Updated to 9 July 2024 (Act No. 22 of 2024 and S.I. No. of 351 of 2024)



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act 1 November 1960 Hire-Purchase (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Commencement) Order, 1960 (S.I. No. 200 of 1960), art. 2

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Rep. 24/1995, ss. 1 (2), 17 (2), 19, sch. 2

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act
S. 2 Hire-Purchase (Amendment) Act, 1960 (Commencement) Order, 1960 (S.I. No. 200 of 1960)
S. 6 Hire-Purchase and Credit-Sale (Advertising) Order, 1961 (S.I. No. 183 of 1961)
  Hiring Order, 1965 (S.I. No. 156 of 1965)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale Order, 1965 (S.I. No. 155 of 1965)
  Hiring Order, 1966 (S.I. No. 198 of 1966)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale Order, 1966 (S.I. No. 197 of 1966)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale (Revocation) Order, 1967 (S.I. No. 205 of 1967)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale (No. 2) Order, 1968 (S.I. No. 276 of 1968)
  Hiring (No. 2) Order, 1968 (S.I. No. 275 of 1968)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale Order, 1968 (S.I. No. 225 of 1968)
  Hiring Order, 1968 (S.I. No. 224 of 1968)
  Hiring Order, 1970 (S.I. No. 16 of 1970)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale Order, 1970 (S.I. No. 15 of 1970)
  Hiring (Revocation) Order, 1971 (S.I. No. 292 of 1971)
  Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale (Revocation) Order, 1971 (S.I. No. 291 of 1971)