Where parties refuse to convey, or do not show title, or cannot be found, the purchase money to be deposited.
76. If the owner of any such lands purchased or taken by the promoters of the undertaking, or of any interest therein, on tender of the purchase money or compensation either agreed or awarded to be paid in respect thereof refuse to accept the same, or neglect or fail to make out a title to such lands, or to the interest therein claimed by him, to the satisfaction of the promoters of the undertaking, (or if he refuse to convey or release such lands as directed by the promoters of the undertaking,) or if any such owner be absent from the kingdom, or cannot after diligent inquiry be found, or fail to appear on the inquiry before a jury, as herein provided for, it shall be lawful for the promoters of the undertaking to deposit the purchase money or compensation payable in respect of such lands, or any interest therein, in the Bank, in the name and with the privity of the accountant general of the Court of Chancery, to be placed, except in the cases herein otherwise provided for, to his account there, to the credit of the parties interested in such lands, (describing them, so far as the promoters of the undertaking can do,) subject to the control and disposition of the said court.