S.I. No. 157/1965 - The Hospital Sterile Supplies Board (Establishment) Order, 1965, (Amendment) Order, 1965.
S.I. No. 157 of 1965. | ||
The Minister for Health in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Sections 3 to 6 of the Health (Corporate Bodies) Act, 1961 (No. 27 of 1961), hereby orders as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Hospital Sterile Supplies Board (Establishment) Order, 1965, (Amendment) Order, 1965. 2. The name of the body known as An Bord Coracha Aimride d'Ospideil or, in the English language, the Hospital Sterile Supplies Board, is hereby amended to an Bord Comhchoracha d'Oispideil or, in the English language, the Hospitals Joint Services Board. 3. Article 4 of the Hospital Sterile Supplies Board (Establishment) Order, 1965, ( S.I. No. 1 of 1965 ) (hereinafter referred to as the Establishment Order) shall be amended by the substitution of the following paragraphs for paragraph (d) :— | ||
"(d) to organise, administer and provide a service for the laundering and for the supply of clean linen, bed clothes, clothing and other articles for such hospitals in Dublin City and County as the Board may decide. | ||
(e) to build, erect, equip, furnish, establish premises required or used in connection with the service of a laundry. | ||
(f) to furnish advice, information and assistance in relation to any aspect of the services provided by the Board to the Minister, to any health authority or to any hospital authority." 4. Article 5 of the Establishment Order shall be amended by the substitution of "fifteen" for "twelve". 5. Article 17 of the Establishment Order shall be amended by the addition of the following sub-articles :— | ||
"(3) A memorandum signed by all the members (for the time being) of the Board shall be effective for all purposes as a resolution of the Board passed at a meeting duly convened, held and constituted. | ||
(4) In order to facilitate the discharge of the functions of the Board, the Board may establish committees consisting of members of the Board. | ||
(5) The Board may assign to such committees the discharge of such particular aspects of its functions as the Board may decide." | ||
GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Health, this Fourteenth day of July, 1965. | ||
Minister for Health. | ||
This Order amends the Hospital Sterile Supplies Board (Establishment) Order, 1965, S.I. No. 21 of 1965 . | ||
It alters the title of the Board established by that Order to "An Bord Comhchoracha d'Oispideil" or in the English Language "The Hospitals Joint Services Board". The Order also extends the functions of the Board to include the provision of a laundry service for hospitals in Dublin. The Order also enables the Board to establish committees for certain purposes. |