Updated to 17 April 2024 (Act No. 9 of 2024 and S.I. No. 162 of 2024)

Statutes of England Affected

Session and ChapterShort Title or Subject MatterHow AffectedAffecting Provision
1351 (25 Edw. 3) c. 4 Provisors of benefices 1351 Rep. 11/1983, s. 1, sch., pt. 2
1351-52 (25 Edw. 3. St. 5) c. 5 Executors (1351-52) Rep. 8/1959, s. 5, sch. 2, pt. 1
1351 (25 Edw. 3) c. 6 Benefices 1351 Rep. 11/1983, s. 1, sch., pt. 2