Updated to 9 July 2024 (Act No. 22 of 2024 and S.I. No. of 351 of 2024)



SectionCommencement DateCommencement Information
Whole Act 9 April 1925 Commenced on enactment

Amendments and other effects

How AffectedAffecting Provision
Applic. of. 11/1970, s.4
Appl. with mod. 7/1972, s.2 (8)
S.3(3) repealed 10/2007, ss. 1(2), 42(a)
S.3 (3), subsec. substit. 4/1997, s.19 (5)
S.4 rep. 14/1997, ss. 1, 16, sch. 3

SIs made under the Act

SectionSIs made under the Act
S. 5 Prisons (Visiting Committees) Order 1972 (S.I. No. 217 of 1972)
  03/06/1925: Prisons (Visiting Committees) Order 1925