Updated to 9 July 2024 (Act No. 22 of 2024 and S.I. No. of 351 of 2024)



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act 1 January 1948 s. 7(2)

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Appl. 10/2007, s. 18(2)
Am. 45/1956, s.32 (1)
  24/1961, s.90 (16)
Application restricted 23/2017, ss. 1(2), 112(6) (col. cit.)
  23/2017, ss. 1(2), 121(4) (col. cit.)
  23/2017, ss. 1(2), 149(5) (col. cit.)
Cert. codes deemed to be S. to which Act primarily applies. 25/1988, ss. 13 (3) (b), 35 (2)
Restricted 36/2010, ss. 1(2), 62(8)
S.2(1)(b) am. 2/1980, s.6
S. 2(2A) inserted 23/2015, s. 6(a)(i)
S. 2(3) repealed 23/2015, s. 6(a)(ii)
S. 2(4) repealed 23/2015, s. 6(a)(ii)
S. 2(5)(a) amended 23/2015, s. 6(a)(iii)(I)
S. 2(5)(b) amended 23/2015, s. 6(a)(iii)(II)
S.3 am. 26/1955, s.1
S.3(1), cert. oo.s exempted from provisions of 27/2011, ss. 1(3), 101(4)
  36/2010, ss. 1(2), 62(4)
  1/2009, s. 9(8)
  14/1993, ss. 3, 8 (3)
S. 3(1)(a) amended 23/2015, s. 6(b)
S. 8 transfer of functions 23/2015, s. 8

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act