Updated to 9 July 2024 (Act No. 22 of 2024 and S.I. No. of 351 of 2024)



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act 29 December 1989 Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989, s. 12(2)

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Contract termination for breach of provs. under. 18/2009, s. 71 (6)(a)
Powers for breach of provs. under. 4/2001, ss. 1 (4), 12 (5)
S. 9 form prescribed S.I. No. 93 of 1997, ord. 34, rl. 3, forms 34.5- 34.8, sch. B
S. 9(3) amended 28/2021, ss. 1(2), 20(3), schedule 2

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act