Programmes and budget.
14.—(1) The Governing Body shall on or before the 1st day of March in each year prepare and submit to the Vocational Education Committee in such format as may be approved by the Minister from time to time operational programmes for the next two following academic years (in this section referred to as “the programmes”) together with the relevant budget as proposed by the Governing Body for the following financial year.
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(2) The programmes shall include the proposed staffing structure.
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(3) The Vocational Education Committee may, in respect of the programmes and budget submitted to it under this section, either approve of such programmes and budget without modification or following appropriate consultation with the Governing Body approve of the programmes and budget with such modifications as it thinks fit to make.
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(4) The Vocational Education Committee shall on or before the 1st day of May in each year submit to the Minister for approval the programmes and budget as submitted by the Governing Body together with such modifications as may have been made by the Committee.
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(5) The Minister may, in respect of the programmes and budget submitted under subsection (4), approve of such programmes and budget, with or without modification and subject to such conditions as the Minister may specify.
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(6) (a) The programmes and budget shall not come into force until they have been approved by the Minister or until such date as the Minister may specify in such approval.
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(b) In the case of a budget, approval shall not be given until after publication of the Estimates for Supply Services for the year in question.
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(7) If programmes and budget as required by this Act are not submitted by the date specified the Minister may, after any necessary consultations, impose programmes and a budget under the terms of this Act and the programmes and budget shall come into force on such date as the Minister shall specify.
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(8) When the programmes have come into force and a budget has been approved it shall be a function of the Governing Body to carry them into effect as approved. The provisions of this subsection shall also apply to any programmes and budget imposed by the Minister under subsection (7).
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(9) Any material departure from the programmes and budget as approved or imposed by the Minister under this section may take place only with the prior approval of the Vocational Education Committee and the Minister.
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(10) The Governing Body may, with the consent of the Vocational Education Committee and the Minister and the approval of the Minister for Finance, borrow by means of bank overdraft or otherwise money for the purposes of the Institute.