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Number 15 of 2024
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Preliminary and General
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1. Short title and commencement
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2. Interpretation
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3. Regulations and orders
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4. Expenses
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5. Repeals and revocation
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Taighde Éireann
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Chapter 1
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Establishment and functions of Agency
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6. Establishment day
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7. Establishment of Agency
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8. Objects of Agency
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9. Functions of Agency
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10. Consultants and advisers
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Chapter 2
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Ministerial powers and information
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11. Power of Minister to give directions to Agency
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12. Power of Minister to issue guidelines to Agency
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13. Reports and information to Minister
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14. Advice to Minister
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Chapter 3
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Board of Agency
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15. Board of Agency
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16. Membership of Board
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17. Casual vacancies in membership of Board
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18. Meetings of Board
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19. Committees of Board
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20. Terms and conditions of members of Board and of committees
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21. Disclosure of interests by members at meetings of Board or of committees
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Chapter 4
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Funding and accountability of Agency
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22. Advances to Agency
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23. Corporate plan of Agency
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24. Annual plan of Agency
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25. Accounts of Agency
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26. Annual report of Agency
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27. Gifts to Agency
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Chapter 5
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Chief Executive Officer
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28. Chief Executive Officer
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29. Functions of Chief Executive Officer
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30. Accountability of Chief Executive Officer to Public Accounts Committee
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31. Accountability of Chief Executive Officer to other Oireachtas committees
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Chapter 6
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Staff of Agency
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32. Staff of Agency
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33. Superannuation for members of staff of Agency
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Chapter 7
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Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information
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34. Prohibition on unauthorised disclosure of confidential information
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Arrangements for Funding of Research and Innovation
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35. Schemes for funding of research and innovation
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36. Applications for funding for research and innovation
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37. Assessment of applications, and awards of funding, for research and innovation
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38. Disbursement of awards of funding
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39. Changes to awards of funding
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40. Compliance with conditions of funding for research and innovation
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41. Information from other bodies relating to awards of funding
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42. Review of compliance with conditions of funding for research and innovation
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43. Non-compliance with conditions of funding for research and innovation
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44. Appeals board
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45. Determination of appeal by appeals board
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46. Appeal procedures
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47. Funding for research and innovation outside the State
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48. International co-operation regarding funding for research and innovation
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49. Funding partnerships
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50. Arrangements with Ministers of Government concerning research and innovation
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51. Administrative co-operation with other bodies
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Data Protection
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52. Supply of personal data
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53. Furnishing of personal data
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Transitional, Consequential and Miscellaneous Provisions
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54. Dissolution of Science Foundation Ireland
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55. Transfer of members of staff of dissolved body
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56. Transfer of land and other property
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57. Transfer of rights and liabilities, etc., of dissolved body
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58. Preservation of contracts made by dissolved body
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59. Records of dissolved body
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60. Liability for loss occurring before establishment day
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61. References in enactments or instruments made thereunder to dissolved body
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62. Final accounts and final annual report of dissolved body
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63. Transitional provision consequent upon dissolution of dissolved body
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64. Transfer of certain members of staff of An tÚdarás
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65. Transfer of certain rights and liabilities, etc., of An tÚdarás
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66. Preservation of certain contracts relating to research and innovation made by An tÚdarás
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67. Transfer of certain records of An tÚdarás relating to research and innovation
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68. Transitional provision consequent upon An tÚdarás ceasing to perform certain functions relating to research and innovation
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69. Amendment of Higher Education Authority Act 2022
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70. Amendment of Schedule 5 to Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005
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71. Confirmation of acts done or purporting to have been done
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72. Service of notices
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Acts Referred to
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Adoptive Leave Act 1995
(No. 2)
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Adoptive Leave Acts 1995 and 2005
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Carer’s Leave Act 2001
(No. 19)
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Companies Act 1990
(No. 33)
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Companies Act 2014
(No. 38)
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Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act 1993
(No. 8)
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Data Protection Act 2018
(No. 7)
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Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019
(No. 5)
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Ethics in Public Office Act 1995
(No. 22)
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European Parliament Elections Act 1997
(No. 2)
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Family Leave and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2021
(No. 4)
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Higher Education Authority Act 2022
(No. 31)
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Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014
(No. 13)
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Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) (Amendment) Act 2013
(No. 36)
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Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003
(No. 30)
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Maternity Protection Acts 1994 to 2022
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Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts 1973 to 2005
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Organisation of Working Time Act 1997
(No. 20)
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Parent’s Leave and Benefit Act 2019
(No. 35)
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Parental Leave Acts 1998 to 2023
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Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016
(No. 11)
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Protected Disclosures Act 2014
(No. 14)
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Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003
(No. 29)
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Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001
(No. 45)
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Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004
(No. 33)
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Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012
(No. 37)
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Redundancy Payments Acts 1967 to 2022
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Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005
(No. 26)
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Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 to 2014
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Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2015
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Number 15 of 2024
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An Act to make further provision for the funding of research and innovation in all fields of activity and disciplines and, for that purpose, to provide for the establishment and functions of a body to be known as Taighde Éireann; to provide for the dissolution of Science Foundation Ireland, the transfer of its staff, records, assets and liabilities to Taighde Éireann; to amend the
Higher Education Authority Act 2022
and to provide for the transfer of certain members of staff and records, assets and liabilities relating to research of An tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas to Taighde Éireann; to provide for the repeal of certain provisions of the
Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003
, the
Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) (Amendment) Act 2013
and the
Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Act 2014
; and to provide for related matters.
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[4th June, 2024]
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Be it enacted by the Oireachtas as follows: