The Royal, College of Surgeons in Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act, 1965

Amendment of lines 67 ot 69 of the Charter of 1828.

1.—The Charter of 1828 shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear in lines 67 to 69 thereof, that is to say, the words “and also for inflicting upon all and every Delinquent or Offender, whether Apprentice or Pupil, Member or Licentiate, such reasonable Pains, Penalties and Punishments, by Censure, Suspensions, Amation or Fine, as to them the said President Vice President and Members, or the Majority of them so convened shall seem meet, Provided such Pecuniary Penalty shall not exceed in any case the sum of Fifty Pounds,”.