Clerks of boards of guardians to publish notices stating when and where lists may be inspected, &c.
18. Every clerk of any board of guardians to whom copies of any such lists shall be transmitted as aforesaid shall, within three days after the receipt of such lists, cause to be affixed a notice on the principal outer door or gate pier of the church, and of any one Roman Catholic chapel, and of any one Presbyterian meeting house, if any, within every parish or part of a parish (included in the union) in which any hereditaments or tenements contained in such list are situate, stating the time at which said lists were so transmitted, and the time and place at which said lists may be inspected, and shall, at all reasonable hours on every day, from and after the receipt of said lists, for twenty-one days then next ensuing, leave open for public inspection at the workhouse of the union, and at the station of each party of constabulary, if any, situate within any such parish, copies of the said lists, and shall permit extracts to be taken therefrom at all reasonable times as aforesaid: Provided always, that in all cases in which no clerk shall have been appointed to the board of guardians of any union, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners for administering the Laws for the Relief of the Poor in Ireland to appoint a person to act in his stead.