S.I. No. 20/1929 - The Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) Amendment Regulations, 1928.
The Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations, 1928, dated 13th July, 1928, made by the Minister for Industry and Commerce under the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1926. | ||
The Minister for Industry and Commerce, in pursuance of Section 35 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920, as amended by subsection 3 of Section 6 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1924 , and of all other powers in this behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations :— 1. Paragraph (2) of Regulation 3 of the Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) Regulations, 1920, shall cease to have effect, and the following shall be substituted therefor and shall have effect in lieu thereof :— | ||
(2) (i). With the object of obtaining information from employers on the subject of conditions and disqualifications for unemployment benefit referred to in the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1926, the Minister shall, unless he considers it unnecessary or it is not practicable to do so, cause notice that the book has been lodged and that application has been made or that notice has been given at a Local Office under this Regulation, to be given forthwith to the person appearing to be the insured contributor's last employer, and on receipt of such notice the employer shall answer any inquiries that the Minister may direct relating to any matters on which the fulfilment of the conditions or the absence of the disqualifications depends. | ||
(ii) Any person whose presence is considered by the Minister to be necessary or desirable for the purpose of giving evidence concerning the claims and questions to be considered and determined by the Minister, umpire, insurance officers, and courts of referees, shall, for the purpose of the consideration and examination of any such claims and questions, attend at such place and time as may be stated in a notice caused by the Minister to be sent to him by registered post, or otherwise requiring his attendance and stating the date, time, place, and purpose of his attendance ; | ||
Provided that— | ||
The Minister, umpire, insurance officers, and courts of referees may proceed to consider and determine any claims and questions to be considered and determined by them notwithstanding the failure of any employer or person to comply with any requirement under the preceding paragraphs (i) and (ii). 2. Where by these Regulations any Regulation is directed to be substituted for any other Regulation in the Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) Regulations, 1920, copies of the Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) Regulations, 1920, printed under the authority of the Stationery Office after these Regulations come into force may be printed with the Regulation substituted by these Regulations and the Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) Regulations, 1920, shall be construed as if they had at the time at which these Regulations came into force been made with such substitution. 3. These Regulations may be cited as the Unemployment Insurance (Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations, 1928. | ||
Signed by Order of the Minister for Industry and Commerce this thirteenth day of July, 1928. | ||
(Signed) GORDON CAMPBELL, Secretary. | ||
Department of Industry and Commerce. |