Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited (Amendment) Act, 1989
Amendment of section 4 of Act of 1970. |
3.—Section 4 of the Act of 1970 is hereby amended by the substitution for subsection (1) (as amended by the Act of 1983) of the following subsection: | |
“(1) Notwithstanding section 3 of this Act, the Authority may delegate to the Company some or all of such powers as the Authority may have to provide financial assistance to or in respect of an industrial undertaking in the counties of Limerick, Clare (excluding the airport) and Tipperary (North Riding), and in the Birr Urban District, the District Electoral Divisions of Banagher, Birr Rural, Broughal, Cloghan, Derrinboy, Derryad, Dromoyle, Drumcullen, Eglish, Ferbane, Gallen, Huntston, Kilcolman, Kilcormac, Killyon, Kinnitty, Knockbarron, Lea, Letter, Lusmagh, Mounterin, Seirkieran, Shannonbridge and Shannonharbour in the former Rural District of Birr No. 1 and the District Electoral Divisions of Aghancon, Ballincor, Barna, Cangort, Cullenwaine, Dunkerrin, Ettagh, Gorteen, Mountheaton, Roscomroe, Shinrone, Templeharry and Tulla in the former Rural District of Roscrea No. 2, all in the county of Offaly, and in the District Electoral Divisions of Abbeydorney, Arabela, Ardagh, Ardfert, Astee, Ballyseedy, Ballincloher, Ballyconry, Ballyduff, Ballyegan in the former Rural District of Listowel, Ballyegan in the former Rural District of Listowel, Ballyegan in the former Rural District of Tralee, Ballyheige, Ballyhorgan, Ballynahaglish, Ballynorig, Banna, Beal, Blennerville, Brosna, Carrig, Castleisland, Causeway, Clogherbrien, Cloontubbrid, Cordal, Crinny, Doon, Drommartin, Duagh, Ennismore, Gneeves, Gullane, Gunsborough, Kerryhead, Kilfeighny, Kilfelin, Kilflyn, Killahan, Killehenny, Killury, Kilmeany, Kilmurry, Kilshenane, Kiltomy, Knocknagashel, Lackabaun, Leitrim, Lislaughtin, Listowel Rural, Listowel Urban, Lisselton, Lixnaw, Mount Eagle, Moynsha, Newtownsandes, Nohaval, O'Brennan, Ratass, Rathea, Shronowen, Tarbert, Tarmon, Tralee Rural, Tralee Urban, Trienearagh, Tubrid and Urlee, all in the county of Kerry, and in the county borough of Limerick.”. |