Updated to 17 April 2024 (Act No. 9 of 2024 and S.I. No. 162 of 2024)

Statutes of England Affected

Session and ChapterShort Title or Subject MatterHow AffectedAffecting Provision
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [9] Clerks forbidden from transgressing either in regard to venison or forests belonging to the King Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [2] Forbids anyone in the King's forests to have bows or arrows or hounds or harriers Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [1] Forbids transgression against the Kings hunting-rights or his forests Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [8] Foresters shall be seized for destruction of woods Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [6] Foresters to swear to the lord King Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [4] Installation of suitable foresters Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [13] Keeping the King's peace Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [10] King's assarts (forest land cleared of trees and bushes) to be inspected, etc Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [7] Knights to protect venison and cattle Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [14] Mutilation of dogs Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [12] No pledges to be taken for a third transgression except the very person of the transgressor Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [15] No tanner or bleacher of hides shall dwell in the King's forests outside of a borough Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [16] None to hunt wild animals by night with a view to their capture Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [11] Persons to heed the summons of the master-forester to come and hear the pleas of the lord King concerning his forests Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [3] Prohibition on giving or selling anything to the wasting or destruction of his own woods which lie within the forest of the King Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1184 (30 Hen. 2) Assize of the Forest [5] Reparation for destroyed woods Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2