Updated to 17 April 2024 (Act No. 9 of 2024 and S.I. No. 162 of 2024)

Statutes of England Affected

Session and ChapterShort Title or Subject MatterHow AffectedAffecting Provision
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [5] Arms to pass to heir in the event of death Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [3] Burgesses and freemen to have equipment Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [2] Equipment for freemen holding property Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [1] Equipment to be given in exchange for a knight's fee Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [9] Justices to cause oaths to be sworn by lawful knights and freemen Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [11] Limit on value of land for swearing upon Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [8] No arms to be carried out of England except by order of the King Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [7] No Jew to keep in his possession a hauberk or an aubergel Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [12] Prohibition on buying or selling any ship with intent to take it out of England Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [6] Selling off of excess arms Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [4] Swear allegiance to the lord King Repealed No. 28 of 2007, s. 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1181 (27 Hen. 2) Assize of Arms [10] Those who have not arms, the lord King will seize their persons Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2