S.I. No. 38/1929 - The Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1929.
WHEREAS it is provided by sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Statistics Act, 1926 , that the Minister for Industry and Commerce may, by Order, do all or any of the following things, that is to say : | ||
(a) Prescribe the subject-matter, nature, character, and periodicity of the statistics to be collected under this Act, and the time at or the occasion on which the same are to be collected ; | ||
(b) prescribe, subject to the provisions of this section, the person or classes of persons by whom returns are to be made or information is to be given for the purpose of any statistics collected under this Act ; | ||
(c) make regulations for the collection, compilation, abstraction, or publication of statistics generally or any particular class or classes of statistics under this Act ; | ||
(d) prescribe the schedules, forms, instructions and other documents to be used in the collection, compilation, abstraction, or publication of statistics generally or of any particular class or classes of statistics under this Act ; | ||
(e) prescribe any matter or thing which is referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed by regulations made under this Act : | ||
NOW I, Patrick McGilligan, the Minister for Industry and Commerce, in pursuance of the powers conferred on me by sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Statistics Act, 1926 , and all other powers enabling me in that behalf, do hereby order :— 1. Statistics in respect of the year 1929 shall be collected in the year 1930 of the following subject-matter, nature and character, that is to say, with respect to the industries, trades and businesses set out in the First Part of the Schedule hereto, the information, returns and particulars set out in the Second Part of the said Schedule, in so far as the same shall be required in respect of each of the said industries, trades and businesses by prescribed forms. 2. The following are the persons or classes of persons by whom returns are to be made or information is to be given for the purpose of the said statistics, that is to say, every person carrying on any of the industries, trades and businesses set out in the First Part of the Schedule hereto. 3. The said statistics shall be collected by means of prescribed forms, which shall be transmitted by post on or before the 15th day of January in the year 1930 to all persons by whom returns are to be made or information is to be given in respect of the preceding year, and shall be returned duly filled up and completed by such persons by post, on or before the 1st day of March in the year 1930. 4. The Interpretation Act, 1923 , applies to the interpretation of this Order in like manner as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of the Oireachtas. 5. This Order may be cited for all purposes as the Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1929. | ||
Dated this 31st day of July, 1929. | ||
Department of Industry and Commerce. | ||
Food, Drink, and Tobacco. | ||
Manufactures of :—Bread, Biscuits and Flour Confectionery ; Sugar Confectionery and Jam Making ; Sugar ; Preserved Fish, Fruit and Vegetables ; Pickles and Sauces ; Butter, Cheese, Condensed Milk and Margarine ; Aerated Waters, Cider, Cordials and Cognate Liquors ; Tobacco. | ||
Grain Milling Trade ; Fish Curing Trade ; Bacon Curing, Preserved Meat and Sausage Trades ; Brewing Trade ; Malting Trade ; Spirit Distilling and Rectifying of Spirits Trade. | ||
Textiles. | ||
Manufactures of :—Linen and Cotton Goods ; Woollen and Worsted Goods ; Silk and Poplin Goods ; Lace and Embroidery ; Hosiery Goods ; Jute and Hemp Goods ; Canvas Goods and Sacks ; Rope, Twine and Nets. | ||
Fibre, Horsehair and Feather Trades ; Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles (not apparel) Trade. | ||
Apparel. | ||
Manufactures of :—Clothing ; Boots and Shoes ; Corsets ; Underclothing (not hosiery) ; Hats, Bonnets, and Caps ; Umbrellas and Walking Sticks. | ||
Wood and Timber. | ||
Manufactures of :—Furniture ; Cabinetware, Upholstery ; Baskets and Wicker Work ; Wooden Crates, Boxes, Cases and Trunks. | ||
Timber and Sawmilling Trade ; Coopering Trade. | ||
Metals and Metal Manufactures. | ||
Manufactures of :—Iron and Steel ; Tinplate ; Metals other than Iron and Steel ; Tools and Implements ; Hardware, Holloware and Bedsteads ; Jewellery, Goldsmiths' Ware, Silversmiths' Ware and Electro-plated Ware ; Watches and Clocks ; Scientific Instruments, Appliances and Apparatus. | ||
Blacksmiths' Trades ; Finished Brass Trades ; Engineering Trade ; Heating, Ventilating and Sanitary Engineering Trades ; the Electrical Engineering Trade. | ||
Construction and Repair of Vehicles. | ||
Construction and Repair of :—Carriages, Carts and Wagons ; Railway Engines, Carriages and Wagons ; Motor Cars, Motor Cycles, other Motor Vehicles and Cycles. | ||
Chemicals, Oils, and Paints. | ||
Manufactures of :—Paints, Colours and Varnishes ; Soap and Candles ; Oils, Grease and Tallow ; Fertilisers and Glue ; Starch, Blue, Ink and Polishes. | ||
Chemical and Allied Trades ; Seed Crushing and Animal Food Trades. | ||
Paper and Printing. | ||
Paper and Cardboard-box making Trades ; Printing and Bookbinding Trades ; Printing and Publication of Newspapers and Periodicals ; Manufactured Stationery Trade ; Electrotyping, Engraving, Process-block Making, etc. | ||
Brick, Cement, Glass, Etc. | ||
Manufactures of :—Monumental Masonry and Building Materials ; Cement ; Bricks and Fireclay Goods ; China and Earthenware Goods ; Glass and Glassware. | ||
Hides, Skins and Leather. | ||
Manufactures of :—Leather ; Saddlery and Harness and other Leather Goods. | ||
Fellmongery Trade. | ||
Shipbuilding and Boat Building. | ||
Building and Repairing of Ships and Boats. | ||
Generation and Distribution of Gas and Electricity. | ||
Gas Works Undertakings ; Electricity Undertakings. | ||
Other Industries, Trades and Businesses. | ||
Manufactures of :—Artificial Flowers ; Games, Toys and Sports Requisites ; Musical Instruments ; Articles of Horn or Ivory ; Picture Frames and Fancy Goods ; Brushes and Brooms ; Ice ; Matches. | ||
Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing Trades. | ||
Building and Contracting and Road Construction Trades. | ||
Mining and Quarrying Industries. | ||
Waterworks Undertakings. | ||
Railway Companies Undertakings. | ||
Tramway and Light Railway Undertakings. | ||
Canal Undertakings. | ||
Harbours, Docks and Warehouses Undertakings. | ||
Construction and Maintenance of Works by Local and other Public Authorities, including Buildings, Sewerage and Drainage Works, Waterworks, Harbours and Docks, Highways and Bridges and other works of a like nature. | ||
The expression " the year " in this Part of this Schedule means the year beginning 1st day of January, 1929, and ending 31st day of December, 1929. | ||
In all cases where under this Part of this Schedule information is required in respect of numbers, quantities or values, for the whole year or for particular dates or periods prior to 31st July, 1929, returns may be made which are approximately accurate according to the best information of the person making the return. | ||
No. 1.—General Particulars regarding Establishment. | ||
(a) Name under which establishment is working ; | ||
(b) Nature of industry, trade or business ; | ||
(c) Location or postal address of place where goods are manufactured or produced. In cases where the same firm or establishment produces goods at different places not situated in the same town, a separate return may be required for each branch ; | ||
(d) Particulars as to Ownership—whether owned by an individual or individuals, by partners or a Joint Stock Company, etc. ; | ||
(e) Year when first established. If the industry, trade or business changed hands during the year 1929, dates and particulars of such change are required. | ||
No. 2.—Products Manufactured and Work Performed during the Year. | ||
(a) The quantity and value of each of the principal products given separately. | ||
A specification of all other products and their aggregate total value. | ||
(b) The amounts received for contract work on materials provided by others ; the amounts received for repairs done for others. | ||
(c) If the establishment was not working at its full capacity during the year, the approximate increased production (expressed as a percentage of the actual production) which would have been possible if the establishment were working at full capacity during the year. | ||
No. 3.—Materials Used. | ||
Quantity and cost at the works of all materials used in producing or manufacturing the products of which particulars are required under No. 2 above, or used in all repair work done during the year. | ||
No. 4.—Fuel, Electricity, etc., Used during the Year. | ||
Particulars of the total quantity and cost at works of the different kinds of Fuel, Oils and Electricity, etc., used during the year are required. | ||
No. 5.—Amounts Paid for Contract Work. | ||
Amounts paid for contract work done by persons other than employees of the establishment, on material furnished by the establishment in connection with the products of which particulars are required under No. 2 above. | ||
No. 6.—Persons Employed. | ||
A.—Number of persons engaged in the industry, trade or business during the week ended 19th October, 1929, or nearest representative date, distinguishing Males and Females, and those under 18 years and over 18 years of age. | ||
Administrative, Clerical and Technical Staff. | ||
(a) Proprietors working in the business. | ||
(b) Salaried employees, including managers, clerks, store bookkeepers, travelling agents, and all other salaried employees. | ||
Wage Earners (not Outworkers). | ||
(c) Industrial Workers at the Factory. | ||
(d) Storekeepers, packers, messengers, porters, carters, etc. | ||
Wage Earners (Outworkers). | ||
(e) Where, in addition to the above, workers are employed in their own homes, the approximate number employed during the week ended 19th October, 1929. | ||
B.—Total number of wage earners (not outworkers)—corresponding to (c) and (d) above—actually at work during the following weeks in 1929, or nearest representative date, distinguishing Males and Females :—Weeks ended 19th January, 16th February, 16th March, 13th April, 18th May, 15th June, 13th July, 24th August, 14th September, 19th October, 16th November, and 14th December. | ||
No. 7.—Salaries and Wages Paid. | ||
(a) Salaries : Total amount paid during the year to salaried employees, i.e., to such persons of the kind mentioned in No. 6 A (b), (amounts drawn by proprietors working in the business are not to be included). | ||
(b) Wages and Earnings : Wages paid during the year to wage earners, including outworkers, i.e., to persons of the kind mentioned in No. 6 A (c), (d) and (e), distinguishing payments made to outworkers from payments made to wage earners who are not outworkers. | ||
No. 8.—Time in Operation. | ||
(a) Number of days on which work was carried on during the year. | ||
(b) Periods of a week or longer at intervals throughout the year during which work was discontinued, or workers placed on short time, and causes of same. | ||
(c) Number of hours normally worked per week by wage earners (not including outworkers). | ||
No. 9.—Capacity of Engines, etc. (including those for hoisting, pumping, etc.) | ||
For all engines in the works, the effective horse-power which they can develop, and for electric motors the rated horse-power is to be shown. The capacity, expressed in kilowatts, of any electric generators should be given. | ||
No. 10.—Machinery employed during the year (other than Engines and Motors included under No. 9). | ||
The number and description of each of the more important classes of machines should be stated. |