Approved Investments Act, 1933
Investment οf moneys in Court. |
12.—(1) The Minister on the request of the Minister for Justice, made with the concurrence of a majority of the committee mentioned in section 36 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1924), and after consultation with the Investments Advisory Committee, may by order sanction for the investment of any money for the time being under the control or subject to the order of any Court any investment which is for the time being an approved investment, and may from time to time by order revoke, amend, or vary any such first mentioned order. | |
(2) Without prejudice to the validity of any other mode of investment for the time being authorised by law for the investment of money under the control or subject to the order of any Court, any such money may, notwithstanding any rule of court to the contrary, be invested and kept invested in any security which is for the time being an approved investment within the meaning of this Act and sanctioned by the Minister under the foregoing sub-section. | ||
(3) In this section the word “Court” includes the Chief Justice when exercising the jurisdiction vested in him in relation to persons of unsound mind or in relation to minors. |