S.I. No. 88/1958 - Fishing Nets (Regulation of Mesh) Order, 1954 (Amendment) Order, 1958.
S.I. No. 88 of 1958. | ||
I, ERSKINE H. CHILDERS, Minister for Lands, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by Section 3 of the Sea Fisheries (Protection of Immature Fish) Act, 1937 (No. 33 of 1937) and the Fisheries (Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions) Order, 1957 ( S.I. No. 67 of 1957 ), hereby order follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Fishing Nets (Regulation of Mesh) Order, 1954 (Amendment) Order, 1958. 2. This Order shall come into operation on the 19th day of April, 1958. 3. The Interpretation Act, 1937 (No. 38 of 1937), applies to this Order. 4. Nothing in the Fishing Nets (Regulation of Mesh) Order, 1954 ( S.I. No. 44 of 1954 ), shall prohibit any person during the period beginning on the commencement of this Order and ending on the 4th day or April, 1961, from having on board a sea-fishing boat for the purpose of catching sea-fish in the area defined in Part I of Schedule I to that Order any trawl made of single twine containing no manila or sisal in any part thereof notwithstanding that the mesh of the trawl is such that when the mesh is stretched diagonally lengthwise of the net a flat gauge 70 millimetres broad and 2 millimetres thick shall pass through it easily when the net is wet. | ||
GIVEN under my Official Seal, this 1st day of April, 1958. | ||
(Signed) ERSKINE H. CHILDERS, | ||
Minister for Lands. | ||
This Order permits, up to 4th April, 1961, the use of certain fishing nets having a smaller mesh than that specified in 1954. |