Altered and amended 23 G. 2. 15.
Abuses in markets by combination of salesmen with butchers;
and by selling stolen cattle in Smithfield at unseasonable hours.
Markets shall not be opened for sale of cattle before 6 from Lady day, nor before 8 from Michaelmas:
Market bells to toll.
Cattle not to be bought on the road within 6 miles of market, but publickly sold in market.
Penalty 10l. to informer, by civil bill.
Salesmen in Smithfield to give recognizance 500l. before lord mayor, lodged in Tholsel, to account honestly and pay the money, and to sell openly without fraud.
23 G. 2. 15.
Penalty 10l. to informer, by civil bill,
WHEREAS several abuses frequently happen in the markets of Smithfield in Dublin and elsewhere in this kingdom by persons, who undertake to sell cattle or sheep, commonly called salesmen, by combining with butchers and others, and under-selling the cattle or sheep of their employers, and by their breaking and running away with the money the said cattle or sheep are sold for, and by the great interest the said persons have in the said markets with the butchers and others, it is difficult for any person to sell his own cattle or sheep, but such persons are under a necessity to employ some of the said salesmen: and whereas by opening the said market of Smithfield at unseasonable hours, and by selling cattle or sheep in winter time before day, very often stolen cattle or sheep are sold, and, when once drove out of the said market, it is hard to find them out: for remedy whereof, be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the first day of February one thousand seven hundred and twenty three the said markets of Smithfield, and all other markets in this kingdom for the sale of cattle or sheep as aforesaid, shall not be opened, or the cattle or sheep exposed to sale before the hour of six in the morning from Lady-day till Michaelmas, nor before the hour of eight in the morning from Michaelmas till Lady-day, at which hours the market-bells shall toll to give notice thereof; and that no butcher or other person shall buy or contract for cattle or sheep on the road coming to market within six miles of such market; but that all such cattle or sheep shall be publickly sold in the said markets after the hours before mentioned; and that every person or persons, acting contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall forfeit the sum of ten pounds, to be paid to the informer, [Rep., Stat. Law Rev. (I.) Act, 1878.] and to be recovered by civil bill in such courts, where proceedings by civil bill may by law be had and made; and that any person or persons, taking upon him or them to sell cattle or sheep in the said market of Smithfield, as a salesman as aforesaid, shall enter into and give good and sufficient security by way of recognizance before the lord mayor of the city of Dublin for the time being, to be approved of by the said lord mayor, who is hereby empowered to take the same, in the penalty of five hundred pounds; which recognizance shall be lodged in the Tholsel-office to be perused and made use of, as occasion shall require, without fee or reward, and shall be made with condition, That such salesman or salesmen shall and will faithfully and honestly account for and pay such sum or sums of money, which he or they shall sell any cattle or sheep for, which shall be sent to him or them to be sold; and that such salesman shall make such sale publickly and openly without fraud or deceit; and that any person acting as a salesman, not having given such security as is herein before directed, shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of ten pounds, to be paid to the informer, and to be recovered in manner aforesaid. [Rep., Stat. Law Rev. (I.) Act, 1878.]