S.I. No. 41/1959 - County Longford (Dispensary Districts) Order, 1959.
S.I. No. 41 of 1959. | ||
The Minister for Health in exercise of the powers vested in him by subsection (2) of section 51 of the Health Act, 1953 (No. 26 of 1953), hereby orders as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited is the County Longford (Dispensary Districts) Order, 1959. 2. The Dispensary Districts of Abbeyshrule, Edgeworthstown, Granard, Ballinalee, Longford, Killashee and Ballymahon shall be varied as follows : | ||
(a) The townlands of Cartron, Keel, Keelbaun and Carrickbeg shall be transferred from Abbeyshrule to Ballymahon. | ||
(b) The townlands of Castlenugent, Aghamore, Balloo, Kilfintan, Kilfintan Lower, Lechurragh, Lisryan, Queensland, Lisnaneane, Ferskill, Tonywardan, Aghaboy, Coolagherty, Graffoge, Muckerstaff and Willsbrook shall be transferred from Edgeworthstown to Granard. | ||
(c) The townlands of Ballinlough, Bunlahy and Half-Cartron shall be transferred from Granard to Ballinalee. | ||
(d) The townlands or Trillickacurry, Trillickatemple, Crockaun, Ballymichan, Dunbeggan, Craane, Gragh, Brianstown, Ballykenny, Tully, Aghareagh, Lissanurlan, Brown Bog, Cartonlebagh, Fihoges and Cornollen, shall be transferred from Killashee to Longford. | ||
(e) The townlands of Killeter and Rhine shall be transferred from Longford to Ballinalee. | ||
(f) The townlands of Corboy, Lisfarrell, Oldtown, Treel (in the district electoral division of Corboy), Lissaghanedan, Aghanageeragh and Ballynagoshen shall be transferred from Longford to Edgeworthstown. 3. This Order shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1959. | ||
GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Health this 9th day of March, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-nine. | ||
Minister for Health. | ||
The effect of this Order is to vary the boundaries of the Dispensary Districts of Abbeyshrule, Edgeworthstown, Granard, Ballinalee, Longford, Killashee and Ballymahon all in the County of Longford. |