Updated to 17 April 2024 (Act No. 9 of 2024 and S.I. No. 162 of 2024)



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act 27 July 1939 Commenced on enactment

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Am. 15/1962, s.20(1)(a)
Ext. 3/1976, s.2(1)(2)
References construed 1/2014, ss. 1(22), 9(2),(3)
Rstrct. on allowances. 13/1967, s.7(1)
Total allowances. 13/1967, s.6
S.4 am. 21/1940, s.11
S. 4 trans. of functns. under. S.I. No. 418 of 2011, arts. 1(2), 3 & sch. 1
S.8 (1) amended S.I. No. 332 of 1974, art. 2
  23/1962, s.2
S.8 (1) am. retro. 13/1972, s.3
S.9 mod. 36/1946, s.10(1)
Ss. 11, 12 (in pt.), 16, 19, 20 (in pt.) rep. 24/1946, s.5, sch. 1
Sch. am. 21/1940, s.11

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act