Company Law Enforcement Act, 2001

Director's power to examine liquidator's books.

57.—(1) The Director may on his or her own motion or where a complaint is made to the Director by a member, contributory or creditor of the company, request, specifying the reason why the request is being made, the liquidator of a company in liquidation to produce to the Director the liquidator's books for examination, either in relation to a particular liquidation process or to all liquidations undertaken by the liquidator, and the liquidator shall comply with the request.

(2) The liquidator shall answer any questions of the Director concerning the content of the books requested under subsection (1) to be produced and the conduct of a particular liquidation or all liquidations, and give to the Director such assistance in the matter as the liquidator is reasonably able to give.

(3) A request under subsection (1) may not be made in respect of books relating to a liquidation that has concluded more than 6 years prior to the request.

(4) A liquidator who fails to comply with a request or requirement under this section is guilty of an offence.