St. Mary's Parish Act 1749
CHAP. XIX. | ||
An Act for dividing the parish of Saint Mary within the city and suburbs of Dublin into two distinct parishes. | ||
The cure become too great: | ||
Church not large enough; | ||
Agreement for a division by patrons, incumbent, and ordinary. | ||
Divided into a parishes from 24 March 1749. | ||
St. Mary and St. Thomas, | ||
17 & 18 C. 2. 7. | ||
WHEREAS the parish of Saint Mary, situate in the city and Suburbs of Dublin, by the late increase of building and inhabitants is become a cure too great to be discharged by one single incumbent; and the parochial church therein is not large enough for the convenient accommodation of the parishioners thereof to hear divine service, and perform religious duties: and whereas the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, commonly called Christs-Church, patrons of the said parish of Saint Mary, and the reverend William Fletcher incumbent thereof, by and with the consent of the most reverend Charles, archbishop of Dublin, ordinary of the place, have agreed to the division hereafter mentioned; but such division cannot be made without the aid of an act of Parliament: for remedy therefore of the said inconveniencies, and for establishing the said division, be it enacted by the King’s most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the said parish of Saint Mary shall from the twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine be divided into two several parishes; and the precinct or compass of ground, of which the same doth now consist, shall from the said twenty fourth day of March one thousand seven hundred and forty nine for ever there-after be two several parishes, to be divided, separated, and distinguished, as herein after mentioned, and be respectively called by the names of the parish of Saint Mary and the parish of Saint Thomas, according to such their division and description after mentioned; each of which shall be separate and independant from the other, and shall each of them by themselves have all parochial rights and privileges as separate and distinct parishes; and that there shall be for each of them a several parochial church, and a rector and minister several and independant from the other, and constant and perpetual succeeding rectors or ministers there for ever, who shall each of them respectively have cure of Souls in the said respective parishes, and have, enjoy, and receive from the inhabitants of their said respective parishes all such ecclesiastical dues, as are now of right or by custom belonging to the rector or minister of Saint Mary aforesaid; and also such sums of money as are already or hereafter shall be allotted, ascertained, or charged for the rector or minister on the several houses, now built or which hereafter shall be built in the said parishes respectively, pursuant to an act of Parliament passed in this kingdom, intituled, An act for provision of ministers in cities, corporate towns, and making the church of Saint Andrews in the suburbs of the city of Dublin presentative for ever; and that there shall be for each of the said parishes church-wardens, a parish-clerk, and other usual parish-officers, in succession for ever, who shall perform the several and respective parish-duties belonging to their respective offices, and have and receive the several and respective profits, benefits, priviledges, and advantages, usually enjoyed, and of right belonging to such respective offices in parishes within the city or suburbs of Dublin. |