S.I. No. 58/1933 - Local Appointments Commissioners (Declaration of Office) Order, 1933.
STATUTORY RULES AND ORDERS. 1933. No. 58. | ||||||||||
WHEREAS it is enacted by sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 (No. 39 of 1926), that in that Act the expression " office to which this Act applies " means and includes certain offices and employments therein mentioned and also all such other offices and employments under a local authority as the Minister shall from time to time with the concurrence of the Local Appointments Commissioners declare to be offices to which that Act applies : | ||||||||||
AND WHEREAS in the said Act the expression " local authority " includes a school attendance committee appointed under the School Attendance Act, 1926 (No. 17 of 1926), and the expression " the Minister " in relation to any such committee or any officer appointed by any such committee means the Minister for Education : | ||||||||||
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the said Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 , should apply to the office hereinafter mentioned : | ||||||||||
NOW, I, Tomás Ó Deirg, Minister for Education in exercise of the powers conferred on me by sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 (No. 39 of 1926), and of every and any other power me in this behalf enabling do, with the concurrence of the Local Appointments Commissioners testified by their signatures affixed to this Order, hereby order and declare as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited for all purposes as the Local Appointments Commissioners (Declaration of Office) Order, 1933. 2. The office of school attendance officer under the school attendance committee, appointed under the School Attendance Act, 1926 (No. 17 of 1926), for the school attendance area which is the county borough of Cork is an office to which the said Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 , applies. | ||||||||||
Given under my Seal of Office this 19th day of May, 1933. | ||||||||||
(Signed), T. Ó DEIRG, | ||||||||||
Minister for Education. | ||||||||||
We concur in the foregoing Order. | ||||||||||