Communications (Retention of Data) Act 2011


Section 3 .


Fixed network telephony and mobile telephony data to be retained under section 3

1. Data necessary to trace and identify the source of a communication:

(a) the calling telephone number;

(b) the name and address of the subscriber or registered user.

2. Data necessary to identify the destination of a communication:

(a) the number dialled (the telephone number called) and, in cases involving supplementary services such as call forwarding or call transfer, the number or numbers to which the call is routed;

(b) the name and address of the subscriber or registered user.

3. Data necessary to identify the date and time of the start and end of a communication.

4. Data necessary to identify the type of communication:

the telephone service used.

5. Data necessary to identify users’ communications equipment or what purports to be their equipment:

(a) the calling and called telephone number;

(b) the International Mobile Subscriber Identifier (IMSI) of the called and calling parties (mobile telephony only);

(c) the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of the called and calling parties (mobile telephony only);

(d) in the case of pre-paid anonymous services, the date and time of the initial activation of the service and the cell ID from which the service was activated (mobile telephony only).

6. Data necessary (mobile telephony only) to identify the location of mobile communication equipment:

(a) the cell ID at the start of the communication;

(b) data identifying the geographical location of cells by reference to their cell ID during the period for which communication data are retained.


Internet access, Internet e-mail and Internet telephony data to be retained under section 3

1. Data necessary to trace and identify the source of a communication:

(a) the user ID allocated;

(b) the user ID and telephone number allocated to any communication entering the public telephone network;

(c) the name and address of the subscriber or registered user to whom an Internet Protocol (IP) address, user ID or telephone number was allocated at the time of the communication.

2. Data necessary to identify the destination of a communication:

(a) the user ID or telephone number of the intended recipient of an Internet telephony call;

(b) the name and address of the subscriber or registered user and user ID of the intended recipient of the communication.

3. Data necessary to identify the date, time and duration of a communication:

(a) the date and time of the log-in and log-off of the Internet access service, based on a certain time zone, together with the IP address, whether dynamic or static, allocated by the Internet access service provider to a communication, and the user ID of the subscriber or registered user;

(b) the date and time of the log-in and log-off of the Internet e-mail service or Internet telephony service, based on a certain time zone.

4. Data necessary to identify the type of communication:

the Internet service used.

5. Data necessary to identify users’ communication equipment or what purports to be their equipment:

(a) the calling telephone number for dial-up access;

(b) the digital subscriber line (DSL) or other end point of the originator of the communication.