Search for explosive when in place in contravention of this Act, or offence being committed with respect to it.
73. Where any of the following officers,—namely, any Government inspector, or any constable, or any officer of the local authority, if such constable or officer is specially authorised either (a) by a warrant of a justice (which warrant such justice may grant upon reasonable ground being assigned on oath), or (b) (where it appears to a superintendent or other officer of police of equal or superior rank, or to a Government inspector, that the case is one of emergency and that the delay in obtaining a warrant would be likely to endanger life,) by a written order from such superintendent, officer, or inspector—has reasonable cause to believe that any offence has been or is being committed with respect to an explosive in any place (whether a building or not, or a carriage, boat, or ship), or that any explosive is in any such place in contravention of this Act, or that the provisions of this Act are not duly observed in any such place, such officer may, on producing, if demanded, in the case of a Government inspector a copy of his appointment, and in the case of any other officer his authority, enter at any time, and if needs be by force, and as well on Sunday as on other days, the said place, and every part thereof, and examine the same, and search for explosives therein, and take samples of any explosive and ingredient of an explosive therein, and any substance reasonably supposed to be an explosive, or such ingredient which may be found therein.
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Any person who, by himself or by others fails to admit into any place occupied by or under the control of such person any officer demanding to enter in pursuance of this section, or in any way obstructs such officer in the execution of his duty under this section, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds, and shall also be liable to forfeit all explosives, and ingredients thereof, which are at the time of the offence in his possession or under his control at the said place.
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Where a constable or officer of the local authority specially authorised by written authority other than a warrant of a justice of the peace, enters and searches as above provided, a special report in writing of every act done by such constable or officer in pursuance of that authority, and of the grounds on which it is done, shall be forthwith sent by the person by whom or under whose authority it was done to the Secretary of State.