Union of Oran and Drumtemple in Elphin:
the church at Oran to be rebuilt.
II. And whereas the parishes of Oran and Drumtemple in the said diocess of Elphin are fit to be united, and that the antient church of Oran within the said parish of Oran, is conveniently situated for the parishioners of the said parishes to repair unto, were the same rebuilt: be it enabled by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the bishop of the said diocess, with the approbation of the archbishop of the province, and the consent of the respective patrons, incumbents, and the major part of the inhabitants of the said parishes, to order the church to be rebuilt at Oran in the said parish of Oran, and to unite the said parishes of Oran and Drumtemple; and the said parishes so united shall be called by the name of the parish of Oran; and the inhabitants of the said united parish shall from time to time be liable to and chargeable with building and keeping in repair the said church of Oran; which shall for ever be deemed and taken to be one parish to all intents and purposes whatsoever, any law or statute to the contrary in any wise not withstanding.