Forfeiture of ships, &c. used in removal of raw goods.
202. All ships boats carriages, or other conveyances, together with all horses and other animals and things made use of in the importation landing removal or conveyance of any uncustomed prohibited restricted or other goods liable to forfeiture under the Customs Acts shall be forfeited, and all ships boats goods carriages or other conveyances, together with all horses and other animals and things liable to forfeiture, and all persons liable to be detained for any offence under the Customs Acts, or any other Act whereby officers of Customs are authorised to seize or detain persons, goods, or other things, shall or may be seized or detained in any place either upon land or water by any of the following persons, being duly employed for the prevention of smuggling, that is to say, any officer of Her Majesty's army navy marines coastguard Customs, or Excise, or by any person having authority from the Commissioners of Customs or Inland Revenue to seize, or by any constable or police officer of any county city or borough in the United Kingdom so employed with the sanction of the magistrates having jurisdiction therein, or under or by virtue of any Act in relation thereto; and all ships boats goods carriages or other conveyances, together with all horses and other animals and things so seized, shall forthwith be delivered into the care of the collector or other proper officer of Customs at the nearest Custom House; and the forfeiture of any ship boat carriage animal or other things shall be deemed to include the tackle apparel and furniture thereof, and the forfeiture of any goods shall be deemed to include the package in which the same are found and all the contents thereof.