14/01/1929: Fishery By-Law No. 386 No. 8 Or Limerick District
DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES FISHERIES ACTS, 1842 TO 1925 ____________________________ | ||
BY-LAW No. 386 No. 8 or LIMERICK DISTRICT | ||
I, FIONÁN O LOÍNGSIGH, Minister for Lands and Fisheries, by virtue and in exercise of the powers vested in me by the Fisheries Act, 1925 , and of every other power enabling me in this behalf, do MAKE AND ORDAIN THE FOLLOWING BY-LAW :— | ||
(1) It is prohibited to kill, take, or have in possession, in or near the banks of the rivers, lakes and tributaries in the Limerick District, any freshwater eel of less than one half of a pound weight. | ||
(2) Any such eel, if taken, must be forthwith returned to the water. | ||
(3) It is prohibited to use for the capture of eels, or for any method of fishing by which eels are commonly captured in the Limerick District, any hook of less than three-eighths of an inch gape, measured from the point to the shank thereof. | ||
(4) Any person offending against this By-Law, shall forfeit and pay for each offence, a sum not exceeding Five Pounds. | ||
(5) The Interpretation Act, 1923 (No. 46 of 1923), applies to the interpretation of this By-Law in like manner as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of the Oireachtas. | ||
(6) This By-Law may be cited for all purposes as the Limerick District Eels By-Law, No. 386, 1929. | ||
(7) This By-Law shall come into force on the first day of May, 1930. | ||
Given under my Seal of Office, this 14th day of January, One Thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. | ||
(Signed), FIONÁN O LOÍNGSIGH, | ||
Minister for Lands and Fisheries. |