Tobacco - - -

The whole.

c. 78. -

Duties on Spirit Licences, &c. (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 87. -

Recovery of Possession by Landlords -

The whole.

c. 99. -

Maintenance of a Volunteer Infantry Corps by the East India Company.

The whole.

c. 102. -

Indictments in respect of Property belonging to Partners.

The whole.

c. 115. -

Abolition of Capital Punishment for certain Offences, and Substitution of other Punishment.

The whole.

c. 118. -

Excise Duty on Malt (Scotland) - -

The whole.

1 & 2 Geo. 4.

c. 14. -

Free Importation of Cochineal and Indigo -

The whole.

1 & 2 Geo. 4.

c. 22. -

Ale and Beer Duties (Great Britain) -

So much as relates to Certificates and Increases in Stock.

c. 29. -

Allowances in certain Cases in respect of Duty on Irish Starch imported into Great Britain.

The whole.

c. 47. -

Disfranchisement of Borough of Grampound, and additional Knights of the Shire for Yorkshire.

Sections 2 and 3.

c. 50. -

Making and Sale of Bread out of City of London and beyond Bills of Mortality, &c.

The whole.

c. 60. -

Exemption of Ships in Ballast in the South Sea Trade from certain Tonnage Duties.

The whole.

c. 70. -

Loan from Commissioners for Reduction of National Debt.

The whole.

c. 75. -

Frauds by Boatmen and others, and Adjustment of Salvage in England.

The whole.

c. 91. -

Silk and Mohair, &c. Bounties - -

The whole.

c. 96. -

British Spirits Duty (Lisburne, Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 99. -

Slave Trade - - - -

The whole.

c. 102. -

Drawback on Acetous Acid exported, and Exemption of Drainage Tiles from Duty.

The whole.

c. 105. -

Amendment of Laws of Excise as to warehoused Goods.

The whole.

c. 110. -

Horse Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 120. -

Lotteries - - - - -

The whole.

3 Geo. 4.

c. 25. -

Starch and Soap Duties Allowances -

The whole.

c. 32. -

Duties on plain Silk Net or Tulle - -

The whole.

c. 38. -

Punishment for Manslaughter and for Robbery by Servants, and of Accessories before the Fact to certain Felonies.

The whole.

c. 47. -

Rate of Interest on Securities made in Great Britain on Land, &c. in Ireland or the Colonies.

The whole.

c. 73. -

Loan from Commissioners for Reduction of National Debt.

The whole.

c. 74. -

Bankrupts under joint Commissions -

The whole.

c. 101. -

Lotteries - - - - -

The whole.

c. 109. -

Duties and Drawbacks on Barilla - -

The whole.

c. 125. -

Leases of Tithes by Ecclesiastical Persons (Ireland).

The whole.

4 Geo. 4.

c. 23. -

Consolidation of Boards of Customs, and of Boards of Excise of Great Britain and Ireland.

The whole.

c. 45. -

Assessed Taxes Composition - -

The whole.

c. 70. -

Court of Exchequer, Equity Side (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 77. -

Duties on Goods in Foreign Vessels, &c. -

The whole, except Sections 5 and 6.

c. 78. -

Stamp Duty on Proceedings in Equity (Ireland).

So far as relates to the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer.

c. 89. -

Limitation of Expenses of certain Law Proceedings (Ireland).

Section 3.

5 Geo. 4.

c. 4. -

Law Proceedings (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 8. -

Church Lands (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 16. -

Court of Exchequer, Equity Side (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 17. -

Slave Trade Suppression - - -

The whole.

c. 26. -

Barrack Property - - - -

The whole.

c. 50. -

Price of Bread - - - -

The whole.

c. 54. -

Beer and Spirit Licences - - -

Duties granted by.

5 Geo. 4.

c. 70. -

Substitution of Flour for Foreign Wheat in Warehouses.

The whole.

c. 75. -

Excise and Customs Duties - -

The whole.

c. 85. -

Gaols and Houses of Correction (England) -

So much as requires the making of any Return in the Form of the Schedule (A.) to this Act.

c. 106. -

Courts of Great Sessions in Wales - -

The whole.

c. 113. -

Slave Trade Abolition - - -

From Section 13 to Section 20, both inclusive.

Sections 37 and 42. From Section 52 to Section 59, both inclusive as to Portugal or Spain.

Section 67.

Section 72.

6 Geo. 4.

c. 19. -

Threatening Letters as to accusing of infamous Crimes.

The whole.

c. 56. -

Indictments for Forgery on Partnerships

The whole.

c. 60. -

Exchequer, Equity Side (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 85. -

Salaries and Pensions of Judges in India, and Bishop of Calcutta; Transportation from St. Helena; Administration of Justice at Singapore, &c.

Section 17.

c. 96. -

Writs of Error - - - -

The whole.

7 Geo. 4.

c. 17. -

Administration of Justice, Durham - -

The whole.

c. 20. -

Stamp Duties in Courts of Law (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 48. -

Customs Laws Amendment - -

The whole, except so much of Section 52 as relates to Excise.

c. 55. -

Poll at Elections of Knights of the Shire for the County of York.

The whole.

7 & 8Geo. 4.

c. 34. -

Ministers Money (Ireland) - - -

The whole.

c. 46. -

General Register House, Edinburgh -

The whole.

c. 66. -

Grants of Crown Lands for Public Buildings and Cemeteries.

The whole.

9 Geo. 4.

c. 9. -

Sessions of the Peace, Westminster - -

The whole.

c. 59. -

Mode of taking the Poll at Parliamentary Elections for Boroughs (England).

The whole.

c. 72. -

Bombay Marine - - - -

The whole.

c. 76. -

Customs - - - - -

The whole.

c. 84. -

Slave Trade Abolition - - -

The whole.

c. 93. -

Delivery of Sugar out of Bond to be refined

The whole.

10 Geo. 4.

c. 16. -

Appointment of Writers in the East India Company's Service.

The whole.

11 Geo. 4. & 1 Will. 4.

c. 10.

Maintenance of Families of Smugglers sentenced to serve in the Navy.

The whole.

c. 69. -

Judicial Establishments (Scotland) - -

Section 42.

1 Will. 4.

c. 3. -

Administration of Justice, Law Terms, &c.-

Sections 5 and 6.

2 & 3 Will. 4.

c. 13. -

Presentments, Baronies of St. Sepulchres and Donore (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 31. -

Regulation of Baking Trade (Ireland) -

The whole.

c. 41. -

Recovery of Tithes (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Office of Clerks of the Signet and Privy Seal.

The whole.

3 & 4 Will. 4.

c. 10. -

Cotton Wool Customs Duty - -

The whole.

c. 16. -

Excise Duties on Soap - - -

The whole.

c. 17. -

Manufacture of Stone Blue - - -

The whole.

c. 41. -

Judicial Committee of Privy Council -

Sections 22, 25, 26, and 27.

c. 98. -

Bank of England Privileges - -

Section 7.

4 & 5 Will. 4.

c. 32. -

Reduction of Tonnage Rates in the Port of London.

Section 4.

c. 89. -

Customs - - - - -

The whole.

5 & 6 Will. 4.

c. 32. -

Tea Duties - - - - -

The whole.

c. 37. -

Militia Staff Reduction and Ballots Suspension.

The whole.

c. 40. -

Duties on Wood, the Produce of Places in Europe.

The whole.

6 & 7 Will. 4.

c. 25. -

Postage, Milford and Waterford - -

The whole.

c. 26. -

Sugar Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 61. -

Shipowners’ Liability for Losses by Fire -

The whole.

c. 101.

Parliamentary Elections; List of Voters; Returning Officers (England).

Section 3.

c. 112.

Court of Exchequer, Equity Side - -

The whole.

7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict.


Loans for Public Works and Fisheries -

Section 17.

c. 70.

Haileybury College, &c. - - -

Sections 1, 2, 3, 7, and so much of Section 5 as relates to Admission to Haileybury College.

c. 85.

Amendment of Laws relating to Offences against the Person.

Section 11.

1 & 2 Vict.

c. 10. -

Banking and other Copartnerships, in which Spiritual Persons are interested, Validity of Contracts.

The whole.

c. 22. -

Haileybury College - - -

The whole.

c. 54. -

Investment of Suitors’ Money, Courts of Chancery and Exchequer.

Sections 3 and 4.

c. 120. -

Duchy of Cornwall Tin Duties - -

Section 8.

2 & 3 Vict.

c. 14. -

Certain Appointments in Cathedral Churches (England).

The whole.

3 & 4 Vict.

c. 17. -

Customs, Excise, and Assessed Taxes -

So much as relates to Customs Duties and Drawbacks.

c. 34. -

Masters in Chancery - - -

The whole.

c. 49. -

Excise Duties on Soap - - -

The whole.

4 & 5 Vict.

c. 13. -

South Australia, Loan to Colonization Commissioners.

The whole.

5 & 6 Vict.

c. 89. -

Drainage of Lands (Ireland) - -

Section 27.

c. 110. -

Coventry Boundary - - -

Section 9.

6 & 7 Vict.

c. 12. -

Coroners’ Inquests - - - -

Section 4.

c. 29. -

Duties on Wheat, &c. imported from Canada

The whole.

7 & 8 Vict.

c. 28. -

Sugar Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 33. -

County Rates and High Constables - -

So far as relates to County Rates.

8 & 9 Vict.

c. 5. -

Sugar Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 13. -

Excise Duties on Sugar - - -

The whole.

c. 48. -

Oaths Dispensation, Bankruptcy - -

The whole.

9 & 10 Vict.

c. 22. -

Corn Importation - - - -

The whole.

c. 58. -

Duties of Customs on Books and Engravings

The whole.

c. 63. -

Sugar Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 94. -

Reduction of Duties of Customs by Legislatures of certain British Possessions.

The whole.

10&11 Vict.

c. 45. -

Prisoners’ Removal in certain Cases (Ireland).

The whole.

c. 85. -

Post Office - - - - -

Section 11.

12 & 13 Vict.

c. 19. -

Removal of Prisoners from Gaols in Cases of Epidemic Diseases.

The whole.

c. 70. -

Summary Convictions (Ireland) - -

The whole.

c. 93. -

Metropolitan Sewers - - -

The whole.

13 & 14 Vict.

c. 14. -

Advances to Distressed Unions (Ireland) -

The whole.

13 & 14 Vict.

c. 67. -

Excise on Sugar, and Brewers’ and Distillers’ Licences.

Section 3.

14 & 15 Vict.

c. 89. -

Metropolitan Interment Act, 1850, Amendment.

The whole.

15 & 16 Vict.

c. 16. -

Repayment of Advances (Ireland) Act Amendment.

The whole.

16 & 17 Vict.

c. 54. -

Customs Duties - - - -

The whole.

c. 125. -

Metropolitan Sewers Acts Continuance and Amendment.

The whole.