The Royal, College of Surgeons in Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act, 1965

Amendment of lines 144 to 148 of the Charter of 1828.

2.—The Charter of 1828 shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 144 to 148 thereof in the Oath or Declaration to be taken by Licentiates, that is to say, the words “and shall at the same time in the presence of the said President or Vice President, Sign Seal and Execute a Bond or Obligation in, and for the Sum of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS to the said College, conditioned for the due and faithful Observance, Performance and Fulfilment of all and every the Statutes, Bye Laws and Ordinances of said College, and of the said Declaration, and all matters and provisions in them or any of them contained, or to be contained, which said Bond or Obligation, the said College is hereby empowered to Take, Enforce, and Sue upon”.