Marriages Validty Act, 1899



An Act to remove doubts as to the Validity of certain Marriages. [9th August 1899.]

Validation of certain marriages.

1. No marriage solemnised, or to be hereafter solemnised, in any church in England or in Ireland, after publication of banns in such church, shall be or be deemed to have been invalid by reason only that one of the parties to such marriage was in the case of a marriage in England resident in Ireland, or in the case of a marriage in Ireland resident in England, and that banns may have been published in any church of the parish or place in which such party was resident, according to the law or custom there prevailing, and not in the manner required for the publication of banns in the part of the United Kingdom in which the marriage has been solemnised.

Short title.

2. This Act may be cited as the Marriages Validity Act, 1899.