Session and Chapter or No. and Year
Short Title
Extent of Repeal
53 Geo. III, c. 77.
Bridges (Ireland) Act, 1813.
The whole Act.
4 & 5 Will. IV, c. 61.
Bridges (Ireland) Act, 1834.
The whole Act.
6 & 7 Will. IV, c. 116.
Grand Jury (Ireland) Act, 1836
(as adapted by the Local Government (Adaptation of Irish Enactments) Order, 1899).
Section 43 from the words “no person” to the end of the section; sections 57, 83, 85, 121, 155 and 167.
3 & 4 Vic., c. 108.
Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act, 1840.
Sections 130, 131, 133 and 134.
6 & 7 Vic., c. 42.
Bridges (Ireland) Act, 1843.
The whole Act.
7 & 8 Vic., c. 106.
County Dublin Grand Jury Act, 1844 (as adapted by the Local Government (Adaptation of Irish Enactments) Order, 1899).
Sections 54 and 114.
10 & 11 Vic., c. 34.
Towns Improvement Clauses Act, 1847.
Sections 167 to 184.
14 & 15 Vic., c 21.
Bridges (Ireland) Act, 1851.
The whole Act.
17 & 18 Vic., c 103.
Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854
Sections 60 to 65; the words “rate nor any” in section 96.
18 & 19 Vic., c. 40.
Public Libraries Act (Ireland), 1855.
All words in section 5 from the words “The expenses incurred” to the words “defraying such expenses, and”; sections 8 and 11.
30 & 31 Vic., c. 50.
Bridges (Ireland) Act, 1867.
The whole Act.
31 & 32 Vic., c. xxxiii.
Cork Improvement Act, 1868.
The words “and from time to time for good and sufficient reason may alter the name of any street or court, and” in section 139.
34 & 35 Vic., c. 109.
Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1871
Sections 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 29.
35 & 36 Vic., c. 69.
Local Government Board (Ireland) Act, 1872
Section 6.
38 & 39 Vic., c. 46.
Bridges (Ireland) Act, 1875.
The whole Act.
41 & 42 Vic., c. 52.
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878
Section 248.
52 & 53 Vic., c. 32.
Trust Investment Act, 1889
Section 7.
53 & 54 Vic., c. 59.
Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890
Section 52
53 & 54 Vic., c. 70.
Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890
Section 85
53 & 54 Vic., c. ccxlvi.
Dublin Corporation Act, 1890.
The words “and may at the instance and with the consent of the majority in number and value of the ratepayers in any street alter the name of such street or of any part of a street” in section 42.
57 & 58 Vic., c. 38.
Public Libraries (Ireland) Act, 1894.
The words “and the limitation of the maximum rate to be levied for the purposes thereof may, within the limits fixed thereby, be fixed, raised, and removed” in subsection (1) of section 1.
59 & 60 Vic., c. cxxv.
Waterford Corporation Act, 1896.
Section 68 from the words “and may” to the end of the section.
61 & 62 Vic., c. 37.
Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898
Subsection (9) of section 15; sections 28, 45, 46, 47, 53, 56, 57; paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 63; section 64; subsection (16) of section 94.
Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898.
The following portions of the Schedule: sub-article (1) of Article 6, Articles 14 and 18, sub-articles (1) and (2) of Article 19, sub-article (10) of Article 22, Article 23, sub articles (3), (4) and (5) of Article 35, paragraph (XII) of sub-article (10) of Article 36.
1 Edw. VII, c. 28.
Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1901
Sections 2 and 4.
2 Edw. VII, c. 20.
Public Libraries (Ireland) Act, 1902.
Sections 2, 3 and 4.
2 Edw. VII, c. 38.
Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1902
The words “subsection (9) of” in section 2; section 17; the words “and every such application shall, for the purposes of section thirteen of the said Act, be deemed to be a notice of appeal” in section 19; the words “and thirteen” in subsection (2) of section 20; section 23.
6 Edw. VII, c. 31.
Local Government (Ireland) Act (1898) Amendment Act, 1906.
The whole Act.
7 Edw. VII, c. 53.
Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907
Section 21.
1 & 2 Geo. V, c. 9.
Public Libraries (Art Galleries in County Boroughs) (Ireland) Act, 1911.
Subsection (2) of section 2.
9 & 10 Geo. V, c. 19.
Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919.
Subsection (4) of section 1.
10 & 11 Geo V, c. 25.
Public Libraries (Ireland) Act, 1920.
The whole Act.
No. 5 of 1925
Local Government Act, 1925
Section 31
; paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of subsection (1), subsection (2), paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (4) and subsections (5) (6) and (7) of
section 36
No. 32 of 1925.
Fisheries Act, 1925.
Subsection (4) of
section 15
No. 3 of 1927.
Local Government Act, 1927.
Section 6
No. 29 of 1930.
Vocational Education Act, 1930.
Subsection (2) of
section 58
No. 8. of 1931.
Agriculture Act, 1931.
Subsection (2) of
section 31
No. 11 of 1933.
Road Traffic Act, 1933.
Subsection (3) of
section 48
; subsections (3), (4) and (5) of
section 147
No. 22 of 1934.
Town and Regional Planning Act, 1934.
Subsection (2) of
section 19
No. 44 of 1935.
Cork Fever Hospital Act, 1935.
Subsection (4) of
section 39
No. 21 of 1936.
Dublin Fever Hospital Act, 1936.
Subsection (4) of
section 33
No. 55 of 1936.
Local Authorities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1936.
Section 7
No. 23 of 1939.
Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1939
Section 11
; the words “and for the purpose of the calculation of the additional allowance to be made to such person by the council of the urban district in which the urban portion is situate” in paragraph (a) and paragraph (b) of
section 12
; paragraph (c) of
section 12
sections 16
; the words “and to the councils of urban districts” in subsection (1) of
section 20
; the words “or of an urban district” in subsection (3) of
section 20
; the words “or an urban district” in subsection (4) of
section 20
No. 27 of 1939.
Public Assistance Act, 1939.
Section 60
No. 23 of 1941.
Local Government Act, 1941
Section 32
No. 19 of 1945.
Mental Treatment Act, 1945.
Section 49