Amendment of the Supplemental Charter of 1637 (Appointment of Provost of Trinity College, Dublin).
4. —(1) The Supplemental Charter of 1637 shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear, that is to say the words:
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“nos pro ea cura quam singularem habemus erga universum regnum Hiberniae, et specialiter erga Collegium praedictum, hanc potestatem antea concessam Sociis Collegii praedicti pro tempore existentibus, cum assensu et consensu eorundem Praepositi, Sociorum, et Scholarium, nobismet ipsis, et haeredibus, et successoribus nostris, in perpetuum reservari volumus, et declaramus per praesentes. Et idcirco mandamus, ut quandocunque et quomo-docunque contigerit Praeposituram dicti Collegii vacare; et Vice-praepositus pro tempore existens (vel eo absente Socius maxime senior qui domi fuerit) vacationem statim significet Cancellario academiae sive universitatis praedictae pro tempore existenti, et Cancellarius, absque mora, nobismet ipsis, haeredibus, vel successoribus nostris, renunciet,” and the translation of the words deleted provided as follows:
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“We, for the singular care which we have towards the whole Kingdom of Ireland, and especially towards the aforesaid College, will and declare by these presents that this power, previously granted to the Fellows of the aforesaid College for the time being and their successors shall, forever, with the assent and consent of the same Provost, Fellows and Scholars, be reserved to us, our heirs and successors.
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And therefore we command that whenever and in whatsoever manner the Provostship of the said College shall happen to be vacated, the Vice-Provost for the time being (or in his absence the most senior Fellow who shall be in the house) shall immediately S.4 notify the vacancy to the Chancellor of the aforesaid academy or University for the time being and the Chancellor, without delay, shall announce it to us,” and as if in substitution for the words so last deleted the following words were inserted therein, that is to say, the words “Praepositus Collegii Trinitatis apud Dublinium a Collegio ipso in officium illud eligetur juxta modum quem leges ad Collegium gubernandum constitute una cum Statutis Consolidatis eo tempore valentibus praescribunt.”. The translation of the words substituted provides as follows:
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“The Provost of Trinity College, Dublin shall be chosen by the College in the manner provided for by the laws for the governance of the College including the Consolidated Statutes for the time being in force.”.
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(2) The Supplemental Charter of 1637 shall be read and construed as if the following words were deleted therefrom where the same appear, that is to say, the words:
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“... donec novus Praepositus a nobis, haeredibus et successoribus nostris nominetur, et in Praeposituram in dicto Collegio admittatur ...” and the translation of the words deleted provided as follows:
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“... and until a new Provost be named by us, our heirs and successors, and admitted to the Provostship of the said College...”.