Updated to 17 April 2024 (Act No. 9 of 2024 and S.I. No. 162 of 2024)

Statutes of England Affected

Session and ChapterShort Title or Subject MatterHow AffectedAffecting Provision
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [7] Bequeathments of barons' properties Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [5] Common mintage Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [4] Dower Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [8] Forfeiture by barons or the King's men Repealed
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [1] Freedom of the Church of God Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [3] Marriage Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [6] Pardon of debts and fees owing to the King's brother Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [12] Peace to be kept in all the Kingdom Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [2] Redemption of lands by just and lawful "relief" Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [11] Relieving knight's burden on their land Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [9] Remission of all murder-fines incurred before the crowning of the King Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [13] Restoration of the law of King Edward Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [10] Retention of forests Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1100 (1 Hen. 1) Coronation Charter [14] Return of lands belonging to the King Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2