Updated to 9 July 2024 (Act No. 22 of 2024 and S.I. No. of 351 of 2024)

The effects marked with a red background are not reflected in the most recent Revised Act. To scroll to next the unapplied effect(s), click here.



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act 29 December 1993 Commenced on enactment

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Applic. rstrct. 16/1995, s.7 (9)
  28/2005, ss. 10 (1), 11, 14 (2)
Applied S.I. No. 204 of 2008, rls. 1(2), 36
S. 2 facilitation of review under section included in list of purposes for which DNA (Military Police) Database System may be used 16/2022, ss. 1(2), 26(2)(c)
S. 3(9) - (11) inserted 24/2023, ss. 1(5), 62
S. 6 substit. 18/2014, ss. 1(2), 50
S. 11 rep. 18/2014, ss. 1(2), 73, sch. 1
  31/1995, sch. 1, pt. 2

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act