S.I. No. 37/1929 - The Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Regulations, 1929.
STATUTORY RULES AND ORDERS. 1929. No. 37. | |||||||||||||||||||
WHEREAS the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, in exercise of the powers vested in him by sections 3 and 12 of the Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Act, 1925 , did by the Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Regulations, 1926 (hereinafter referred to as " the Principal Order ") make and prescribe regulations and forms for the purposes of the said Act : | |||||||||||||||||||
AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the Principal Order be amended in the manner hereinafter appearing : | |||||||||||||||||||
NOW THEREFORE I, the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, in exercise of the powers vested in me by the said sections 3 and 12 of the Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Act, 1925 , do hereby order as follows, that is to say : 1. (1) This Order may be cited as the Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Regulations, 1929. | |||||||||||||||||||
(2) This Order and the Principal Order shall be read as one Order, and may be referred to collectively as " The Local Authorities (Combined Purchasing) Regulations, 1926 and 1929." 2. In this Order the expression " deposited price list " means a list of commodities with a price specified for each commodity appearing thereon, sealed with the seal of the Minister and deposited in the offices of the Department of Local Government and Public Health. 3. When the Minister gives notice that he will within a specified time receive applications from persons desirous of being appointed to be official contractors for the supply of commodities of a specified class he may, if he thinks fit, by such notice require applicants to state the price at which they are willing to supply such commodity by reference to a deposited price list relating to such commodity, and in such case every application for appointment as official contractor for any such commodity shall be made on Forms A (1) and B (1) contained in the schedule to these Regulations and not on Forms A and B contained in the schedule to the Principal Order. 4. (1) No charge may be made by an official contractor in respect of any empty case or packing material which he has stated in an invoice to be not returnable by the Local Authority, unless such charge has been specified by the official contractor in his application for appointment. | |||||||||||||||||||
(2) Sub-article (4) of Article 7 of the Principal Order shall be amended in accordance with this Article. | |||||||||||||||||||
Given under My Official Seal, this Fifth day of July, | |||||||||||||||||||
in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine | |||||||||||||||||||
Hundred and Twenty-nine. | |||||||||||||||||||
(Signed) RISTEÁRD UA MAOLCHATHA, | |||||||||||||||||||
Minister for Local Government and Public Health. | |||||||||||||||||||
SCHEDULE. | |||||||||||||||||||
FORM A (1). | |||||||||||||||||||
I /WE, , do hereby make application to the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, in pursuance of the public notice given by him in this behalf, to be appointed an Official Contractor under the above-mentioned Act for the period beginning on the day of , 192 , and ending on the day of , 192 , for the supply of the commodities specified and particularised in the Specification of Commodities attached to this application on which I/We have affixed my/our name before making this application, to Local Authorities in any part of Saorstát Eireann in respect of which a price appears for such commodity in Column 4 of such specification ; | |||||||||||||||||||
And I/We hereby declare that I/We am/are acquainted with the deposited price list relating to the commodities specified in the said specification ; | |||||||||||||||||||
And I/We hereby further declare that I/We am/are willing to supply to local authorities in each area each of the commodities specified in the said specification at the price specified in the deposited price list relating to such commodities, reduced by the percentage set forth in Column 4 of the said specification in respect of such area ; | |||||||||||||||||||
And I/We further declare that I/We will deliver any of the said commodities required by any Local Authority at such times and in such instalments as shall be specified in the notification from the Local Authority, provided that I/We shall not be required to deliver a supply of any commodity in any area, within the period after such notification specified in Column 5 of the said specification in respect of such commodity ; | |||||||||||||||||||
And I/We hereby further declare that in the event of my/our being appointed Official Contractor, every commodity supplied by me/us to a Local Authority as such Official Contractor shall be of a standard of quality not inferior to that of the official sample of such commodity deposited for public inspection in the Offices of the Department of Local Government and Public Health (Trade Department), Custom House, Dublin, and in accordance with the standard specified in the said specification annexed hereto, and that I/We will supply such commodity to such Local Authorities in accordance with the conditions of supply prescribed by the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, in relation to such commodity, or generally, by regulations made under the above-mentioned Act. | |||||||||||||||||||
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FORM B (1). | |||||||||||||||||||
Period from............................................................ .to............................................................ .................... | |||||||||||||||||||
Specification of Commodities in respect of which application is made for appointment as official Contractor during the above period, with prices, areas of supply, periods for delivery, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||
These Commodities are to be delivered carriage paid to the Railway Station* nearest to the place of delivery indicated in the notification from the Local Authority of the quantity required. | |||||||||||||||||||
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*Note : Any special mode of delivery other than the above which the Minister has prescribed should be inserted in substitution for this line. |