Legislation Directory

The purpose of this database is to enable users of the Irish Statute Book to identify whether a particular provision has been amended or otherwise affected since its enactment.

The database contains -

Tables of the legislation set out in the next paragraph as affected by any primary or secondary legislation enacted from 6 December 1922 to 28 July 2012, namely -

Users should be aware of the following:

Where an affecting provision (including a repealing provision) is governed by a commencement provision, the commencement provision is referred to. Users are advised to check whether the affecting provision has been commenced.

In general, this database does not refer to amendments effected prior to 1922. However, it has been expanded to include pre-1922 amendments to pre-1922 Acts which were retained by the Statute Law Revision Act 2007.

Users should note the Fines Act 2010. This Act makes amendments across the Irish Statute Book in relation to fines.

Attention is drawn to the following provisions of the Interpretation Act 2005: Section 17 in relation to the exercise of statutory powers before the commencement of an Act; Part 6 (sections 26 and 27) in relation to the effects of repeals and revocations in Acts of the Oireachtas and instruments made partly or wholly thereunder.

Attention is also drawn to section 2 of the European Communities Act 1972, which provides that the Treaties and other acts of the Communities are binding on the State and are part of its domestic law.