Insurance Act, 2000


Section 12 .

“Third Schedule

Information for Policyholders

Annex II

Information for Policyholders

The following information, which is to be communicated to the policyholder before the contract is concluded (A) or during the term of the contract (B), must be provided in a clear and accurate manner, in writing, in an official language of the Member State of the commitment.

However, such information may be in another language if the policyholder so requests and the law of the Member State so permits or the policyholder is free to choose the law applicable.

A. Before concluding the contract

Information about the assurance under-taking

Information about the commitment

(a)1. The name of the undertaking and its legal form

(a)4. Definition of each benefit and each option

(a)2. The name of the Member State in which the head office and, where appropriate, the agency or branch concluding the contract is situated

(a)5. Term of the contract

(a)6. Means of terminating the contract

(a)3. The address of the head office and, where appropriate, of the agency or branch concluding the contract

(a)7. Means of payment of premiums and duration of payments

(a)8. Means of calculation and distri- bution of bonuses

(a)9. Indication of surrender and paid-up values and the extent to which they are guaranteed

(a)10. Information on the premiums for each benefit, both main benefits and supplementary benefits, where appropriate

(a)11. For unit-linked policies, definition of the units to which the benefits are linked

(a)12. Indication of the nature of the underlying assets for unit-linked policies

(a)13. Arrangements for application of the cooling-off period

(a)14. General information on the tax arrangements applicable to the type of policy

(a)15. The arrangements for handling complaints concerning contracts by policyholders, lives assured or beneficiaries under contracts including, where appropriate, the existence of a complaints body, without prejudice to the right to take legal proceedings

(a)16. Law applicable to the contract where the parties do not have a free choice or, where the parties are free to choose the law applic- able, the law the assurer proposes to choose

B. During the term of the contract

In addition to the policy conditions, both general and special, the policyholder must receive the following information throughout the term of the contract.

Information about the assurance under- taking

Information about the commitment

(b)1. Any change in the name of the undertaking, its legal form or the address of its head office and, where appropriate, of the agency or branch which concluded the contract

(b)2. All the information listed in points (a)4 to (a)12 of A in the event of a change in the policy conditions or amendment of the law applicable to the contract

(b)3. Every year, information on the state of bonuses