Local Government Act, 2001


Section 67.

Amenities, Recreation and Other Functions



Artistic, linguistic and cultural activities

The provision of art galleries, arts centres, concert halls, museums, theatres, opera houses and the holding of artistic, linguistic and cultural performances and events and promotional activities.

Sports, games and similar activities

The provision (both indoor and outdoor) of playing fields, athletic tracks, swimming pools and other bathing places, sports centres, gymnasia and other facilities and the holding of sporting events.

General recreational and leisure activities

The provision of parks, gardens, open spaces, playgrounds, play equipment, animals, picnic sites, viewing points, footpaths, walks, boats, piers, other landing places and marinas.

Civic improvements

The provision of street furniture, paving, clocks, statues, monuments and other features, illumination and decoration and other measures designed to upgrade the local environment.

General environmental and heritage protection and improvement

Landscaping, the planting of trees and other flora, measures for the conservation, preservation and protection of landscapes and habitats, of buildings and other sites and features of artistic, amenity, architectural, archaeological, historic, heritage or natural interest.

The public use of amenities (both natural and made or altered by human intervention)

The provision of access, signs, vehicle parks, safety equipment, information and refreshment facilities, sanitary accommodation, utilities, seating, shelter and any other apparatus, equipment or anything else necessary to facilitate such use.

Allotments, fairs and markets

The provision of land, buildings, services, related amenities and facilities and promotional activity.

Promotion of public safety

Support of safety programmes and events and local safety support services (including fire safety, road safety, water safety and rescue and mountain and cave safety and rescue); and provision of safety equipment.