Updated to 9 July 2024 (Act No. 22 of 2024 and S.I. No. of 351 of 2024)

SI Year and Number
TitleHow AffectedAffecting Provision
1 Pyrite Resolution Act 2013 (Commencement) Order 2014 Not affected  
2 Pyrite Resolution Act 2013 (Establishment Day) Order 2014 Not affected  
3 European Union (Common Fisheries Policy) (Point System) Regulations 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 125 of 2016, reg. 19
4 Petroleum Safety (Petroleum Incident) Regulations 2014 Revoked with saver S.I. No. 166 of 2016, regs. 2-4
      S.I. No. 81 of 2016, regs. 2-4
5 Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013 (Sections 3 to 12) (Commencement) Order 2014 Not affected  
6 Civil Liability Act 1961 (Section 49) Order 2014 Not affected  
7 European Union (Recognition of Professional Qualifications Relating to the Professions of Dentist, Medical Practitioner, Nurse and Midwife) Regulations 2014 Revoked with transitional measures S.I. No. 8 of 2017, regs. 2, 90(1)(j), 96
    References construed Reference to S.I. No. 7 of 2014 to be construed as S.I. No. 8 of 2017 as per S.I. No. 8 of 2017, reg. 90(2)
8 Local Government (Financial Procedures and Audit) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Rendered obsolete on revocation of S.I. No. 508 of 2002 S.I. No. 226 of 2014, regs. 2, 30
9 Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Not affected  
10 Agriculture Appeals Act 2001 (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 2013 Whole. S.I. revoked S.I. No. 638 of 2016, reg. 3
    Schedule substituted S.I. No. 276 of 2015, reg. 2
11 European Union (Nutrition and Health Claims Made on Foods) Regulations 2014 Reg. 2(1) amended S.I. No. 689 of 2022, reg. 3
      S.I. No. 243 of 2021, reg. 3
      S.I. No. 176 of 2018, reg. 3
      S.I. No. 154 of 2017, reg. 3
      S.I. No. 458 of 2015, reg. 3
    Reg. 12(1) amended S.I. No. 243 of 2021, reg. 4(a)
    Reg. 12(2A) inserted S.I. No. 243 of 2021, reg. 4(b)
12 European Communities (Official Controls on the Import of Food of Non-Animal Origin for Pesticide Residues) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 194 of 2014, reg. 3
13 Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (Amendment) Order 2014 Not affected  
14 European Communities (Official Controls on the Import of Food of Non-Animal Origin) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 206 of 2014, reg. 2
15 European Union (Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Not affected  
16 Rules of the Superior Courts (Courts and Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2013) 2014 Not affected  
17 District Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2014 References construed 29/2014, ss. 1(5), 8, 39
18 Electricity Supply Board (Superannuation) Order 2014 Not affected  
19 Credit Reporting Act 2013 (Commencement) Order 2014 Not affected  
20 Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012 (Commencement) Order 2014 Not affected  
21 Residential Institutions Statutory Fund (Appeals) Regulations 2014 Not affected  
22 District Court (Fees) Order 2014 Art. 4A inserted S.I. No. 439 of 2020, rls. 1(2), 2
    Art. 4A substituted S.I. No. 444 of 2021, regs. 1(2), 2
    Art. 4B inserted S.I. No. 439 of 2020, rls. 1(2), 2
    Art. 4B substituted S.I. No. 444 of 2021, regs. 1(2), 2
    Art. 4C inserted S.I. No. 534 of 2021, arts. 1(2), 2
    Art. 4C substituted S.I. No. 34 of 2022, arts. 1(2), 2
    Sch. part 4 col. 2 ref. no. 7 amended S.I. No. 479 of 2022, art. 2
23 Circuit Court (Fees) Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 491 of 2014, arts. 1(2), 6
24 Supreme Court and High Court (Fees) Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 492 of 2014, arts. 1(2), 11
25 Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee Establishment (Amendment) Order 2014 Not affected  
26 Hairdressing Joint Labour Committee Establishment (Amendment) Order 2014 Not affected  
27 Hotels Joint Labour Committee (For the Areas Known, Until 1st January, 1994, As the County Borough of Dublin and the Borough of Dun Laoghaire) (Abolition) Order 2014 Not affected  
28 Hotels Joint Labour Committee Establishment (Amendment) Order 2014 Not affected  
29 Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee (Abolition) Order 2014 Not affected  
30 Security Industry Joint Labour Committee Establishment (Amendment) Order 2014 Not affected  
31 European Union (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 605 of 2017, regs. 1(d), 3
    Reg. 17(11) deleted S.I. No. 134 of 2014, reg. 3
    Reg. 21(4)(b) substituted S.I. No. 463 of 2014, reg. 3
    Reg. 26(1) substituted S.I. No. 134 of 2014, reg. 4
    Part 7 (Regs. 35-39) inserted S.I. No. 134 of 2014, reg. 5
    Sch. 5 inserted S.I. No. 134 of 2014, reg. 6
32 Education Act 1998 (Unregistered Persons) Regulations 2014 Reg. 7(a) amended S.I. No. 68 of 2022, reg. 2(a)
    Reg. 7(aa) inserted S.I. No. 68 of 2022, reg. 2(b)
33 Appointment of Special Adviser (Minister for Education and Skills) Order 2014 Not affected  
34 Wireless Telegraphy (Transfer of Spectrum Rights of Use) Regulations 2014 References construed 29/2014, ss. 1(5), 8, 39
35 Electoral (Amendment) Regulations 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 321 of 2014, reg. 3
36 Social Welfare (Consolidated Supplementary Welfare Allowance) (Amendment) (No. 1) (Diet Supplement) Regulations 2014 Not affected  
37 Local Government Act 2001 (Commencement of Certain Provisions) Order 2014 Not affected  
38 Local Government Reform Act 2014 (Commencement of Certain Provisions) Order 2014 Not affected  
39 European Parliament Elections Regulations 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 75 of 2019, reg. 7
40 County of Carlow Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 610 of 2018, art. 5
41 County of Cavan Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 611 of 2018, art. 5
42 County of Clare Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 612 of 2018, art. 5
43 County of Cork Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 28 of 2019, arts. 5, 6
    Art. 2, sch. rent pressure zone prescribed S.I. No. 18 of 2017, arts. 2, 3
44 County of Donegal Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 613 of 2018, art. 5
45 City of Dublin Local Electoral Areas Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 614 of 2018, art. 4
46 County of Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Local Electoral Areas Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 615 of 2018, art. 5
47 County of Fingal Local Electoral Areas Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 616 of 2018, art. 5
48 Director of Public Prosecutions Superannuation Scheme 2014 Not affected  
49 City of Galway Local Electoral Areas Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 617 of 2018, art. 4
    Art. 2, sch. rent pressure zone prescribed S.I. No. 23 of 2017, arts. 2, 3
      S.I. No. 21 of 2017, arts. 2, 3
      S.I. No. 19 of 2017, arts. 2, 3
50 County of Galway Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts Order 2014 Revoked S.I. No. 618 of 2018, art. 5