Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal (Amendment) Act, 2002


1.—(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“HIV” means human immunodeficiency virus;

“the Principal Act” means the Hepatitis C Compensation Tribunal Act, 1997 ;

“relevant product” means a blood product or a blood component used to treat persons with haemophilia or other blood clotting disorders in respect of those conditions;

“the 1991 settlement” means the agreement made in 1991 in settlement of proceedings against the State and other parties relating to the infection with HIV of certain persons as a result of those persons receiving blood or blood products in the State;

“the Tribunal” means the Tribunal established by section 3 of the Principal Act and known, by virtue of section 2 , as the Hepatitis C and HIV Compensation Tribunal.

(2) In this Act—

(a) a reference to a section is a reference to a section of this Act, unless it is indicated that reference to some other provision is intended,

(b) a reference to a subsection, paragraph or subparagraph is a reference to a subsection, paragraph or subparagraph of the provision in which the reference occurs, unless it is indicated that reference to some other provision is intended, and

(c) a reference to any enactment is a reference to that enactment as amended, adapted or extended by or under any subsequent enactment.