Local Government (Water Pollution) (Amendment) Act, 1990

Amendment of section 1 of Principal Act.

2.—Section 1 (1) of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the deletion of the definitions of “aquifer” and “sewer” and the insertion of the following definitions before the definition of “board of conservators”;

“‘aquifer’ means any stratum or combination of strata that stores or transmits groundwater;

‘combined drain’ means a drainage pipe, or a system of such pipes, that is not vested in or controlled by a sanitary authority and is used to convey trade effluent or other matter (other than storm water) from two or more premises to any waters or to a sewer;

‘fisheries region’ has the meaning assigned to it by the Fisheries Act, 1980 , and includes the Foyle Area, within the meaning of the Foyle Fisheries Act, 1952 ;

‘regional board’ has the meaning assigned to it by the Fisheries Act, 1980 , and includes the Foyle Fisheries Commission;

‘sewer’ means a sewer within the meaning of the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Acts, 1878 to 1964, that is vested in or controlled by a sanitary authority and includes a sewage treatment works, and a sewage disposal works, that is vested in or controlled by a sanitary authority;”.